Let me say first of all, this is not a troll. I am not looking for opinions on which is better, TrackIR or the AH view system using a hat switch. After 4 months in AH I believe there are advantages to both and that switching from one to the other may be helpful depending on circumstance. I have tried this with limited success and wonder if anyone uses both systems successfully.
I find Tack IR to be great for general SA since it is so natural to look around and have an almost unlimited ability to adjust the view with small changes in head position. I have problems, however, in a fight while trying to close on and aim at an NME while checking my 6 and other views for threats. For example, I may be saddled up on an NME centered in my sites at 1,000 yards and closing. I turn my head to check my 6 and then back to the front view to find that, because my head has not returned to exactly the same position, the gun sight is off to one side slightly and I no longer seem to be right on the NME’s 6. This is easily fixed since I have a button to re-center Track IR. I hit it and see that the NME is still centered in my sight or to what extent I may be off. But then, if I try to check my 6 again I find that my rear view has changed because I have centered Track IR to a new head position, sometimes to the extent that I don’t have a good rear view. I then return to the front view to find it’s a little off again. I can then re-center Track IR with my head in a position that I know will give me a good rear view so I can check my 6 but then I need to re-center when I return to the forward view if I hope to still shoot the NME, since my head has not gone back to exactly the same position. I have similar challenges with ground attack. I like to zoom the view in when aiming which further compounds the challenge.
What I would like to do is set up and save fixed zoomed and unzoomed views to be used via the hat switch with Track IR paused. (I have switches on my CH Fighterstick to pause and re-center TrackIR.) I could then pause TrackIR in situations like I described and use the saved views.
I have set up and saved views as described on the Training Corps website. They work fine until after I use TrackIR again. The next time I pause TrackIR and use the hat switch the saved views seem to be lost. Has anyone else tried this with any success? I know I’m asking for the best of both worlds but it seem like it should be possible.
I assume other TrackIR users have encountered the same issue. Is there another solution?
Any help will be appreciated.