Author Topic: Why is it always HiTech?  (Read 2386 times)

Offline Atoon

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Re: Why is it always HiTech?
« Reply #45 on: January 21, 2007, 07:00:59 PM »
Originally posted by Helrazr1
I have been reading alot on the bbs' lately, and I've noticed a trend that quite frankly sucks.  

Anytime anyone has a problem (no matter what it is) it is always posted as being HiTech's fault, or HTC.  Granted, some of the problems are an HTC issue, but half of them are just rants to get people riled up at "the man"

Just a guess here, but I don't think that HTC has any desire to be "the man", or the bad guy.

These complaints range from tyraids about getting muted to people blaming HTC for tech issues becuase they can't work their own computer properly.

IMHO, we need to give these folks a break!  Look at the ammount of work that they have to put into making this game what it is, and then look at the number of people that they have doing it.  I don't think that I've ever seen an issue posted on these forums that wasn't addressed fairly quickly, and yet people still want to complain.  


Does it serve a purpose?

Does it get problems resolved more quickly?

It's a good thing that I'm not in charge, because I think that when I came across some of these posts, I would "walk" right by them.  Why help someone who wants to do nothing more than make me and my company out to be the bad guy all of the time.

We are just lucky that HTC has not taken this stance YET.

How impossible of a job it must be to try to please 5000+ people with everything you do, and every change you make.

Next time you want to get on here and complain, take a second and think of the countless hours of fun you have gotten due to the fact that these guys (and gals) devote their professional lives to providing that enjoyment, and relax a little bit.

Cut them some freaking slack!!!!!

Helrazer- show me in this post where you compare posting rants & raves on BBS to writing an email to HTC, I just cant find it.  (For the record I have had MANY issues get overlooked by HTC on the BBS, and not a single one get overlooked when I write an Email to techsupport.)

Dale- I never asked how much you make, and if you don't want people being able to figure out yer gross monthly, I suggest you utilize a different ranking system.

Its Helrazers opinion that you guys deserve a break, Its my opinion that you get yer break every payday.
Thanx for addressing the signature issue FAIRLY, I am morally aloud to patronize your business again. I am Anton & Uknome, Current game-ID Anton1.   *-Brown Nosers STINK!-*

Offline mussie

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Why is it always HiTech?
« Reply #46 on: January 21, 2007, 07:14:53 PM »
There are over 3000 posts on the collision model and ramming....

I guess that after a while, the HTC gang might just get sick of answering the same questions over and over again.


This is the only online game I can play on dial up from OZ and get a fair and usually non-warpy game.

If we have a problem with the arena its fix promptly.

If a user cant figure out how to do somthing, Skuzzy assists far more than most companies I know would. and is always polite and incredably proficient. (would love to see some stats on just how many things are user error)

I had a hassel with my CC and my sub was not paid, then a second hassel getting it sorted. it was a pleasure to deal with Carrie who was patient and polite whilst sorting it out

I think this fact shows that the HTC gang supply and support a quality product.

I also think that if the fact they do this for a measly 14.95 a month is pretty cool.

I dont think it means they should have to put up with crap

HT, Pyro, Sudz, Superfly, Skuzzy, Carrie, Waffle and Natedog (hope i did not miss anyone :) )

Offline MIShill

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Why is it always HiTech?
« Reply #47 on: January 21, 2007, 07:15:38 PM »
It must be nice to work at a job doing something YOU YOURSELF like, and so many other people like- some to the point of addiction- and be able to look at the pitiful complaints that you see on these boards. We all like this game, that's why we're here. I envy HITECH, despite what the occassional twit posts.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2007, 07:17:42 PM by MIShill »

Offline Helrazr1

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Re: Re: Why is it always HiTech?
« Reply #48 on: January 21, 2007, 08:03:48 PM »
Originally posted by Atoon
Helrazer- show me in this post where you compare posting rants & raves on BBS to writing an email to HTC, I just cant find it.  (For the record I have had MANY issues get overlooked by HTC on the BBS, and not a single one get overlooked when I write an Email to techsupport.)

Dale- I never asked how much you make, and if you don't want people being able to figure out yer gross monthly, I suggest you utilize a different ranking system.

Its Helrazers opinion that you guys deserve a break, Its my opinion that you get yer break every payday.

OK, obviously you didn't read my last post.  I will proceed to dumb it down even more for you.  What I said (paraphrased) is that it's much more productive to send an email to HTC rather than getting on the BBS' to rant about........whatever your issue is.  My point is very simple:  Stop crying on the BBS' if you have an issue, and trying to make the HTC staff look bad, and send them a private email stating your issue.

Now, that said, I'm done with this thread.  I find it absolutely rediculous that I can put up a post trying to, in essence, praise the folks that put in all of the work so that we may reap the benefits, only to have people like you turn it into a fight about whether they deserve a break now and again.

I hope, for your sake, that you either find the error in your line of thinking, or just stop posting.  You truely are making yourself look worse with every post!

BTW, Mussie, you got it right sir.  I second all of the well deserved Salutes that you insightfully posted, and a big to you too!

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Why is it always HiTech?
« Reply #49 on: January 21, 2007, 08:09:21 PM »
Right Back At Ya Mate

Offline 2bighorn

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Re: Re: Re: Why is it always HiTech?
« Reply #50 on: January 21, 2007, 08:27:32 PM »
Originally posted by Helrazr1
Now, that said, I'm done with this thread.  I find it absolutely rediculous that I can put up a post trying to, in essence, praise the folks that put in all of the work so that we may reap the benefits, only to have people like you turn it into a fight about whether they deserve a break now and again.

No offense, but your first post looks like a whine about whiners.

You'd have more success with simple "Thank you HTC for all your work on wonderful game, please ignore all the whiners, they're just loud minority" and add maybe your reasons why you think so.

Now, on the business side, you'll always receive more complaints then praise. It's just how it works.

Offline Max

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Why is it always HiTech?
« Reply #51 on: January 21, 2007, 09:48:21 PM »
Atoon are you a paying customer?

Offline Coach

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Why is it always HiTech?
« Reply #52 on: January 21, 2007, 10:05:50 PM »
Originally posted by Max
Atoon are you a paying customer?


It has been my experience that ones who even make the stupid bellybutton remarks that (insert proper handle here so skuzzy won't kill post) has made, has difficulty paying the dues this game requires.  However, I may be wrong.  Just my own experience :D

« Last Edit: January 21, 2007, 10:15:00 PM by Coach »


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Why is it always HiTech?
« Reply #53 on: January 21, 2007, 10:53:32 PM »
Atoon, u my friend are a watermelon stirrer.

Just thought I would share Atoon's Stat's w/ everyone


Post something when you got something to bk it!!


If you don't believe me... look it up!!
Hitting trees since tour 78

Offline Atoon

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Why is it always HiTech?
« Reply #54 on: January 21, 2007, 10:56:07 PM »
Yea, im a subscriber, for about 5-6 years now.
I remember when the game was about the fight, not the win.
I remember when the subscription was quite abit more money per month, which coincidently was when the game was alot more fun.

The HTC groupies all wanna be mad at me for my opinion that the staff is well compensated for their time........ no sweat off my back.  But I bet you wont hear anyone deny it either......
Thanx for addressing the signature issue FAIRLY, I am morally aloud to patronize your business again. I am Anton & Uknome, Current game-ID Anton1.   *-Brown Nosers STINK!-*

Offline Atoon

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Why is it always HiTech?
« Reply #55 on: January 21, 2007, 10:59:41 PM »
Originally posted by RATTFINK
Atoon, u my friend are a watermelon stirrer.

Just thought I would share Atoon's Stat's w/ everyone


Post something when you got something to bk it!!


If you don't believe me... look it up!!

I'm not sure who the in game ID Atoon belongs to, but it aint me & this isn't the first time someone thought those were my scores. But I'll give you an A on your effort!
Thanx for addressing the signature issue FAIRLY, I am morally aloud to patronize your business again. I am Anton & Uknome, Current game-ID Anton1.   *-Brown Nosers STINK!-*

Offline Atoon

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Why is it always HiTech?
« Reply #56 on: January 21, 2007, 11:03:59 PM »
Fighter (Rank)
 Attack (Rank)
 Vehicle/Boat (Rank)
vs. Enemies Kills / Deaths + 1
 2.37313 (462)
 0.25 (1995)
 0.25 (2438)
Kills / Sorties
 1.31405 (512)
 0.16667 (2069)
 0.07692 (2794)
Kills / Hour
 5.22 (1070)
 0.72 (2244)
 0.756 (2854)
Hit percentage
 10.295 % (233)
 64.53 % (233)
 3.374 % (2179)
 15575.3791 (569)
 1073.94454 (1298)
 0.75 (3152)


 Bomber (Rank)
 Attack (Rank)
 Vehicle/Boat (Rank)
vs. Objects Damage / Deaths + 1
 2092.55639 (2186)
 30686.0322 (100)
 559.94536 (1118)
Damage / Sorties
 2511.06767 (1956)
 20457.3548 (61)
 172.29088 (1394)
Hit percentage
 100 % (1455)
 306.25 % (103)
 0 % (4368)
 12555.33834 (2523)
 122744.12882 (599)
 2239.78143 (1755)
Field Captures
 0 (4463)
 0 (3152)
 1 (908)

 Fighter Bomber Attack Vehicle/Boat Total
Kills 159 0 1 1 161
Assists 28 0 1 0 29
Sorties 121 5 6 13 145
Landed 48 0 2 7 57
Bailed 1 0 0 0 1
Ditched 6 0 1 3 10
Captured 3 1 1 0 5
Death 61 4 2 3 70
Disco 2 0 0 0 2
Time hh:mm:ss 30:29:59 00:24:42 01:24:26 01:18:21 33:37:28
Rank 316 2192 743 1847 880
Thanx for addressing the signature issue FAIRLY, I am morally aloud to patronize your business again. I am Anton & Uknome, Current game-ID Anton1.   *-Brown Nosers STINK!-*


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Why is it always HiTech?
« Reply #57 on: January 21, 2007, 11:04:10 PM »

Hitting trees since tour 78

Offline Atoon

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Why is it always HiTech?
« Reply #58 on: January 21, 2007, 11:12:51 PM »
wusamata rattfink? dont be upset cause my score whips on yers. I used to be alot better when the game was so much fun I couldnt tear myself away from it.
Thanx for addressing the signature issue FAIRLY, I am morally aloud to patronize your business again. I am Anton & Uknome, Current game-ID Anton1.   *-Brown Nosers STINK!-*

Offline BansheCH

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Why is it always HiTech?
« Reply #59 on: January 21, 2007, 11:23:07 PM »
Well this rates a 9.7 on my closed thread-o-meter.
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