Author Topic: Winning TT Map  (Read 4657 times)

Offline SkyRock

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Winning TT Map
« Reply #180 on: January 25, 2007, 04:04:37 PM »
Originally posted by Virage
Skyrocks comments are personal attacks and I am sure break at least 1 rule of the BBS.  Posts like these are bad for the community and shouldn't be tolerated.

Go back through the thread before you start pointing fingers and accusing people of personal attacks.  You will see that I am in a defensive posture with this fellow!  What is the difference in calling someone a crybaby and calling someone a weenie???? :rolleyes:
P.S.  I sure hope the person behind the name of Crockett isn't taking BBS babble to heart anyway!  I sure don't!

Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"

Offline SkyRock

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« Reply #181 on: January 25, 2007, 04:08:38 PM »
Originally posted by DREDger
Posts like these are bad for the community and shouldn't be tolerated

Virage, I couldn't agree more in your reference to what Skyrock says to Crockett.

Thats really just the tip of the iceburg on what has been said in this post by those 'against the capture TT center' group.'   Borderline personal attacks and certainly shrill.  Sacrasm, threats, insults, you name it.  rolleyes:

It has mostly degenerated into 'i've played longer' and 'nobody likes you' and plenty others.  Look at Skyrocks first post to me.

DREDger, I just posted this but not to you so here it goes, Don't play in the kitchen and use the stove if you can't handle the fire!  You're hands are not soiless in the mudslinging bro!  Why not looking back to Crocketts original post directed towards me?  :rolleyes:

Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"

Offline SkyRock

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« Reply #182 on: January 25, 2007, 04:15:04 PM »
Originally posted by Bronk

Although sometimes a male, Crybaby is usually a female, and often a close ally of Innocence Abused. When teased or attacked Crybaby will pitch a loud public temper tantrum, holding her breath and kicking her feet. If that defense fails she will run to Nanny for comfort.

 Now begins cries for Skuzzy to edit/lock the thread.
 Not surprising which side is starting that call.


Funny stuff!  Some(note: no names mentioned!) seem to take all this babble to heart!  LMAO!:rofl   I play a game, I have opinions, games should be fun, smack talking can be fun, dweeb is not a bad word, TT only exist in a program, my F4U-1 looks cartoonish.......etc!  Talk about being childish, mature people know the difference between make believe and what is merely virtual enjoyment!
to all who have posted in this thread......even the weenies! :D

Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"

Offline kj714

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Winning TT Map
« Reply #183 on: January 25, 2007, 04:15:35 PM »
Dredger was for the posts before he was against them

Offline kj714

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« Reply #184 on: January 25, 2007, 04:17:30 PM »
"Crybaby is usually a female"

Great, now we're sexists too.

Offline kj714

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Winning TT Map
« Reply #185 on: January 25, 2007, 06:20:28 PM »
Originally posted by Masherbrum
Keep deliberately changing my name, it makes your stance more clear.

Actually Dredger I feel your pain here more than you know. I don't know how long you've been playing, but to tell the truth this isn't the first "Tank Town" type map. The particular map I'm thinking of possibly wasn't as Tank Townish as the current one but it is out of rotation as are many of the great maps that never made it across the divide. (gawd, I loved "AK Desert"). Anyway, as a new pup, (btw "puphood" is easily your first year, maybe even 2 years in this game, after four years (AHI) I don't consider myself a "vet" by any means) I too wanted resets more than anything else, "WTW" was paramount, and this particular map caused a bunch of people to congregate in one area, stealing resources from missions and such designed to reset the map, and I too posted my laments about that situation. As well I got roasted much as you are now about such things as "wanting everyone to play your way".  

So I've been down this road, I disagree with ya now, but I know what stage of the game you're at as far as player mentality. Nothing wrong with it, just part of the process. But the same goes for the other folks on here too.

So take it the right way, when I say don't talk about, do it, or come to grips with the fact that you can't reset the map with your current supporters and really are just wrecking other peoples fun for no good reason.

Offline DREDger

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Winning TT Map
« Reply #186 on: January 25, 2007, 07:04:43 PM »

A very respectable post you just put there.  A differing opinion but well written nontheless.

Just to give you some background, I've been playing now going on about 5 years.

Last year I went to the convention and had a blast, met some fun guys and the playing was great.  HiTech(Dale) set up a 2v2 touney which me and a squadie won uber alles, and I got to ride in his RV8 as victors reward.

You may remember last conventions when a bunch of RV8's showed up in the game.  They were armed with two 20mm vulcan cannons with unlimited ammo.  I asked HiTech what for, and he said "To go griefing, why else?"  (so for any of you labeling me a 'griefer', just remember what the supreme monkey monk of this game seemed to enjoy)

The fun in the game for me now is organization and the captures.  I don't know if any of you have really tried to run missions, but they are TOUGH to do well.  (unless you just say join mission, lets all head over like a mob of drunks)  As opposed to, you get this, you get that, your backup here, so on so forth.

Anyway, I am not convinced TT map can be won without the center under the new conditions.  Like I said I'll watch and see, not the end of the world either way.  That is the game I like to play though, sorry if it seems inexperienced or bothers some, but my play has been within the bounds of acceptable behavior and style.

« Last Edit: January 25, 2007, 07:23:23 PM by DREDger »

Offline SkyRock

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« Reply #187 on: January 25, 2007, 07:22:09 PM »
Originally posted by kj714
Dredger was for the posts before he was against them

LMAO!  Srry DREDger this one is funny as he11!:aok

Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"

Offline crockett

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Winning TT Map
« Reply #188 on: January 25, 2007, 07:26:39 PM »
One thing to take note of..

While we (rooks) have stopped trying to capture the TT bases at least mission wise from Dredger. I've noticed the Bish have continued to try to or have captured TT bases..

I jumped in a little while ago to see the Bish had captured the Rook's TT V base and while I was in game they did a real big bomber mission against the TT A base.

At that point in the game, they had captured back the rook bases we recapped yesterday. So one can assume that even the Bish are finding out there is no way to win the map with out taking TT bases.

Offline RedTop

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Winning TT Map
« Reply #189 on: January 25, 2007, 07:43:25 PM »
Originally posted by crockett
One thing to take note of..

While we (rooks) have stopped trying to capture the TT bases at least mission wise from Dredger. I've noticed the Bish have continued to try to or have captured TT bases..

I jumped in a little while ago to see the Bish had captured the Rook's TT V base and while I was in game they did a real big bomber mission against the TT A base.

At that point in the game, they had captured back the rook bases we recapped yesterday. So one can assume that even the Bish are finding out there is no way to win the map with out taking TT bases.

Or revenge for yall doing it....

the ole...well they did it so we're going to do it...

that COULDNT even enter the equasion.....

Its they "See the light" and the war must be and can only be won by taking the TT bases......

Got it:aok
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Offline Donzo

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Winning TT Map
« Reply #190 on: January 25, 2007, 07:46:21 PM »
Originally posted by crockett
One thing to take note of..

While we (rooks) have stopped trying to capture the TT bases at least mission wise from Dredger. I've noticed the Bish have continued to try to or have captured TT bases..

I jumped in a little while ago to see the Bish had captured the Rook's TT V base and while I was in game they did a real big bomber mission against the TT A base.

At that point in the game, they had captured back the rook bases we recapped yesterday. So one can assume that even the Bish are finding out there is no way to win the map with out taking TT bases.

Between you and storchie I've gotten more than enough comic relief today.

Thank you. :aok

Offline E25280

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Winning TT Map
« Reply #191 on: January 25, 2007, 10:10:41 PM »
Originally posted by crockett
One thing to take note of..

While we (rooks) have stopped trying to capture the TT bases at least mission wise from Dredger. I've noticed the Bish have continued to try to or have captured TT bases..

I jumped in a little while ago to see the Bish had captured the Rook's TT V base and while I was in game they did a real big bomber mission against the TT A base.

At that point in the game, they had captured back the rook bases we recapped yesterday. So one can assume that even the Bish are finding out there is no way to win the map with out taking TT bases.
I don't think anyone ever accused you of being the only griefer out there . . .

Hmmm . . . the next door neighbor kicks his dog.  Guess that means I can do it too . . .

Nope.  That logic doesn't work.  Someone else misbehaving does not give you license to do so, nor excuses your past misbehavior.
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Offline kj714

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Winning TT Map
« Reply #192 on: January 26, 2007, 02:14:24 AM »
Originally posted by DREDger

A very respectable post you just put there.  A differing opinion but well written nontheless.

Just to give you some background, I've been playing now going on about 5 years.

Last year I went to the convention and had a blast, met some fun guys and the playing was great.  HiTech(Dale) set up a 2v2 touney which me and a squadie won uber alles, and I got to ride in his RV8 as victors reward.

You may remember last conventions when a bunch of RV8's showed up in the game.  They were armed with two 20mm vulcan cannons with unlimited ammo.  I asked HiTech what for, and he said "To go griefing, why else?"  (so for any of you labeling me a 'griefer', just remember what the supreme monkey monk of this game seemed to enjoy)

The fun in the game for me now is organization and the captures.  I don't know if any of you have really tried to run missions, but they are TOUGH to do well.  (unless you just say join mission, lets all head over like a mob of drunks)  As opposed to, you get this, you get that, your backup here, so on so forth.

Anyway, I am not convinced TT map can be won without the center under the new conditions.  Like I said I'll watch and see, not the end of the world either way.  That is the game I like to play though, sorry if it seems inexperienced or bothers some, but my play has been within the bounds of acceptable behavior and style.


Thats what I get for making assumptions. :rofl

Just curious, who were you before you were Dredger? I've probably flown in plenty of your missions before. Seems like I remember flying some "Dred" missions before and on AK Desert especially through the killer canyon, same guy? Was it FBDred or something like that?

I personally haven't seen a map reset in ages, don't really fly enough anymore, liked the old maps better anyway. Maybe that swhy I'm no tso into the resets anymore, the new map won't be any better. But I still vote for letting the people play wack-a-mole to their hearts content.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2007, 04:07:44 AM by kj714 »

Offline Masherbrum

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Winning TT Map
« Reply #193 on: January 26, 2007, 05:57:02 AM »
Originally posted by RedTop
Or revenge for yall doing it....

We have a winner!
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Offline Masherbrum

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Winning TT Map
« Reply #194 on: January 26, 2007, 06:21:58 AM »
Originally posted by DREDger
Keep deliberately changing my name

Oh, Masherbrum, not 'bum', srry just a typo, my mistake.


Originally posted by DREDger

Originally posted by DREDger
Masherburn:  Im not even going to copy and paste what you've written.  

Originally posted by DREDger

Originally posted by DREDger
KJ and Masherbum

You need to retake an English class then, two wouldn't hurt you either.   You're quoting me 1/2 the time and you are deliberately spelling it wrong.  Thank you for participating, you slung names first.  :aok
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