Originally posted by BMnot
Actually i stated IMHO. But, to me it is fact. When does life begin? When is it not okay to kill another human being?? What gives us the right to decide, for our "convenience", that a child dies?
The laws may never change, but neither will my feelings. As the father of two children, it is beyond me how people can think of kids as an "inconvenience".
Well why not say it begins with the sperm cells then?
Can it be denied they are alive? In fact they actually have a life span. so they must be alive.
And being of human origin, Human life? Or at least potential human life.
In that case many of us are mass murderers LOL
Far as Im concerned a fetus isnt alive untill it can viably live on its own,without the help of a life supporting system Outside of the womb. Untill then it is only a potential life..
I too am a father of two and do not see how people can think of kids as an inconvienience, But. I can think of several reasons to IMO jusifiably abort a pregnancy, such as rape, severe birth defects or mental retardation etc.
To end a pregnancy of what would normally be a healthy normal child in cases other then rape,simply because its inconvienient is wrong I beleive.
Abortion should not be used as a form of birth control I beleive.
But. It is not for me, or you, or anyone else to impose my set of beleifs on another.
Just as it would be wrong for me to force you to have an abortion. Its just as wrong for me to tell you you cant have one.