Originally posted by Yeager
I'll vote against anyone who uses hyperbole like "infanticide" or "murder" when discussing a woman's right to choose.
you should respect the fact that there are intelligent thoughtful and witty people who would consider your statement here as ignorant. Which it most assuredly is
You must not have children, and if you do, then the ignorance is fully yours.
What's worse, is that your ignorance is most assuredly self-imposed, to defend a worthless, even Villianous, postion.
Here I'll restate my position with no Hyperbole:
"the baby has the Right to Live" not because I say so, but because the U.S. Constitution says so.
Furthermore as one that is sworn to defend the Constitiution of the United States against enemies both foriegn and domestic, I remind you:
"We hold these
truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness."
Real sorry the '73 Supreme Court was too dim "
hold these truths to be self-evident", but we're working steadily to correct it.
and it will be done.
So, get on board for the big win.