Author Topic: This is Frikken BS!!!  (Read 2973 times)

Offline indy007

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This is Frikken BS!!!
« Reply #60 on: June 27, 2007, 05:14:07 PM »
Originally posted by jhookt
the cop's actions prior to where the video begins aren't available, so to assume all he said was stop, cant be supported by fact. and given the aggressive nature shown through out the film i suspect he said a bit more than " hey stop, you can't skate here due to city ordinance." but again it cant supported so who knows.

True. I'll concede that. All any of us can do though is speculate because we weren't there. It's an equal leap in the other direction to assume he was violent before hand just because you saw him restraining somebody.


as for hi arm being bent and not being in a choking posture, i totally disagree. with an extreme weight advantage over the kid i am pretty sure he wouldn't have to apply too much pressure to make the kids face turn white. [/B]

I roll at a 100+ pound disadvantage pretty regularly (I'm only 145).. you'd be suprised how much pressure and angle matters. Oh, and people turn red when you choke them. Cherry red in under a second if it's a good choke.

Offline lasersailor184

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« Reply #61 on: June 27, 2007, 05:24:07 PM »
Originally posted by Ack-Ack


Again, to attach Legality and Morality together is just foolish.

But as to this video?  It's obviously biased against the police officer, and is probably edited so.  Even then we do not know enough from the video to make ANY sort of judgement based off what happened.

Though we can make some good guesses.  IF the skateboarders had video of the COP doing something egregiously wrong, we would have seen it.

But we don't.

Come to your own conclusion.
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Offline mentalguy

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This is Frikken BS!!!
« Reply #62 on: June 27, 2007, 05:37:34 PM »
Originally posted by Vulcan
Yes it is when you scream down the footpath whacking into people. Or ride down the middle of city streets ignoring road laws so that those in cars driving to the letter of the law almost kill you.

Personally, I hate boarders. If I see them on the road, I try to use them as hood ornaments. Once at a pedastrian crossing (lgihts) once tried to push past me as we got the green walk man, I ankle tapped the f***er as he threw his board down and he ended up face planting the concrete (did even have to try hard as he pushed me out of the way).

IMHO death sentence for skateboarders.

I'm not one to go pushing past people like that, but if you would have done that to me you would have a truck imprint on your forehead.
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Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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This is Frikken BS!!!
« Reply #63 on: June 27, 2007, 05:39:30 PM »
Originally posted by Ack-Ack


Skate boarding on a public sidewalk where an ordinance forbids such is a crime. A lot of towns and cities have such and ordinance.
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Offline Ack-Ack

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This is Frikken BS!!!
« Reply #64 on: June 27, 2007, 05:41:46 PM »
Originally posted by x0847Marine

The bruise the officer got chasing after the track star could earn that kid a felony charge, cops are very good at "milking" injuries because the benefits are great and it helps the case get filed.


Didn't he tell the girl he threw on the ground that he was going to add assault to the charges because he scrapped his knee while handcuffing her?

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Offline rpm

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This is Frikken BS!!!
« Reply #65 on: June 27, 2007, 05:46:34 PM »
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Offline Donzo

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This is Frikken BS!!!
« Reply #66 on: June 27, 2007, 05:46:52 PM »
Originally posted by RAIDER14
in the video you can also see the cop grab the girl around the neck...he should have called for a female officer but cops will be cops:rolleyes:

Oh really?

So if a girl/woman has a gun pointed at a male officer...he should call for a female officer to handle the situation?

He did not search her.

Offline Jackal1

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« Reply #67 on: June 27, 2007, 05:48:45 PM »
Originally posted by Donzo
Being that these kids were prone to run and not listen to instruction, how would you propose the officer take the skateboards from the kids?

Hollow points of course.
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Offline Holden McGroin

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This is Frikken BS!!!
« Reply #68 on: June 27, 2007, 06:38:58 PM »
Originally posted by RAIDER14
in the video you can also see the cop grab the girl around the neck...he should have called for a female officer but cops will be cops:rolleyes:

What only women cops can arrest women?

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Offline Vulcan

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This is Frikken BS!!!
« Reply #69 on: June 27, 2007, 07:02:45 PM »
Someone needs to write a Snipe-the-skateboards flash game.

Offline RAIDER14

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This is Frikken BS!!!
« Reply #70 on: June 27, 2007, 07:14:37 PM »
Originally posted by Holden McGroin
What only women cops can arrest women?


sometimes  officers call for a female officer so they won't be accused of any kind of sexual assault charge

Offline StuB

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Re: Re: This is Frikken BS!!!
« Reply #71 on: June 27, 2007, 07:48:05 PM »
Oops....Sorry about that Skuzzy.

Anyway, The reason the 1st kid got arrested was because he continued to commit the violation after the cop told him to stop.  Then he didn't comply with the officer when he was being taken into custody.

These kids were not arrested for skateboarding...they were arrested for obstruction of justice and disorderly conduct.

If you continue to break the law after being told to stop....especially if it is right in front of the cop, you should expect to be arrested and taken into custody.  If you resist arrest, even "passively" you should expect to be treated as a threat by the officer and not treated "nicely".

If your buddy is being arrested and you are told to stay back and don' should expect to be treated as if you are a threat to the officer and arrested.

Some skatboarders in my city pissed off the residents and business owners, who complained to the city council.  The city council passed a law that effectively banned skateboarding on sidewalks, streets and in other public places....but the skaters still try to skate in these places, so the residents and business owners still call the PD and complain.

I could care less about skateboarders and where they want to skate, but when I am assigned a call to deal with them I have to handle it.  If the skaters are cooperative they get a verbal warning.  If then run, they get chased down and issued a summons.  If they resist arrest....well, they end up wishing they hadn't.  

I wonder what these kids would have done if the camera hadn't been there?
Originally posted by StuB
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Offline StuB

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« Reply #72 on: June 27, 2007, 08:06:38 PM »
Most "nuisance calls" (i.e. noise violations, parking violations, skateboarding violations, etc...) are initiated by a citizen's complaint.  Since these are not "violent" crimes, if the person committing the violation keeps on committing the violation in your (the cops) presence, you would just let them keep on committing the violation?

The kid was breaking the law.  He was told to stop and did not.  He was apparently told he was under arrest and did not willingly submit to it (i.e. by following the officers verbal know, "Turn around and place your hands behind your back").  So he went the hard way and got thrown to the ground and cuffed.  In for a penny, in for a pound.

How would you have handled the situation without using "physical force"?

Would you just said "Oh, never mind." and walk away?  How would that get the violators to stop breaking the law?  How do you think the person who complained about it and took the time to call the police would feel about that?  

Originally posted by jhookt
the officer should not have instigated the situation to the point where he would be required to use physical force to detain the initial delinquent.

and instead of nitpicking why don't you weigh in with you opinion on whether you think the cops actions were severe or not
"Facing up to 200 Russians eager to have a nibble at you, or even Spitfires, can be quite enjoyable...but curve in against 70 Boeing Fortresses and all your past sins flash before your eyes."

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Offline Donzo

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This is Frikken BS!!!
« Reply #73 on: June 27, 2007, 08:18:33 PM »
Originally posted by StuB
Most "nuisance calls" (i.e. noise violations, parking violations, skateboarding violations, etc...) are initiated by a citizen's complaint.  Since these are not "violent" crimes, if the person committing the violation keeps on committing the violation in your (the cops) presence, you would just let them keep on committing the violation?

The kid was breaking the law.  He was told to stop and did not.  He was apparently told he was under arrest and did not willingly submit to it (i.e. by following the officers verbal know, "Turn around and place your hands behind your back").  So he went the hard way and got thrown to the ground and cuffed.  In for a penny, in for a pound.

How would you have handled the situation without using "physical force"?

Would you just said "Oh, never mind." and walk away?  How would that get the violators to stop breaking the law?  How do you think the person who complained about it and took the time to call the police would feel about that?

Thank saved me some typing :)

My thoughts exactly.

We did not see the entire incident.  What I did hear in the video was the officer explaining to the kid that he told them to stop and they decided to run.  Therefore he did what he had to do.

So, jhook, to answer your question, no I do not think that the officers' actions were severe.

As StuB would you have handled it?

Offline Donzo

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« Reply #74 on: June 27, 2007, 08:23:47 PM »
Originally posted by RAIDER14
in the video you can also see the cop grab the girl around the neck...he should have called for a female officer but cops will be cops:rolleyes:

Originally posted by RAIDER14
sometimes  officers call for a female officer so they won't be accused of any kind of sexual assault charge

You go from "he should have" to "sometimes".  Can you elaborate on those "sometimes"?

As I said, he did not search her (only restrained her) so calling for a female officer was not necessary IMO.