Author Topic: Idea to encourage returning home alive  (Read 3338 times)

Offline AKSWulfe

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Idea to encourage returning home alive
« Reply #45 on: July 10, 2001, 09:37:00 AM »
What I see here from Mandoble seems like a solution for his own incompetence in failing to keep a steady CAP over the field, bringing in heavy fighters and timing the attack just right.

If you don't plan it out, it's doomed for failure. Don't expect the game to be changed for your lack of planning.

Offline Pepe

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« Reply #46 on: July 10, 2001, 09:41:00 AM »
SW, you definitely need a new set of glasses. It's obvious you can see nothing  :)



Offline AKSWulfe

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« Reply #47 on: July 10, 2001, 09:47:00 AM »
Really Pepe? Which part of this statement did I misinterpret?

"hangars rebuild up "suddenly", killing them or advertising they are down doesnt guarantee the conquest bacause once they re-up the spawners will be there forever."

Hangars take 15 (or more) minutes to rebuild. This is hardly "sudden". If you are trying to capture a field, planning it will dictate success. Simply flying there in mob format with no idea what everyone else is doing there expecting that the field will be captured if it's level is about as rediculous as expecting someone to fly a goon there if you yourself refuse to land/crash/bail and grab one yourself.

See where I'm going with this? You want the game changed because of a) you somehow think that a delay in respawning simulates something, b) you screwed the pooch on a field capture, planes are now taking off and you want them to be unable to take off so you can easily capture the field, or c) you just want people to play YOUR way.

Which part did I need glasses on?

Last night the AKs attacked a field, we had our first goon shot down by a high speed N1K2. You know what we did wrong? We failed to leave high cap, thus we were unable to capture the field. Putting a delay on respawning would of had NO effect on us getting the field.

[ 07-10-2001: Message edited by: SWulfe ]


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« Reply #48 on: July 10, 2001, 09:58:00 AM »
Wulfe, you cant even read in english, well, you can, but you doesn't understand a single bit, I'm tempted to answer you in spanish ... ... But, as usual, I'll give you a second chance.

The efforts and fun of 6, 7 or 8 players can be "erased" by a single respawner. Do you see any logic here?? Obviously, if you are only interested into vulching the spawner, all ok.

Basically, your answers are too "green", I never know if you are answering seriously or in a joke manner. What exactly do you mean with "MY incompetence to stablish a CAP"? Do you mean a CAP against respawners???

Offline AKSWulfe

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« Reply #49 on: July 10, 2001, 10:02:00 AM »
Look it's simple, you didn't time your attack or you didn't do something right. You think that someone else should suffer for your lack of planning or timing.

"The efforts and fun of 6, 7 or 8 players can be "erased" by a single respawner. Do you see any logic here?? Obviously, if you are only interested into vulching the spawner, all ok."

Not if those 6, 7, or 8 players used their brains, took out the FH, VH and BHs at the base and brought the goon in right away.

You want the game changed to penalize someone trying to defend his field for your lack of planning or timing. That seems a little redundant doesn't it?

Offline vatiAH

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« Reply #50 on: July 10, 2001, 10:04:00 AM »
   back in Airwarrior I suggest somthing similar.  I suggest a 20,000 volt shot to your lower side if you saw the RED screen of death.  I don't care how other fly, thats there concern. I fly to live.  A 10 kill mission is not a success unless you land it. Thats my thinking.

Ductus Exemplo:  Lead by Example

Offline hblair

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« Reply #51 on: July 10, 2001, 10:06:00 AM »
The poster twins and their cousin lazs are wrong as usual. There should be a 1 minute wait to respawn simply because zig and I want it thataway. If deja, sw, and lazs (or anyone else for that matter) don't like it, they can go find another game. That's a direct order from me, Grand Poopah of Aces High.

Don't even bother replying to my post, because it is obvious to everyone here that you guys are wrong.


Offline Pepe

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« Reply #52 on: July 10, 2001, 10:06:00 AM »

You misinterprete "suddenly". That word has nothing to do with time to reup.

The rest of your sentence is blatantly (and obviously) correct. No need to be a genious to that   :)

Now I'm the one who need new glasses, as I can't really see what your points are, since all of your assumptions are false: a) False: I just want a delay because It's simply not right to have the ability to respawn instantly. It is similar to the delay put on CV respawning. Also newbies would be less vulnerable as well to yo vulch much?.  b) False: I am more often the respawner than not. I do enjoy posting missions in planner, and so executing it with my squaddies. c) False: and pretentious on your way. This position assumes there is MY way in opposition to OTHER's (maybe YOURS?) way. I have no "way" whasoever. Sometimes I dogfite, sometimes try to live. No way. Each ones flies the way each one wants. And it will be that way whatever measures, ideas, tweaks or whatever are implemented.

Do not mess question with your own answers, makes it difficult to answer properly. You need glasses because saying Mandoble seeks a solution for his own incopetence shows that either you are a newbie who have less than a month around here, you pay no attention to scores and kill streaks, or you are simply trying to provocate. Giving my little knowledge of yourself, I tend to think on the last one.   ;)

On your own elaborated answer to the question, I am sorry to confess that my english is worse than my limited flying abilities. Would you be so kind as to ellaborate in simpler terms?

Again and again and again, I DO NOT want to impose anything. Just have the same right than you to give away Ideas or whatever that, in my particular view, would improve this game. Being less abrasive and violent than you does not grant that I will not be supporting them with less faith unless anyone proves me I'm wrong. Quite much the opposite.



Offline hblair

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« Reply #53 on: July 10, 2001, 10:14:00 AM »
Kidding aside, I'd like to see a 1 minute to respawn from the field ya just died from, if for no other reason, just to hear the goofs moan about having to wait the eternity of 1 minute.


Offline Nifty

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« Reply #54 on: July 10, 2001, 10:20:00 AM »
I don't feel we should force restrictions on the main arena.  If flying a 50 minute mission successfully is fun for you, that's great, you keep on doing it!  actually, I do enjoy long bomber missions where I make it home alive.  However, I know that some do not find it enjoyable.  To force them to do something just because I like it is pretty dumb.  It's akin to forcing someone to eat something they hate just because you like it.  People pay $30/month to play this game and have fun.  Introducing forced idle time into the game is not fun.

I agree with Deja and SW on field captures.  You have the means of disabling flight (and carbombers as well) at fields you're trying to capture.  It's not so hard for a small field, but it gets a bit harder to flatten medium and large fields.  Yes, it requires *gasp*  :eek: teamwork and planning!  Risk = Reward.  You want the reward of having a fully operational field after you capture it, you run the risk of constant fighter spawnings and suicidal carbombers.  If you want a lower risk in taking the field, you have to just deal with not having a fully operational field when you're done.
proud member of the 332nd Flying Mongrels, noses in the wind since 1997.


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« Reply #55 on: July 10, 2001, 10:20:00 AM »
Ok, 2 LANCs to close the entire base, a B26 to kill the acks, 2 fighters for hi alt CAP, 2 fighters for lo alt CAP, 2 jabos because vehicles could have been spawned before buffs reach the target, and a goon and its backup.
That is 11 players ... Hey, are we playing the same game??? having 6 players synchronized to perform a mission is actually a record. In most if not all the capture attempts there is always the "random" factor of luck. A well planned mission of 6 players has its holes and I insist, a single zeke or IL2 spawner will compensate the efforts of a entire medium sized squad.

So, in your opinion, the attack must be perfectly sized, planned and timmed while the defense could be as quake-like as a single zeke spawning over'n over...

Lets suppose the opposite, lets include in the game a star wars DeathStar capable of nuking a entire base and with formidable defenses. Then you will say that the problem is in the defender side because they dont have a CAP of 50 fighters, but the use of the DeathStar is ok. Well, the Death Star, IMO, is as unrealistic as our actual unlimited spawns.

Offline AKSWulfe

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« Reply #56 on: July 10, 2001, 10:21:00 AM »
Been here since Beta Tour 3, over a year ago.

I'll answer you piece by piece:
" I just want a delay because It's simply not right to have the ability to respawn instantly. It is similar to the delay put on CV respawning. Also newbies would be less vulnerable as well to yo vulch much?."

Not "right"... so making it a minute later makes it "right"? I fail to see the logistics in this. The CV is AI driven, the AI does not sit there twiddling it's thumbs going "gee I sure wish I didn't die". Newbies wouldn't be so vulnerable to vulchers... man you sound like a crusader. We know that isn't the real intent of this "idea", but I'll answer it anyway. People promote perking planes, like the La7, SpitIX, N1K2, the best planes for newbies. Where were you then defending the newbies rights to be able to fly something that's easy to learn?

"You need glasses because saying Mandoble seeks a solution for his own incopetence shows that either you are a newbie who have less than a month around here, you pay no attention to scores and kill streaks, or you are simply trying to provocate. Giving my little knowledge of yourself, I tend to think on the last one"

Yes I'm sure of that. Oh but lets dive into this knee deep and disect it.

Mandoble wants a delay on respawning because the fighter hangars come up in the middle of his field capture. I'm sorry but, GEEEEZZZZZUUUSSSSS that's self-evident what the problem is and what the solution is. Better planning/timing. Not penalizing everyone else in the arena because you screwed up.

So, how would this improve the game? I fail to see how. It would in fact hurt the game. People would leave. I know I would.

"Being less abrasive and violent than you"

So I guess that because I'm opposed to your idea, and I have offered several reasons as to why it's a bad idea and as to why this idea does not do anything other than hurt the game I am abrasive and violent.

Offline AKSWulfe

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« Reply #57 on: July 10, 2001, 10:24:00 AM »
"So, in your opinion, the attack must be perfectly sized, planned and timmed while the defense could be as quake-like as a single zeke spawning over'n over..."

OH MY GEEZUS!!!! You Just said YOURSELF you had 11 players there that took down all the HANGARS. WHERE IS THIS ZEKE MAGICALLY COMING FROM?!!?

Mandoble, you need to find out what you want and what you think this idea is going to do before you reply again.

Read VERY carefully: If all the hangars are DOWN, NOTHING can SPAWN. Not EVEN a ZEKE.
and BAM! You have that field captured right there. Not too hard, now is it?

Offline Nifty

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« Reply #58 on: July 10, 2001, 10:27:00 AM »
Originally posted by Pepe:
Again and again and again, I DO NOT want to impose anything. Just have the same right than you to give away Ideas or whatever that, in my particular view, would improve this game.

What you propose in the initial post of your thread would do just that;  it would impose a restriction on everyone who flies AH.  It's one that most people would not be willing to accept.  There's nothing wrong with suggesting ideas.  There's nothing wrong with disagreeing with suggested ideas in a civil manner.   :)
proud member of the 332nd Flying Mongrels, noses in the wind since 1997.

Offline Jase

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« Reply #59 on: July 10, 2001, 10:31:00 AM »
I vote for the random hard drive file deletions.    :D