Author Topic: Neo-Nazism and Re-enactment groups...  (Read 3158 times)

Offline Viking

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Neo-Nazism and Re-enactment groups...
« Reply #105 on: September 01, 2007, 11:05:27 AM »
Originally posted by Jackal1
The very best way that I would know of to promote Nazi , and similar power monger groups, and to give it new rise would be to squash their freedom of speech by making laws/bans in an attempt to totaly squash them. At that time, you have in fact, became the Nazi promoter by implementing their tactics and views.
You have taken a very big step towards promotion of their beliefs at that time. You have taken a chunk of your own freedom in the process and given more power to a governing body and taken the majority factor way.
 You have created and promoted the taking away of the very freedoms that will keep history from repeating itself.  Without freedom and the freely giving up and promoting such practices you will defeat yourself as a a world in general.
 Hitler`s rule, power and the Nazi regime were not just about racism. The rise came slowly, intentionaly  , with a very well laid out plan. Racism was used as a banner to rally a people and lull them into giving up all of their rights and turning their future over to an all powerful governing body, over a period of years. The very first steps , which started slowly and very subtle were to coerce people into turning their fate and their destiny as a country over to a body of power other than the people themselves. Slowly at first, then gaining speed as power was increased by the taking and chipping at individual freedoms, but most importantly, taking away any chance of the people to defend themselves and others from an all governing, all powerful, all ruling body. By the time the people could actualy see the light and once again started thinking for themselves, it was too late. They were at the total mercy of a governing body of which they themselves had promoted and been lulled into believing had their best interests in mind . You either kept quiet, towed the line or you were eliminated. There were no options at that point. No voice. No freedom . No hope. It was too late for the voice and power of the people. They had none. They had it  taken  away from them , given it up slowly, but most certainly to the point of no return.
It is not the Neo-Nazi clowns in the public eye , making morons of themselves that is the biggest enemy. They defeat themselves in the public eye.
The biggest enemy is the silent,  hidden powers who are slowly , but surely guiding the populations into relinquishing their freedom of speech, their voice  and giving up the very things that can defend a people against an all powerful , all governing body other than the people themselves.
WE are our own worst enemy. WE are letting it happen. WE have and are still letting our rights be taken away and in a lot of cases, as seen here on this board, more than willing to fall into an age old trap.
Give up your freedom, and your right to defend against such things , give up or have taken away from you your power and tools of defense as a people and you are at the mercy of something that you allowed to freely dominate you.

My thoughts exactly.

Offline Angus

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« Reply #106 on: September 01, 2007, 11:16:41 AM »
Are you saying that there is NO line for what is banned?

Would you like KKK to have lectures in the public?

Of course there is a line, - or LINES.

Some are drawn by the public. Try driving a car in redneck country with "Hillary for President" painted on the side!
(Or I'm Bi for that sake)

And other are drawn by the law. Be it seatbelts, violence, fraud, and then to the tricky line of manipulation.

Jackal, even you draw the line somewhere.

Do you want Gay promotion or education in school for your children?

Do you want Marching Nazis with an open press endlessly preaching the "Jewish world conspiracy" or "Negros are inferior" spiced with "The Holocaust never happened, it was all allied propoganda"

You want a HJ trend in schools? Swastika tatto on yer grandkids?

It was the freedom of speech, manipulated in a most cunning way together with complete crime that built the springboard for Nazi-controlled Germany.
Maybe the USA is today a better built, educated and informed country than pre-war Germany, so this is no risk, but with a high percentage of the adult population that won't know where to find the USA on a map, I tend to think not.
That's not all, for neo-nazism spreads from places where it thrives. Most of the propoganda I used to get through my mailbox was straight translations from U.S. magazines. Today I am meeting screwed-up foreign-haters, - neo Nazi dabblers that have been fed with this stuff and don't know squat about history.

So, it boils down to the law, or public responce. I would like to punch these guys too.
It was very interesting to carry out the flight trials at Rechlin with the Spitfire and the Hurricane. Both types are very simple to fly compared to our aircraft, and childishly easy to take-off and land. (Werner Mölders)

Offline Tachus

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« Reply #107 on: September 01, 2007, 11:50:13 AM »
Originally posted by Angus
Are you saying that there is NO line for what is banned?

Would you like KKK to have lectures in the public?

Of course there is a line, - or LINES.

Some are drawn by the public. Try driving a car in redneck country with "Hillary for President" painted on the side!
(Or I'm Bi for that sake)

And other are drawn by the law. Be it seatbelts, violence, fraud, and then to the tricky line of manipulation.

Jackal, even you draw the line somewhere.

Do you want Gay promotion or education in school for your children?

Do you want Marching Nazis with an open press endlessly preaching the "Jewish world conspiracy" or "Negros are inferior" spiced with "The Holocaust never happened, it was all allied propoganda"

You want a HJ trend in schools? Swastika tatto on yer grandkids?

It was the freedom of speech, manipulated in a most cunning way together with complete crime that built the springboard for Nazi-controlled Germany.
Maybe the USA is today a better built, educated and informed country than pre-war Germany, so this is no risk, but with a high percentage of the adult population that won't know where to find the USA on a map, I tend to think not.
That's not all, for neo-nazism spreads from places where it thrives. Most of the propoganda I used to get through my mailbox was straight translations from U.S. magazines. Today I am meeting screwed-up foreign-haters, - neo Nazi dabblers that have been fed with this stuff and don't know squat about history.

So, it boils down to the law, or public responce. I would like to punch these guys too.

When you spoke about the need for lines, you used items that are irrelevant to the topic of free speech to support your position. Me shooting my neighbor is different from me saying he's an idiot.

I wish you (or someone) would address some of the items I posted earlier. Please define, what, who and when you would suppress free speech, and explain how you will ensure the power you have granted the government in this area will not be latter abused.

Just saying, they should be stopped, over and over again, really doesn't address any of the issues of concerns that others have raised about the oppressiveness of government or the loss of future rights. Furthermore, there is little reason to believe, that stripping away their rights would even achieve the desired goal.

Perhaps, our views are so different, because I already see my right to free speech and freedom of religion under attack. There is already a shift away from individual liberty in our country and the best way to prevent a great loss of liberty is to deny even a small loss to take place.

Best regards,

Offline Viking

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Neo-Nazism and Re-enactment groups...
« Reply #108 on: September 01, 2007, 11:53:42 AM »
Originally posted by Angus
Are you saying that there is NO line for what is banned?

With regard to the freedom of speech and expression there should be no "line".

Originally posted by Angus
Would you like KKK to have lectures in the public?

Yes. And yes to all other examples you care to offer. Banning words and expression is fundamentally wrong in every way.

If a person (Nazi or otherwise) offends someone publicly the offended party can sue. The is NO need for banning speech since current laws protect anyone who is verbally attacked or offended in public.

Angus, your thinking on this subject is disturbing to me. I'd rather endure daily Nazi-marches in my street than live under your idea of "justice".

Offline moot

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« Reply #109 on: September 01, 2007, 11:57:28 AM »
Yes, Angus, if only those were taken as seriously as they should be.. as the BS they are for the most part.  Anyone with common sense would realize they are full of it.  They would soon enough have gotten everyone fed up enough that they'd get petitioned out of public sight and sound like junk mail out of mailboxes.
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Offline Jackal1

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« Reply #110 on: September 01, 2007, 12:48:57 PM »
Originally posted by Angus
Are you saying that there is NO line for what is banned?

The words Ban/Banned are a farce in themselves. There is no such workable reality. Promotion of a cause, relieving the law abiding of any recourse and handing the odds over to the very groups you are trying to guard against would be my definition.

Would you like KKK to have lectures in the public?

Don`t know how it is in your country Angus, but here the KKK can and do give public lectures. In most cities a permit is required for the public gathering.
I saw the reverse side to this in our county seat a few years back. A church with a black congregation was burned. Then another in a small period of time. The local press was all over this when black groups began saying that this was race related and the churches were burned by whites in an attempt to scare and run out the black community. It snowballed.
The whole county was on the verge of a race war. Very explosive.
The KKK applied for and received a permit for a public gathering and speech. The head speaker for the KKK was on the top step of the court house giving his speech and expressing his belief that these incidents were not done by whites, but instead was an attempt by militant black organizations , of other regions to gain access, support and backing by the local community. He had some very persuading evidence.
The streets surrounding the courthouse were blocked of to allow those that wished to attend a place to view and listen. It was very orderly. No trouble,etc.
At the same time as this was taking place, on the other end of town, Black Panthers and other known militant groups had arrived , in force, heavily armed, openly brandishing, threatening to burn the entire town down. No permit. No regard for the community. An attempt to cause big trouble and glean more press attention.
Law enforcement from all surrounding areas had to be called in to keep a race war from breaking out.
In the end it was found that a  black youth with some mental problems had done the arsons.
It`s a two edged sword bud.

Try driving a car in redneck country with "Hillary for President" painted on the side!

LOL I don`t  know where you would be able to locate an area more "redneck" than my area. Hillary promotions are in place.........along with a long list of others.

And other are drawn by the law. Be it seatbelts, violence, fraud, and then to the tricky line of manipulation.

Here, the law is supposed to be decided by the people themselves.
You speak of law as if it is supposed to be some magical, all knowing, all seeing entity.

Jackal, even you draw the line somewhere.

I draw my  line by my beliefs. I excercise my line by freedom of speech and the ability to do so.

Do you want Gay promotion or education in school for your children?

Do I want? It is being done on an everyday basis. It is being fought against with the same tool that allows it to be done..........freedom of speech and the right to voice an opposing opinion. Without it there is no balance, no solution.

Do you want Marching Nazis with an open press endlessly preaching the "Jewish world conspiracy" or "Negros are inferior" spiced with "The Holocaust never happened, it was all allied propoganda"

I would much rather them be in the public eye, as they are allowed to do now, making public fools of themselves, defeating themselves and allowing the public to see what they really are and are about than some of the dangerous groups that are smart enough to stay in the shadows and accomplish their goals of inflicting death and terror on a gullible and naive public.
The marching  Nazis defeat themselves in the public eye. They are a non issue to a thinking , free society, governed by the people. Freedom of speech allows them to be spoken out against and to educate others as to their cause. There will always be hate and violence between different groups of people, whether it be internaly, race related or country against country. If people are capable to defend against their enemies and threats as a group or country they can do so IF they do not have their freedom and tools to do so taken away or naive enough to relinquish their power to do so to a totalitarian , all powerful, governing body. Trust in yourself and your countrymen to make choices for themselves and their country without heavy handed government is the key. If you believe that you and your countrymen cannot be trusted, you are dooming yourself and others to being under the power of something you have no input, no control over.

Swastika tatto on yer grandkids?

I have absolutely no fear or worries of my grandkids having a swastika tattoo. They have parents and grandparents who have taken the time to educate them. I trust in their parents and us as grandparents to have done our job in this field. They also have great respect and appreciation for my late Dad, their Grandad and his efforts and sacrifices in the fight against Nazi rule.
We have taken the time to teach them. Ourselves.
Some of my grandkids will most certainly have tattoos. No doubt. They think their Popaw is cool. :)

It was the freedom of speech, manipulated in a most cunning way together with complete crime that built the springboard for Nazi-controlled Germany.

It was the slow, well thought out , long term plan to take away freedom of speech, a voice, an input from the people and the power to defend against it that was the spring board for Nazi controlled Germany.
When you have your freedom , voice and power as a people taken away from you or you are bedazzled enough to relinquish the peoples rights freely under the notion that your best interests will be fairly dealt with, you are helpless.

Maybe the USA is today a better built, educated and informed country than pre-war Germany, so this is no risk, but with a high percentage of the adult population that won't know where to find the USA on a map, I tend to think not.

Well......speaking from a USA perspective, if there is a high percentage of an adult population that don`t know where to find the USA on a map, then we have no fear or worries from them.

That's not all, for neo-nazism spreads from places where it thrives.

It is not allowed and does not thrive in locations where people have a voice and the freedom to use it. It could only thrive where the people have no rights or means to speak out against and defend against it.

Most of the propoganda I used to get through my mailbox was straight translations from U.S. magazines.

That doesn`t seem to be a problem here. Only the clowns themselves read the things.
Maybe a good Icelandic ban on U.S. imported books would be the answer . :)
A good book burning and witch hunt would be other alternatives. I`m sure the people of Iceland will be swayed and go the way of the Nazi due to some idiotic reading material.
Do you not have enough faith in yourself and your countrymen to make stable and educated decisions?
You truly amaze me at how much you seem to care about the world and it`s people, then on the reverse wish to give authority to anyone other than the people themselves.

Today I am meeting screwed-up foreign-haters, - neo Nazi dabblers that have been fed with this stuff and don't know squat about history.

Welcome to the world Angus. Enjoy your stay. You seem to be quite capable and informed enough to ward off their hypnotic powers of suggestion.
You do not need a ban or the outlawing of these groups. You don`t need to give up your freedom to accomplish their goals. You have clearly made up your mind on the subject against what they stand for. Let them keep their freedom of speech. They make public fools of themselves. Keep yours also. Use it to educate others.
Democracy is two wolves deciding on what to eat. Freedom is a well armed sheep protesting the vote.

Offline Vudak

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« Reply #111 on: September 01, 2007, 02:10:49 PM »
Damn, Jackal, very nicely said :aok
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Offline McFarland

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« Reply #112 on: September 01, 2007, 02:44:41 PM »
Very well said Jackal, but I don't think it will help Angus understand what we are saying any better. He is stuck with the notion a completely controlling government is a good government, and nobody can be trusted other than himself.

Offline Bronk

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« Reply #113 on: September 01, 2007, 06:05:43 PM »
Originally posted by Jackal1


See Rule #4

Offline Angus

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« Reply #114 on: September 02, 2007, 04:14:44 AM »
Originally posted by McFarland
Very well said Jackal, but I don't think it will help Angus understand what we are saying any better. He is stuck with the notion a completely controlling government is a good government, and nobody can be trusted other than himself.


Boom. A good Nazi :D
It was very interesting to carry out the flight trials at Rechlin with the Spitfire and the Hurricane. Both types are very simple to fly compared to our aircraft, and childishly easy to take-off and land. (Werner Mölders)

Offline Excel1

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« Reply #115 on: September 02, 2007, 05:35:56 AM »
lol angus.

yep the only good nazi is a dead nazi, but i gotta agree with the others that giving discretion to authoritarian rule as to who has the right to freedom of speech and who doesnt just to silence these scumbags would be a big mistake. i gotta add though that my opinion is based on my own environment and that having watched the euros largely sit on their hands while innocents were rounded-up and slaughtered in their own backyard as recently as the 1990s i can appreciate your point of view.

Offline moot

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First hand experience
« Reply #116 on: September 02, 2007, 07:56:25 AM »
So, who here has had their present family attacked by neo-nazis?  Repeatedly fought skinheads themselves in the street, on their way home at night or on weekend trips in the country side etc?  Had to grow up through a dozen proudly racist teachers giving you **** and their like-skinned students advice on how to deal with blackies, etc?
Are you going to refute Jackal or just let it slide, Angus?
my opinion? wearing and living this Nazi **** politicaly are utterly tasteless and
disrespectful to the people who survived the Nazis and are still alive.

"I don’t agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
- guess who..
« Last Edit: September 02, 2007, 07:59:21 AM by moot »
Hello ant
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Offline Angus

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« Reply #117 on: September 02, 2007, 09:05:23 AM »
Had a Nazi in my service once. Cocky bugger. He informed me that the modern German economical problems were due to high costs because of the Jews. (German guy)
No fights though, he didn't fancy my handstrength I think. Anyway, I ended up sacking the fellow.
Anyway, it's the line. And giving up the Jostle with Jackal, - noooo. Not untill Wednesday night when I leave for Germany, to experience the strict and suffocating no-human-right Eurolands.
Jackal had a very nice reply. I looked at my post and realized afterwards that it was a sort of a bait, - not just a question of opinion of where to draw the line, which it was meant to be. Anyway, he swallowed it with hook and sinker. I will get back later, for on this sunday, I am doing harvest.
It was very interesting to carry out the flight trials at Rechlin with the Spitfire and the Hurricane. Both types are very simple to fly compared to our aircraft, and childishly easy to take-off and land. (Werner Mölders)

Offline moot

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« Reply #118 on: September 02, 2007, 09:13:20 AM »
Similarly you should skip the bait and deal with the hook and sinker of Jackal and others' replies, not the Euro-American flag waving but the point that Nazis are no harm if the rest of the population have their brains in working order.
Have fun out at sea.
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Re: First hand experience
« Reply #119 on: September 02, 2007, 09:38:08 AM »
Originally posted by moot
So, who here has had their present family attacked by neo-nazis?  Repeatedly fought skinheads themselves in the street, on their way home at night or on weekend trips in the country side etc?  

Because I can"t stand nazi bastards a good nazi is a dead nazi.

I never started the fight myself .I just mentioned the long list their genetic deficiencies and congenital stupidity.