Author Topic: Al Qaeda lost  (Read 3052 times)

Offline SteveBailey

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Al Qaeda lost
« Reply #15 on: September 25, 2007, 04:08:39 PM »
Originally posted by Soviet
The only reason Al-Qaeda ever existed to the scale it did in Iraq is because we invaded. .

Oh, and FWIW, I'd much rather have them fighting our professional soldiers over there than have them fighting in our strees and in our cities.

Offline Tango

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« Reply #16 on: September 25, 2007, 04:34:43 PM »
Originally posted by Soviet
post a link for what?  Did i hit a nerve? Did we find some wmds an hour ago?

No nerve hit. Just want to see some proof to back up your rants.
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Offline Soviet

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« Reply #17 on: September 25, 2007, 04:38:40 PM »
Originally posted by SteveBailey
Are you going to indict  every Senator that told us there were WMD's in Iraq too?  They "misled" us just at much as the POTUS did and it was their votes that enabled the administration to go to Iraq. Why would you stop at the administration if you really wanted to see justice done.  Why wouldn't you want the rest of our leaders held accountable?

Maybe you just are a Boosh hater... or do you really want to all see those who "misled" us  taken? to task?

I'm not a partisan.  Anyone responsible should be brought to justice, republican, democrat, or independent


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« Reply #18 on: September 25, 2007, 04:39:57 PM »
Originally posted by Soviet
The only reason Al-Qaeda ever existed to the scale it did in Iraq is because we invaded.  That's it.  So we're not winning anything by putting out a fire we started, we're just back at square one.  The bottom line is, why hasn't the administration been charged with misleading the American public to war?  They told us there were WMDs in Iraq and that turned out to be a flat out lie.  We invaded because we had undeniable intelligence according to those in charge.  They should be held accountable for this misjudgment and for destroying the lives of thousands of Americans and wasting billions of taxpayer Dollars.

Al-Qaeda is a bit difficult to find walking down the streets. They dont exactly wear uniforms and carry flags saying "here I am."

that being the case. inasmuch as you cant easily identify them walking down the street.
And you cant very well just sit around and wait for them to come to the US attack us in the US again

Wouldnt it be better to go to their backyard throw a party and let them come to you there?

One of the things the US does is as my mother used to say "fight our wars overseas so we don't have to fight them on our own soil."

Seems to me that's what we are doing

Misleading the public about WMDs?
Ahhh another sound bite directly from then DNC.
Congratulations. Your brainwashing is just about complete.
Astounding how easily its proved that if you lay out a line of bull watermelon long enough people will start to believe it.
Must be the short memory span of the American public

They forgot to mention that they were among the first to make the claims that Iraq still had WMDs back in the prior Democratic administration.
Matter of fact. they were acting on the same intel that was given to the prior administration.

I'll go along with bringing charges against the current administration so long as the same charges are brought against the previous one.
If Bush lied. then so did they

Now if it were all "lies" as you say. they I would have to logically conclude that Clinton was the largest culprit. And I would have to charge him for intentionally falsifying intel that would cause the new administration to go to war.

That would have to be the only logical explanation for such faulty intel that they both shared.

If you look at it honestly and without party bias. The options are limited.
If Bush is guilty of lying. then so is Clinton

so Either WMDs were there and were moved (IMO the most probable)
 Both Bush and Clinton lied about WMDs (lets make sure we include Hillary on this as we know she had to be made privy to such information and hey. she voted IN FAVOR of going to war so we would have to include her in any culpability)
The Intel was wrong.
Or people in the intel community lied to both administrations.

There is no way, NO WAY. Anyone can logically make the claim of "Bush lied" without including the previous administration and the prior first witch in that claim
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Offline Soviet

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« Reply #19 on: September 25, 2007, 04:46:22 PM »
I'm not a democrat so i'm not being "Brainwashed" From the Democratic party.  Where are the Weapons of Mass Destruction.  Where are they?  We went to WAR over that and they weren't there.  We were lied to, I can't see how it could be any more clear.

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« Reply #20 on: September 25, 2007, 04:48:14 PM »
Oh and I'm not calling Bush the only liar, he's not the only lying politician out there.

Offline SteveBailey

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« Reply #21 on: September 25, 2007, 04:49:28 PM »
Originally posted by Soviet
I'm not a democrat so i'm not being "Brainwashed" From the Democratic party.  Where are the Weapons of Mass Destruction.  Where are they?  We went to WAR over that and they weren't there.  We were lied to, I can't see how it could be any more clear.

You tipped your hand as a Bush basher by refusing to answer the question.  You are dismissed from any serious conversation.

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« Reply #22 on: September 25, 2007, 04:51:24 PM »
Originally posted by SteveBailey
You tipped your hand as a Bush basher by refusing to answer the question.  You are dismissed from any serious conversation.

Disagreeing and having dissent against our President automatically disqualifies me from conversation?  Perhaps it is you that is ignorant and brainwashed.  I'm a bi-partisan basher :D

Offline RAIDER14

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« Reply #23 on: September 25, 2007, 04:54:23 PM »


Offline SteveBailey

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« Reply #24 on: September 25, 2007, 04:56:34 PM »
Originally posted by Soviet
I'm a bi-partisan basher :D

Baloney, or, Llike I said, you would have called for more than just the administration's head.

Offline EagleDNY

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« Reply #25 on: September 25, 2007, 04:57:25 PM »
Originally posted by Soviet
I'm not a democrat so i'm not being "Brainwashed" From the Democratic party.  Where are the Weapons of Mass Destruction.  Where are they?  We went to WAR over that and they weren't there.  We were lied to, I can't see how it could be any more clear.

Well, I'm not privy to where the WMDs are now, but these folks could sure prove that they existed:

Iraqi WMDs Anyone

if they weren't DEAD that is.


Offline SteveBailey

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« Reply #26 on: September 25, 2007, 04:59:29 PM »
Originally posted by Soviet
 Perhaps it is you that is ignorant and brainwashed.  

I voted for Bush over the left wing nutjobs he ran against but I highly diapprove of his work as a President.
 He had 6 years of command when he had control of both houses and did NOTHING. IMHO, Bush has been a huge disapointment and he betrayed all conservatives who voted for him. If that's brainwashed.... you got me.

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« Reply #27 on: September 25, 2007, 05:01:34 PM »
I voted for Bush in 2000 for a smaller American government.  So we could stop policing the world as he promised.  And he didn't

[EDIT]  Everything Bush promised in 2000 made me believe that he was the right man for the job.  However his execution was terrible and he never delivered on his promises.  Don't get me wrong, there are Republicans and Democrats in power right now who are both a bunch of scum.  We need to start voting people in the office who are principled and tell the truth.  Unfortunately in a recent poll I read most  Americans look at a candidates appearance and personality and lastly party affiliation before the vote.  This troubles me deeply.

The government is not a legal mafia, it is supposed to work for the people.

And in regards to Clinton.  I think he was a terrible President, especially because he policed the world like our current President.

There needs to be an investigation into the WMDs, and if it is ultimately proven to be a lie all of those need to be held accountable.  It was right we impeached Clinton as the issue at hand was him lying to the American public.  Anyone given a position of power needs to be held accountable.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2007, 05:09:42 PM by Soviet »

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« Reply #28 on: September 25, 2007, 05:05:44 PM »
Originally posted by EagleDNY
Well, I'm not privy to where the WMDs are now, but these folks could sure prove that they existed:

Iraqi WMDs Anyone

if they weren't DEAD that is.


All I see is about attacks all of us have known very well about that were conducted 20 years ago.  You also neglect to mention who gave him those WMDs and how we stood by his side in the Iraq-Iran war.  This is why we should just stay the hell out of the middle east.  Whoever is your ally one day is your enemy the next.  It's not worth the headache nor is it worth the dollars and American lives it spends.  I value our wealth, our liberties and our life.  I don't enjoy seeing it being thrown away carelessly in entangling alliances with other nations.

You need to remember before we started sticking our nose in foreign affairs, wars constantly raged on around the world, which never threatened us.  This doctrine of "fighting them there so they won't come here."  Doesn't make sense.  Nor can we prove it's success as no one has even tried to come here, save the War in 1812.  We have the most powerful military and 300million citizens.  Hopefully most of them patriotic enough to pick up a rifle should anyone even dare to invade us.  They'd be stupid to even try.

No terrorist was attacking America before we decided to abuse our super power state by policing the world and trying to control politics in the Middle East.  Leave that to the bureaucrats at the UN.  Which we should not be a part of

I'm not afraid of terrorism, nor should you be.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2007, 05:13:33 PM by Soviet »


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« Reply #29 on: September 25, 2007, 05:28:23 PM »
Originally posted by Soviet
I'm not a democrat so i'm not being "Brainwashed" From the Democratic party.  Where are the Weapons of Mass Destruction.  Where are they?  We went to WAR over that and they weren't there.  We were lied to, I can't see how it could be any more clear.

Isnt it possible they were there and were moved?
After all. Saddam just about gave away his entire airforce to Iran in the first gulf war.
What to make us beleive he wouldnt also get rid of anything else he might have had?

And  the amount of Bio weapons we were looking for you could easily fit in a garage.
Remember when we had the Anthrax scare here how they were saying what just a teaspoon of the stuff could wipe out an entire city.
With Bio weapons. You dont need huge stockpiles.
as they used to say in the old Brill cream commercial
A little dab will do ya.
Now envision how easy it would be to hide the contents of a garage in a place the size of Texas.

There are airplanes that get lost in this country they cant find. and thats here.
Also wouldnt be hard to smuggle that amount of stuff out of the country.

I dnot see why it is so difficult to beleive that they couldnt have smuggled the stuff out.
The insurgents certainly manage to smuggle enough stuff IN to Iraq that we cant see.
Why isnt it possible that stuff was smuggled out?

Same thing with Chemical weapons.
for example
"a conventional 155-mm shell could hold as much as "two to five" liters of sarin, which is capable of killing thousands of people under the right conditions in highly populated areas."
Five liters isnt aot. but is certainly able to kill alot.
Again. a little dab will do ya.

Another thing people fail to realise is everyone expected to find large stickpiles of shells filled with WMDs. And that simply not how Saddam had it set up.
Saddam. like most brutal dictators was a paranoid SOB. He wasnt going ot let that kinda stuff be available for just anyone to use. Even his top generals.
This task was intrusted to a very small group
And most of this stuff was mixed up and loaded on site just prior to using them.
not to mention that althought I dont know what chemical weapons are comprised of what chemicals. and the web doesnt reveal much on that front. I think its a pretty safe bet that alot of not all the chemicals used in chemical weapons individually have other legitimate uses.
Much like all sorts of nasties can be made from widely available chemicals from poison gas to explosives.. The makups of which I wont mention here.

Its not at all surprising to me what so little has been found.
but sill. Somet things have certainly been found. Just not in large quantity.
Any of a number of things could have happend to them.
Just because they havent been found doesnt mean they werent there.
It only means they havent been found.
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

But again. if we were lied to. The Clinton family and the rest of his administration. as well as a hell of alot of other government officials are all guilty.

But Lets look at this angle for a moment.
As I mentioned. Clinton made the same claim.
Hillary Clinton. when it came time to vote voted in favor of going in.
Now if anyone would have known if there were there or not certainly Hillary would have. After all. her husband is the former president.
If he didnt beleive they were there dont you think he would have told her not to vote in favor of the war? Long term she would have the moral high ground if she had voted against it and was later proved correct in doing so.

It would have made more sence for her to vote against it. then to vote for it.
She could have been able to say "I told ya so in the first place. Thats why I should be president."

If it was all a lie it was a lie commited by ALL of our government. both parites. and alot of different offices.

Originally posted by Soviet
Oh and I'm not calling Bush the only liar, he's not the only lying politician out there.
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