Originally posted by lazs2
and.. have you finally given up on the c02 as the world ender scenario?
It was getting kinda worn and silly.
The atmosphere consists of a mix of gasses, the balance of these gasses determines how much heat from the sun that will be trapped in the atmosphere. The amount of clouds and ice also determines how much heat from the sun that will bounce back into space.
What we are doing is changing the balance of gas in the atmosphere, this change causes more heat to be trapped, and the temperature rises. As the temperature rises, the oceans emit more water vapor into the atmosphere, changing the balance yet more. As the temperature rises the ices melt, making the reflective surface smaller, thus letting more heat get trapped in the atmosphere. As the temperature rises, areas that were once frozen melts, and these melting areas release more gas into the atmosphere, methane, which is a very very evil greenhouse gas...causing yet more heat to be trapped in the atmosphere.
All of this is basic science, and it is plain for everyone with half a brain to see. Yet you guys sit there, trying to shove your heads deeper into the sand (did I say sand? I meant "your a ss").
It is completely irrelevant what the vast majority of the atmosphere consists of, it is completely irrelevant that the oceans send huge amounts of water vapor into the atmosphere, those are all part of the natural cycle. What IS relevant is that MAN is changing the balance of those gasses in the atmosphere, and because of that, we are changing the amount of heat trapped in the atmosphere.
But you wont understand that, because you dont WANT to understand that. How difficult it is to make a man understand something, when his salary or his percieved lifestyle depends on him not understanding it.