More water vapor released into the atmosphere generates more cloud cover, cooling the planet and allowing the oceans to absorb more water vapor, thereby...etc, etc, etc. In other words, the planetary climate is self-regulating (an amazing design, from an engineering standpoint).
So, please answer me this:
1) Why do the ice cores, which Al Gore and others tout as evidence that rising CO2 causes increased global temperatures, show that CO2 levels LAG changes in temperature by 800 to 1000 years?
2) Why did the most of the warming recorded in the previous century take place before man-produced CO2 output began to rise significantly?
I understand the postitive feedback argument, that CO2 is a forcing function that throws the system out of balance. But that does not explain the ice core data, which shows the correlation between temps and CO2 is the opposite of what is claimed by MMGW apostates. The fact is, solar activity appears to map more precisely to global temperature changes than CO2, and with the correct cause-effect relationship.