I have experimented, the only two others I like are the la7 and the p51d, but I don't wanna fly noob rides. I'd rather not handicap myself by flying something that is gonna get me out of jams because of the airframe and not me.
Also, I'm starting to love the 38, but it seems like it's a crappy solo ride. I have come to realize that I have to pretend like I'm solo every time because people in this game do not back you up at all. Just a second ago I was killed by a spit that I couldn't outrun and was dragging while my 3 other country mates(enemies, might as well be) were trying to climb and catch some lancasters.
To be honest, the 109k's cockpit makes me a sad panda, and even looking out the front you don't get much to see. The 38 has a great cockpit except for the bar in front, the side bars are easily gotten around.
I'm a min maxer kinda, I don't wanna fly the 5 eny planes, but I do wanna fly the best 15-20 eny plane. I know it's mostly the pilot, but eventually that will not matter once I learn and then it will come down to the plane's limitations. So assuming I become an expert at either the p38 or the 109k, which would be most successful?