Originally posted by Chubbie
Haven't tried the ki but I hate the yak, hate all spitfires and will always hate them until the end of time in any game, and hate the a6m.
Originally posted by Chubbie
Ok I still can't decide and I'm about to quit, I can own with the LA-7 but I don't wanna fly that noob ride.
That's not meant disrespectful in any way, but I think you should reasses your attitude. Not that I want you to fly the LA-7 or even want you to like that plane, but such tags are, pardon me, bs. There are no noob planes, there are no dweeb planes... there are just planes and people flying them, for whatever reasons. Fly what you like, where you like and how you like. That noob, dweeb and other labels are usually just parroted by people succumbing to (perceived) peer pressure.
And I think you are putting too much pressure on yourself: On one hand you don't want fly planes you think of being easy "noob" rides, on the other hand when not having a similar level of success in more challenging rides, you are frustrated. Somehow that's a bit inconsistent. What would it be worth of selecting more challenging planes without having a challenge?

Don't give up so quick! If you can get kills in one plane, you can get kills in most others - it just takes some time do adapt. Get a more relaxed attitude!
BTW, if you are fond of the 109K-4, but have problems hitting with that MK-108, do what already has been recommended in this thread several times: Fly a G-14 with 20mm option. Similar horse, different gun.
(And RUMBLEBee was completely right when he said you should try all the other planes too. Maybe you will suddenly find yourself comfortable with a ride you would never have thought of...)
EDIT... I took the liberty to look up your tour 95 stats. While I know that stats are not always meaningful and should be analyzed with care, I couldn't ignore the fact that actually your K/D in K-4 and P-38 are not that much different from your K/D in La-7: 0.65, 0.89 and 0.89 respectively. You seem not to fare worse in a 38 than in a La 7