When I first started this game, oh at least 6 months ago - I got caught by the HO nearly every time. Always my fault, but I didnt know any better. Now, when merging, I expect it every single time (I dont care if this right or wrong - just the way it is). I nose down to make it more difficult, then when they miss, I loop back over the top and kill em - Unless its the better players, in which case we go into a looping fight, and they kill me - eventually!.
I got into a 3v1 a while ago - got HO'd - called out the guy who did it as he is a way better pilot than me - and he'd been ho'd a truck load during the time he was on and apologised for hoiing me. Must admit, if I was getting ho'd constantly and despite efforts couldnt avoid them all, i would most certainly up a plane that had the required cannons, and return the favour - basically, we're all human, all ego driven and all like to win - thats what makes this game so much fun and makes us all act like dorks at some stage/time.
I prefer not to ho, but will if I'm outnumbered or fired on first - as always, depends on the circumstances/variables at the time.
If other people want to ho, help yourself - not my cup of tea, but you pays yer money, you takes yer chance!!