I pretty much agree with hub across the board.
A CV task force should be hard to kill. Level bombers rarely hit CVs in WW2. Torpedo planes, on the other hand, were greatly feared.
Hub is absolutely right- a single player can come in, dive bomb in his B-17s and kill the fight. This is horribly gamey, and just something that is outside of the scope of reality.
I want to be clear, I'm not losing sleep over this, but I certainly think it's a legitimate gripe.
One of the biggest problems with this game (in my opinion) is that there are so few incentives to preserve your virtual life. Perks are one means to promote a survival instinct, score is another, but ultimately there's no PENALTY for dying.
I'm not necessarily suggesting we institute a dying penalty in the sense that you have to sit in the tower for a minute, or anything that's going to make it less enjoyable for YOU to fly. What I'm suggesting is that you do a penalty that doesn't REWARD you for dying.
Put a time limit on damage effects. If you dive bomb a CV in your plane, or suicide a radar, and then auger 5 seconds later, the damage is removed. Now you're not wasting MY time and ruining MY game, you're wasting your own time and your own game.
This isn't some dweeby coad thing. This is a simple implement to encourage slightly less dweeby play that ultimately penalized other players, not the dweeby player.
Finally, again, for those that didn't read it, CVs didn't die easily to bombs. It took torps to sink CVs. I agree that this is hard to implement in game because of ack lethality. So, for the sake of gameplay, I'd agree that CVs could be sunk by bombs provided there was a damage control delay tied to the survival of the level-bomber.
Or don't implement anything. But the whole suicide runs bomber thing, and the bomb and bail bombers really bug me from a gameplay perspective.
To put it another way, HTC has spent all this time, effort, and money to build a sim that touts great flight models etc, but then ridiculous things like being able to physically dive bomb in a B-17 is capable. Why not go the extra yard and coad up the game so level bombers have to observe realistic parameters? It's not like it's all that hard to hit a target with a bomber in this game. 2 seconds of calibration before droppping and it's point and shoot.