Author Topic: ENY!!!  (Read 6622 times)

Offline Elfie

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Re: ENY!!!
« Reply #150 on: March 17, 2008, 08:51:17 AM »
Traflz before ENY came into existence the team numbers were very out of whack in the MA and the player base refused to solve the problem on their own. (Only one MA back then as well) Hence, ENY. The problem was, Rooks outnumbered BOTH the other teams combined every night. ENY gave us choices, we could stay on the team that was ENY limited and learn to fly lesser planes or we could switch teams and have our plane choice remain unrestricted. If we did choose to switch teams we also had the benefit of earning more perks.

Is ENY perfect? Probably not, yet HiTech has tweaked it several times since it came into existence.
Corkyjr on country jumping:
In the end you should be thankful for those players like us who switch to try and help keep things even because our willingness to do so, helps a more selfish, I want it my way player, get to fly his latewar uber ride.

Offline Dadsguns

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Re: ENY!!!
« Reply #151 on: March 17, 2008, 12:06:50 PM »
That is a blatantly false statement.

Out of the top 50, only 9 have switched teams this tour. Out of those 9, only 4 have done so more than once or twice. Kill stats show how many kills on each team and how many times they've been killed on each team. The other 5, according to the stats, have only switched one time.

Next time, make sure you do your homework before making statements like this. I personally looked up all the kill stats for the top 50 players, you obviously did not.

And out of the top 50 how many did you say were Bish???

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Offline Alky

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Re: ENY!!!
« Reply #152 on: March 17, 2008, 12:08:05 PM »
Since there are two late war main arenas, why not make one of them "no ENY" as an experiment... uhmm... for one tour.  I'd like to see the stats after a month of that :)
George "AlkyŽ" Fisher

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Re: ENY!!!
« Reply #153 on: March 17, 2008, 12:09:28 PM »
And out of the top 50 how many did you say were Bish???
Do you HONESTLY think that what country people are flying on has anything to do with who is in the top 50? Moreso, why do you care?

Offline Dadsguns

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Re: ENY!!!
« Reply #154 on: March 17, 2008, 12:25:25 PM »
And if you are serious about what you've just typed, and you aren't trolling you are contradicting your own argument.  You are very clear you play the game to win the war.

Not everyone cares about winning the war, cause there is no war, just a game, where if the map is reset, you get a do-over.

Many of us place Aces High, for the Aces aspect of the game, which means air combat.  It's that goofy bit with the airplanes shooting at each other.  We could care less about the do-over as one base looks much like the next, and in the end it's just a starting point to take off from to engage in that "aces' part of the game again.

You wish to be allowed to play the game your way, regardless of the impact on anyone else.  You'd deprive me of what I play the game for in your quest for a do-over.

I could care less if you take bases until the cows come home.  But there is no "aces' part of the game if 150 players from one team, steamroll half that number or less.  The MA isn't your arena anymore then it's mine.  HTC is responsible for making the decisions that hopefully give all players a chance to engage in the type of gameplay they enjoy, not just "win the war', and not just air combat.

Your post comes across so selfish and 'give me what I want' that I'm hard pressed not to believe it's a troll.  At the same time I ran into some of your type players last night and it amazed me.  They started in on one base, and a few of us went up to defend, and they didn't know what to do.  They just drove straight forward in a pack while we clobbered them.  They didn't know how to turn their planes or look backward from what I could tell.  They then moved to another undefended base and we moved over again and the same thing.  Like sheep to the slaughter.  I'd never seen it in over 10 years of playing.  They made me look good, which is really going som

Try for half a second to think of the entire player base, not just yourself.  It isn't just about you or just about me.  Thankfully HTC and company understand this and try and accomodate all of us.

And this is not a troll,,,, hmm,,,

Your words are mixed as well, you seem as though you want it your way and no other way. There is multiple ways of playing this game and different aspects to accomplish that.  We take the game to WIN the map, you take it to shoot people down, isnt that basically what the game is about. 
No matter how you play it, you should not be penalized by an ENY to EVEN it out,  you may just find us using those planes to fight more often than using the bum rush method since that is what is an effective form of repelling the better planes,,,, MASS NUMBERS.
From where I am standing the ENY is not accomodating anyone but the people as yourself that look at the game as JUST FIGHTERS not WINNING THE MAP as a goal. good luck, hope to see you on the field, you will find that I dont run.

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Offline Shuffler

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« Reply #155 on: March 17, 2008, 12:31:34 PM »
I don't switch countries for the sake of ENY. I might as well play some FPS game if I cared that little of which side I was fighting for.  :confused:

Then fly what you are assigned or allowed to fly. Simple..... or do you want your cake and eat it too.
It's not as if you'll be remembered for your galantry in the years to come.

LOL Dadsgun looks to be trolling.... he sure contradicts himself.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2008, 12:36:01 PM by Shuffler »
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Offline Masherbrum

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Re: ENY!!!
« Reply #156 on: March 17, 2008, 12:33:16 PM »
Wow, this lame-arse thread is now at 11 pages?   
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Offline Guppy35

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Re: ENY!!!
« Reply #157 on: March 17, 2008, 12:54:32 PM »
And this is not a troll,,,, hmm,,,

Your words are mixed as well, you seem as though you want it your way and no other way. There is multiple ways of playing this game and different aspects to accomplish that.  We take the game to WIN the map, you take it to shoot people down, isnt that basically what the game is about. 
No matter how you play it, you should not be penalized by an ENY to EVEN it out,  you may just find us using those planes to fight more often than using the bum rush method since that is what is an effective form of repelling the better planes,,,, MASS NUMBERS.
From where I am standing the ENY is not accomodating anyone but the people as yourself that look at the game as JUST FIGHTERS not WINNING THE MAP as a goal. good luck, hope to see you on the field, you will find that I dont run.

I'm not asking for anything.  I'm understanding that I have choices within the game and I choose to do my part to even numbers out so that ENY is less of an issue.  I'm not telling you to fly any way in particular.  If you want to 'win the war', go for it.  As I said, by changing sides and chugging along in my 38G, ENY isn't a problem.  And by changing sides to even the numbers I help you not have to deal with ENY as best I can.

You on the other hand have found a 'loyalty' to a chess piece that apparently supercedes everything.  What you've gained from that is countered by what you've lost.  The ability if the numbers are way off, to fly the birds you prefer to fly.  And you've lost the chance to get to know other players from the other countries.  Good folks in all the countries.

I didn't ask for ENY, but I understand the need for it and do what I can to work within the system to enjoy the game, and as mentioned, many of us with our squads will switch to low numbers teams to try and even the numbers so that ENY is less of a factor.  How that is me wanting my way is beyond me.  I'd like to think we're trying to help everyone.

Now what is it that you were doing to help make the game better for all besides complaining?
8th FS "Headhunters

Offline Dadsguns

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Re: ENY!!!
« Reply #158 on: March 17, 2008, 01:03:26 PM »
If you would take the time to read the posts and judge less, you may find what your asking.

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Offline Murdr

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Re: ENY!!!
« Reply #159 on: March 17, 2008, 01:03:47 PM »
Yea, I don't see what is so hard to comprehend.  HTC apparently doesn't intend arena gameplay to be lopsided by country numbers.  Hence there is a concequence for that scenario.  Choice is to change countries, or don't and accept the concequences.  Left unchecked, the situation started to boarder on denial of service...Sorry, but not everyone has 100+ hours of leisure time to blow on AH, and those players are entitled to a decent game play environment for the hour or two in an evening that they have to play.  

So very few people who were here years ago, that had to log in disgust night after night due to the rampant hording will have very little sympathy for you not being able to fly the plane you want in the country you want whenever you damn well please.

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Re: ENY!!!
« Reply #160 on: March 17, 2008, 01:53:50 PM »

Working together is not penalized. We are not trying to implement a system where consentrating your forces is hampered.

But it realy is a basic game concepts that all sides have the same number of players. If you don't belive that concept, please sight one case where a game is not designed with that in mind. And please do not tell me AH is war, because it is not, it is a War game. And games are ment to be fun and fair. While war is not ment to be either fair or fun.

With equal sides, doing what it takes to win , is what game play is. In AH there are multiple levels of winning, makeing a capture,just shooting down more people than shot you down, ending the war. All are items of game play in AH.

Having more on your team gives your side an unfair advantage to all other sides. All items of game play are effected by that imbalance. And there realy is nothing that the sides with less numbers can do about it. They can not swith countries to even the numbers, if they move to the country with more numbers it just makes everything worse. They could make a treaty, but that only works in a defensive mode.

Equal sides is such a basic consept that over the life of AH the sides have maintained a fairly equal number, the resone is realy simple, people have more fun when the sides are equal.

So now the question becomes not IF the sides should be equal,
but how to accomplish that equality with least impact to the social apspect of the game.

It was not done do to any whines.

It was not pushed by anyone that has connections with HTC.

Inbalance had become a problem that had to be delt with.

It was discused for alternatives before being implemented.

It has worked to lower side imbalance issues.

It does not force you to play any certain way, it simply presents you with a choices. 

With out the ENY. When a side imbalnced happed, the ones complaining most were the underdogs. Could they do anything to help fix the imbalance?

Answere no . Changing sides would just make the problem worse.

With the ENY system. Those complaining , are now the Big side. Can they do somthing to help balance the sides.

Answere yes.

Will normal eb and flow of the arena occasionaly imbalance sides.

Answere yes.

Will the ENY system damapen those peeks, absolutly.


Offline Simaril

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Re: ENY!!!
« Reply #161 on: March 17, 2008, 02:11:31 PM »

Don't think I've ever run into you...but I'm sure unimpressed with what I've seen here. It takes a special kind of person to get insulting with Guppy and Murdr -- two of the all around classiest, mature, balanced guys I've come across on line.

Your uninformed, amateur attempts at arguing your case have already been rebutted. Whether you like it or not, ENY is NOT going away....adjust to it, and you'll be happier and more productive.

And one question: you claim loyalty prevents you from switching sides. Loyalty is a great thing -- but I have to ask, what good is loyalty that refuses to be inconvenienced? That kind of dedication seems a pretty shallow thing to me...
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Offline Soulyss

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Re: ENY!!!
« Reply #162 on: March 17, 2008, 02:12:52 PM »
Thx Murdr... seems pretty cut and dry to me.

80th FS "Headhunters"
I blame mir.

Offline Masherbrum

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Re: ENY!!!
« Reply #163 on: March 17, 2008, 02:17:41 PM »
And this is not a troll,,,, hmm,,,

Your words are mixed as well, you seem as though you want it your way and no other way. There is multiple ways of playing this game and different aspects to accomplish that.  We take the game to WIN the map, you take it to shoot people down, isnt that basically what the game is about. 
No matter how you play it, you should not be penalized by an ENY to EVEN it out,  you may just find us using those planes to fight more often than using the bum rush method since that is what is an effective form of repelling the better planes,,,, MASS NUMBERS.
From where I am standing the ENY is not accomodating anyone but the people as yourself that look at the game as JUST FIGHTERS not WINNING THE MAP as a goal. good luck, hope to see you on the field, you will find that I dont run.
The ONLY TIME I have EVER run into you, is when you are in Bombers.

You've shown the Community how little you know, by attempting to berate one the nicest people to play the game today (CorkyJr/Guppy35).   
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Offline MajIssue

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Re: ENY!!!
« Reply #164 on: March 17, 2008, 02:29:01 PM »
As a side balancing tool ENY falls short.
1. Does it reduce the "hoard"?     NO
2. Does it encourage sides to be "even"?    SOMETIMES
3. Is it's application equitable?    NO
4. Does it make paying customers mad?    YES
5. What can be done to fix it?    ?????

The ENY "formula" is a joke when it gets above a certain point. For example on Saturday 15MAR08 the ENY on the Bishop side in LW Blue was 26!!! While in Orange the Rooks/Knights had a ENY of 6-9 with a simular numerical advantage as the Bishops had in Blue. I like to fly FW-190A8s so a high ENY usually doesn't bother me, but when you can only up JU-88s when you want to "buff it", it is out of hand!

One has to ask is ENY for side balancing, or has it become a vehicle for prolonging the "agony" when a map is close to a reset. It seems like when a map reset is close... that there is suddenly alot of new names on the winning sides roster. Why should the guys that have "fought" hours or days to win a reset be penelized due to a bunch of perk chasers!
« Last Edit: March 17, 2008, 02:42:55 PM by MajIssue »
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