Presumption of racism. Guilt by association. Neither of which can be called a fact so much as your gut feeling and opinion.
No, fact that he associates with a racist, has for 20 years, was married by the racist, had his children baptised by the racist, said something earlier along the lines of having the racist as an adviser.
Typical politician.
An opinion poll run by a political mag. Again, not a "fact" by any margin, my friend.
Didn't read the methodology, did you? "The most liberal senator" is an extreme position to be in. Literally. This is the man that can find the center and bring America together? The most extremely liberal Senator? Typical politician, pretending to be "mainstream" while truly occupying the extreme fringe.
Thank you.He's from Chicago and he's a Democrat (and black), therefore he *must* be a dishonest racist?
Nope, didn't say that. Said he's a product of the Chicago political machine. Name one truly stellar patriot that came from that organization. Daley Senior? Rostenkowski? Daley Junior? If you are not aware of the reputation of Chicago Democrats it's because you've chosen to ignore it.
And Mac has missed one out of three since January. Does this make him only slightly less racist or dishonest than Obama or does it somehow make them equally so?
You'll note I said nothing about racism in any of those points other than Wright. You keep bringing it up as a red herrring. After all, the easy dodge for anyone supporting Obama is to claim any and all opposition is racist. You're playing that as your only card. Missing votes is about missing votes. This is a politician interested in change, except he can't seem to vote on any because he's so busy. McCain is another red herring. I pointed out upthread that I view him as no better a choice than Obama. Neither will get my vote.
And we know we can't elect anyone who has ever had a substance abuse problem in the past because that leads to racism.
You really are a one-trick pony. Substance abuse is about... suprise... substance abuse. As I said, this is a typical lying politician. The drug use fits the profile.
I'll just never understand the overbearing pride some exhibit in their shameful methodology used to point out the shame of another
Then I guess you'll never understand yourself, will you? Review your use of the racist card in your recent reply and you're looking in the mirror.
What I said is he's a typical lying politician. I see no "change I can believe in".
Instead of tossing "racist, racist, racist" around because you can't think of any counter, I
challenge you to counter my post.
Post the reasons why YOU think Obama is not just another lying politician. Give me some examples of "change I can believe in" that he's going to bring to the White House.
Go ahead; let's see what you're holding other than the racist cop-out card.