Please, tell me where, in your lengthy diatribes, you've answered the original question; how to beat an F4U with a Spit XVI other than your sugggestion to pick one that's already engaged in a low turn fight.
The thread wasn't called "How do you fly and fight in an F4U", which is all you've added to the thread. It was called "How to beat the F4U?"
To every response, your gone to great lengths to make a case that YOU can beat the responder. How is it then, that I've got (most likely) a 5:1 K/D rate against F4U's in Spit XVI's? I've fought TC and beat him three times in one night although one was a pick so we won't count that. One of those he was in a Hog, the other he was in a Typhoon.
Maybe your so afraid to fight that you want to scare anyone from engaging you in your beloved Hog? Maybe you want everyone to fly the F4U? Then HT can change the name of the game to F4U's High and lose 90% of his subcribers. It sounds like your style is to come in with an alt/E advantage and pick low cons. No problem if that's how you get your $15 worth but at least be honest about it.
I have nothing against you saxman. You're a great resource in how to fly and fight in the F4U but please, try to stay on topic, especially in the Help and Training forum. It's bad enough in the MA's without trying to scare everyone from engaging a specific aircraft and instead running, especially when the F4U is, for the most part, an easy kill.
I was not going to post to this thread until I saw this, BaldEagl, I praised and saluted you for the fun fights, although I knew going into it the following: "YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSE TO TURN FIGHT TYPHOONS AGAINST SPITFIRES"........ as for the killing me three times WTG, awesome <golf Clap> to put it in a more meaningful context, I will be glad to meet you in the DA at anytime you like and fly against you in a 1 vs 1 environment, so you can come back and say you beat me THREE times.......the film of that night when you got those 3 kills, was always multiple enemy vs Me..the 1st one was you in your spitfire and an La7, the second involved 2 or 3 spitfires, 1 P51, 1 c205 and 1 La7..........the one you got me where I was in a Hog, was also multiple enemy vs I really do not understand how you posting the above has any value to what you are claiming, Sir...... in all seriousness, the post I have quoted you on above has no place in the Training and help forum..........
Now, as to the original poster's question, here are a few things to think about or do (some of them have already been posted before by others, and Saxman has given some good info also ) to beat an F4U with any type spitfire?
1st off, as Saxman and maybe others have mentioned, you will want to quickly pick up on / recognize your F4U opponent's E(energy) state, you can tell this by how fast his closure rate is ( closure rate is the counter on him dropping ). If his counter seems kind of slow but is dropping turn into his direction and get a read on it, chances are he is shadowing you until he is with in striking distance, so you do not have a lot of time to react. Also, scan around and make sure their are no other threats close by ( you don't want to get picked

2nd -, stay in the spitfire's best flight envelope perferably between right at best instantaneous turn speed/rate and it's best sustained turn speed/ when you go to turn, if you get the angles advantage first, then turn to the right, or try and force him to turn right!
The F4U has a bit of trouble maintaining a good turn to the right with out throttle management. This will give you and edge to try and bleed his E.........
3rd - Try and recognize the skill level of your F4U opponent , if you pick up on him being a better skilled Stick, then just give it all you got, ( I should have posted this 1st - FILM ALL FIGHTS, and try and look for what you did wrong, if you can not figure it out post your films here, so others can figure it out for you )
5th - as Ren always said "Train Like You Fight! - Fight Like You Train! "
I have other thoughts and opinions, but have a mental / typing words block at the moment
edit: hlbly, are you the original hlbly from Air Warrior?