Author Topic: Adjustment to Scoring (idea)  (Read 8612 times)

Offline crockett

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Re: Adjustment to Scoring (idea)
« Reply #270 on: July 30, 2008, 07:30:30 PM »
Again.. why are you telling me to wait or not to wait??
I just don't think you get the point. I do not want to listen to you in terms of how I score my scoresheet.

Again.. if you want to defend the field, spend some time like I did to come from a different base and shoot me down.

Thats okay.

Ok this is the last reply that I will write to you.. if you don't get it by now you never will, so I won't waste my time after this.

No one is telling you to wait or not.. if a 30 second delay in scoring was set up at spawn, it would be entirely your choice to vulch him 2 seconds after he spawns or wait 30 seconds if you wanted scored for the kill. No one would be forcing anything on you or telling you not to do anything. The choice would be yours and yours alone.

Just like it's your choice to kill GV's in fighter mode if you want to. You can do it all day long but wont be scored for it, hell I do it all the time I don't care if I get score from them. This is the same thing, you can vulch all day long you just wouldn't be scored for it. I'll say it once again it would be entirely your choice to vulch or wait till the con was in the air 30 seconds later if you want the score from it.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2008, 07:32:59 PM by crockett »

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Re: Adjustment to Scoring (idea)
« Reply #271 on: July 30, 2008, 07:35:50 PM »
And this is my last reply to you. If you don't get it you never will.
Why should I NOT be rewarded for my vulch, if I want to be?
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Re: Adjustment to Scoring (idea)
« Reply #272 on: July 30, 2008, 07:43:05 PM »
So how would this "dictate" how they play?

Because Zazen says that milk running is running rampant and he wants to put a stop to it by implementing new rules. This is dictating how people play.

People are still going to get vulched in the event of a horde taking a base. I will ask this yet again.  Why do you and zazen care if people get score points for vulches?
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Offline crockett

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Re: Adjustment to Scoring (idea)
« Reply #273 on: July 30, 2008, 07:55:40 PM »
Because Zazen says that milk running is running rampant and he wants to put a stop to it by implementing new rules. This is dictating how people play.

People are still going to get vulched in the event of a horde taking a base. I will ask this yet again.  Why do you and zazen care if people get score points for vulches?

Steve if after 19 pages of this and you can't understand the reason behind the idea then you just aren't going to understand. It doesn't mean you have to agree with it, but I can't say anything else that will likely make you understand. It's about improving game play and giving people a reward for actually fighting in a "air combat" game. Score is only the tool used for the reward nothing more nothing less.

Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: Adjustment to Scoring (idea)
« Reply #274 on: July 30, 2008, 07:57:12 PM »
So you want to dictate how these milk-horders play.  I see.  I'm completely against any further restrictions/ rules that funnel gameplay in a particular manner.

I'm just going to let you be my spokesperson from now on in this thread since you pretty much echo my own thoughts on the matter.

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Re: Adjustment to Scoring (idea)
« Reply #275 on: July 30, 2008, 08:01:27 PM »
Ack I'm quite sure you have never been vulched.. I mean the vulchers would have to fly 3 sectors deep into enemy territory in hope of catching you before you hit 20k. This topic has more impact on the guys that fly below the cloud layers.   :rofl


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Re: Adjustment to Scoring (idea)
« Reply #276 on: July 30, 2008, 08:03:55 PM »
I'm sure theres no need for this kind of personal 'alt monkey' comment.

It's called a joke amongst friends. 

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Re: Adjustment to Scoring (idea)
« Reply #277 on: July 30, 2008, 08:10:57 PM »
Steve if after 19 pages of this and you can't understand the reason behind the idea then you just aren't going to understand.

Due to the way I choose to set up my bbs prefrences, I show page 12.  Maybe we should institute a rule to fix that.

It's about improving game play and giving people a reward for actually fighting in a "air combat" game.

Umm no, there is already a reward for actually fighting in a "air combat" game.  You want to remove reward for gameplay you disapprove of.

Score is only the tool used for the reward nothing more nothing less.

Funny because it seems to be common knowledge who the best stick are, and they generally ignore score.  I guess noteriety within the community doesn't count as a reward.

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Re: Adjustment to Scoring (idea)
« Reply #278 on: July 30, 2008, 08:14:02 PM »
Steve if after 19 pages of this and you can't understand the reason behind the idea then you just aren't going to understand. It doesn't mean you have to agree with it, but I can't say anything else that will likely make you understand. It's about improving game play and giving people a reward for actually fighting in a "air combat" game. Score is only the tool used for the reward nothing more nothing less.

I do understand and I disagree with you.  You want to change the rules which, per your own admission, will change the way milk horders will play the game.  You want to change the way some people play the game because you don't think they should play it that wa.  you then hide it behind the guise of improving gameplay.

 You want to legislate how people play the game. I am 100% against that.
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Re: Adjustment to Scoring (idea)
« Reply #279 on: July 30, 2008, 08:15:13 PM »
No one is telling you to wait or not.. if a 30 second delay in scoring was set up at spawn, it would be entirely your choice to vulch him 2 seconds after he spawns or wait 30 seconds

Crockett, why do you care if someone gets score or not?
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Re: Adjustment to Scoring (idea)
« Reply #280 on: July 30, 2008, 08:35:17 PM »

Seriously man what is so bad about that? You are so dead set against it so why don't you explain why.. How will it affect the game is such a bad way that you are so dead set against it? Saying you don't want any changes made isn't a answer.

It's a completely valid answer. You just don't like it.

Stupidity should bear a penalty. Laziness should not be encouraged. Under your scheme, both the shooter and victim see no change to their score. If there is no penalty for being dumb or lazy where there was one before, then it's really a net gain over what would previously happen and tantamount to a reward. Are you following this?

The entire argument is silly. Want to limit vulching? One less mouse click does it every time. Amazing, isn't it? Problem solved. Wanna break a cap? Grab a Tiffie or Dora from the nearest base, invest 5 minutes and have a field day killing the low flying horde. Another problem solved.

I think it's the instant gratification culture at work here. No one wants to take 5 minutes to really have a chance to break a cap. "I want it now!"

You want it more difficult to get a vulch started and make hording more costly? Harden the field ack. Add some manned 88mm guns. Harden the ordnance bunkers. Add a second VH. There's lots of ways to temper the hordes and vulch-fests without dicking around with scores and adding massive complexity to the game code. Hardening the ack (including manned) requires just a few mouse clicks in the arena setup screen, less than a minute. Increasing lethality can be done at the same time. These things will make a difference and without the slightest expenditure of time and trouble. However, your cure is no better than the disease IMHO.

My regards,

My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

Offline Lusche

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Re: Adjustment to Scoring (idea)
« Reply #281 on: July 30, 2008, 08:43:21 PM »
You want it more difficult to get a vulch started and make hording more costly? Harden the field ack. Add some manned 88mm guns. Harden the ordnance bunkers.

That's the way HTC went before, when massively increasing ack on the bases about 2 years ago, IIRC. And it worked, accompanied by a huge bluster.
Of course it didn't stopped vulching, but made it more difficult (Before that day it was no big problem to completely deack a large field on your own, then setting up a "cap").

The addition of the WW was the next step (sadly/fortunately most WW drivers are lazy or dumb or both, preferring to sit in a huge cluster right at the VH instead of tactically dispersing all over the field)
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Re: Adjustment to Scoring (idea)
« Reply #282 on: July 30, 2008, 08:50:53 PM »
The addition of the WW was the next step (sadly/fortunately most WW drivers are lazy or dumb or both, preferring to sit in a huge cluster right at the VH instead of tactically dispersing all over the field)

I shudder when I see that... One 1,000 pounder and 6 guys are back in the tower. Well, you can't fix dizzy, but maybe we can stencil it on their foreheads. ;)

My regards,

My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

Offline Steve

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Re: Adjustment to Scoring (idea)
« Reply #283 on: July 30, 2008, 09:05:59 PM »
You want it more difficult to get a vulch started and make hording more costly? Harden the field ack. Add some manned 88mm guns. Harden the ordnance bunkers. Add a second VH. There's lots of ways to temper the hordes and vulch-fests without dicking around with scores and adding massive complexity to the game code. Hardening the ack (including manned) requires just a few mouse clicks in the arena setup screen, less than a minute. Increasing lethality can be done at the same time. These things will make a difference and without the slightest expenditure of time and trouble. However, your cure is no better than the disease IMHO.

My regards,


See this would work but the reason they are approaching it with this 30 sec BS is because they aren't really being honest.  The truth is they think vulchers skew the scores/ranks and they don't like this.
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Offline Zazen13

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Re: Adjustment to Scoring (idea)
« Reply #284 on: July 30, 2008, 09:21:17 PM »
Steve if after 19 pages of this and you can't understand the reason behind the idea then you just aren't going to understand. It doesn't mean you have to agree with it, but I can't say anything else that will likely make you understand. It's about improving game play and giving people a reward for actually fighting in a "air combat" game. Score is only the tool used for the reward nothing more nothing less.

Exactly, I've explained the logic of this from every possible angle I can think of. If the few vocal nay sayers are so obstinate in their position that they can find nothing in the previous 18 pages of explanations compelling, nothing will change their minds.

This is starting to remind me of asking your kid to clean his room, "Billy, clean your room please".
"Billy clean your room now!"
"Billy I'm not going to tell you again, clean your room!"
"No, I don't want to!"
<Takes belt off, Billy runs to his room>

« Last Edit: July 30, 2008, 09:23:56 PM by Zazen13 »
Zazen PhD of Cherrypickology
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