Author Topic: South Osetia under attack  (Read 112282 times)

Offline Boroda

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1215 on: August 16, 2008, 08:53:26 PM »
Bay of Pigs was an invasion by an army of Cubans, trained by the US. John F. Kennedy had promised air support and other support, but then reneged on his promises. Thats why the invasion failed. It is also a stain on our national honor. It most likely would have succeeded if the promised support had arrived. Cuba then wouldn't have had to live under communist rule for several decades.

Exactly what we see now in poor Georgia.

We also saw it regarding Poland in 1939.

As for living under "communism" - go diddly yourself, you don't have any idea what it is.

Anyway it's better to live on your own then to be milked by "liberators" forever.

Offline Boroda

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1216 on: August 16, 2008, 09:00:41 PM »
See Rules #4, #5
« Last Edit: August 18, 2008, 11:18:41 AM by Skuzzy »

Offline Boroda

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1217 on: August 16, 2008, 09:05:22 PM »
Maybe you should choose adversaries more carefully...

Finns Attack Russians on the Raate Road in the Winter War 5 January 1940

On 5 January 1940, The Finns began an offensive on the Raate Road, near Suomussalmi and ended up destroying or capturing the Russian 44th Division. The 44th had been halted at a roadblock southeast of Suomussalmi around the present day intersection of roads 912 and 843. The Russians hunkered down along the road between Suomussalmi and Raate in what the Finns called motti formations, a logging term doubling in meaning that the 44th's sub units could be broken into smaller chunks and cut up individually like so many logs. The Finns operated in small units all along the road and and spent days conducting close range grenade attacks and terrifying the Russian officers with highly selective sniper fire. The Russians were out of their mind with cold, hunger and fear. A single sniper round fired by a Finn marksman would unleash totally undisciplined "mad minutes" from the Russians, normally killing nothing, but trees. Soon, ammunition ran short and re-supply from the air turned the starving troops into in-fighting hords. After 2 days of this nightmare, the 44th dissolved in death, capture or flight. It was the high water mark for the Finns and showed the Russians that taking the grossly outnumbered, but skilled Finns would not be a cake walk. Check out the book, Frozen Hell by William R. Trotter, which has an entire chapter dedicated to this battle.

hehehehehe... slaughtered by smaller force; panicked, helpless. Proud moment, Boroda?

And did it help them in March 1940 when Red Army finally started to fight according to regulations and broke Mannerheim Line in a matter of hours, with Soviet tanks on the ice of Finnish Gulf attacking them from the rear and nothing to stop a single Soviet platoon on the road to Helsinky?

You guys are so proud for being severely diddlyed up in Hawaii on Dec 7th 1941, it means you all suck big time, and everyone laughs at you for over 60 years now.

Offline Elfie

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1218 on: August 16, 2008, 09:06:48 PM »
Exactly what we see now in poor Georgia.

We also saw it regarding Poland in 1939.

We never promised Georgia air support or other military support. Neither did we do that for Poland in 1939. In both cases we were in no position to send troops to help, or aircraft to help. Ridiculous argument.
Corkyjr on country jumping:
In the end you should be thankful for those players like us who switch to try and help keep things even because our willingness to do so, helps a more selfish, I want it my way player, get to fly his latewar uber ride.

Offline Boroda

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1219 on: August 16, 2008, 09:06:53 PM »
Enough of it for me this morning.

I start to become ugly again, but you deserve every diddly i use.

Offline gwano

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1220 on: August 16, 2008, 09:10:14 PM »
Again I advise you to read something.

Asian hordes of jewish bolsheviks my ass.

Any person caught on rape had to be immediately executed in front of his unit, and it's not an American "army" where you can skip executing orders you don't like as Hangtman told me before. It really happened.

Go jerk off on your first hand accounts. Also aske your grandad how many German women he bought using a pack of poopty cigarettes.

I await to hear about "Millions of raped Georgian women" from CNN. They'll show some "gome with the bind" scenes as a proof.

What a bunch of morons. Impossible to brainwash, indeed, no brains, not even a single stem-cell for an interaural gangle.

Why so much past history and anger!!
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Offline Elfie

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1221 on: August 16, 2008, 09:16:39 PM »
Again I advise you to read something.

Asian hordes of jewish bolsheviks my ass.

Any person caught on rape had to be immediately executed in front of his unit, and it's not an American "army" where you can skip executing orders you don't like as Hangtman told me before. It really happened.

Go jerk off on your first hand accounts. Also aske your grandad how many German women he bought using a pack of poopty cigarettes.

I await to hear about "Millions of raped Georgian women" from CNN. They'll show some "gome with the bind" scenes as a proof.

What a bunch of morons. Impossible to brainwash, indeed, no brains, not even a single stem-cell for an interaural gangle.

I told you Rich.

You can't handle the truth about your own country Boroda. I can handle the truth about mine and admit when mine has made mistakes.

Go to this link, you will see atrocities listed by both sides. I copy/pasted a couple from your country.


On the 16th of February, soldiers of the First White Russian Army occupied the town of Neustettin just inside the German border with Poland. In the town was the 'Wilmsee' camp of the German R.A.D. (Reich Women's Labour Service). In the huts were some 500 uniformed girls of the RAD. They were taken to the foreign workers barracks at the local iron foundry. All were considered by the Russians to be members of an illegal army. In an office set up by the Russian commissar groups of girls were brought in and ordered to undress. Two men (believed to be Poles) then entered and grabbing one of the girls bent her backwards over the edge of a table and then proceeded to cut off her breasts before the eyes of the others. Her screams were accompanied by cheers and howls of approval from the Russians. The same fate awaited all the others each procedure becoming ever more cruel. More girls were brought in continually and out in the courtyard hundreds were clubbed to death, only the prettiest being led to the commissars office for torture and death. A few days later when a German tank unit from Cottbus temporarily recaptured the town they were utterly devastated by what they saw. Survivors told of what they had seen. Mothers had to witness their ten and twelve year old daughters being raped by up to twenty soldiers, the daughters in turn witnessing their mothers being raped, even their grandmothers. In most houses in the town nearly every room contained naked and dead women with the Swastika symbol crudely carved on their abdomens. No mercy was shown to the women and girls of Neustettin. It is estimated that about 2,000 girls that had been in the RAD and BDM (League of German Girls) camps in and around the town were raped and murdered in the few days of the Soviet occupation.


Just inside the east Prussian border with Soviet occupied Lithuania, the town of Nemmersdorf was the first to fall (temporarily) into the hands of the victorious Red Army. Overrun by General Gatlitsky's 11th Guards Army, his soldiers, crazy with bloodlust, set about raping, looting and killing with such ferocity that eventually discipline had to be restored to force the soldiers back to fighting the war. From buildings, Russian signs were hung which read 'Soldiers! Majdanek does not forgive. Take revenge without mercy!'. When the Soviet 4th Army took over the town five days later, hardly a single inhabitant remained alive. Women were found nailed to barn doors after being stripped naked and gang raped, their bodies then used for target practice. Many women, and girls as young as eight years old, were raped so often and brutally that they died from this abuse alone. Children were shot indiscriminately and all those trying to flee were crushed to death under the treads of the Soviet tanks. Forty French prisoners-of-war were shot on the spot as spies after welcoming the Red Army as liberators. Seventy one women and one man were found in houses, all dead. All the women, including girls aged from eight to twelve, had been raped.

In other East Prussian villages within the triangle Gumbinnen-Goldap-Ebenrode, the same scenes were witnessed, old men and boys being castrated and their eyes gouged out before being killed or burned alive. In nearby Metgethen, a suburb of Königsberg, recaptured by the German 5th Panzer Division, around 60 women were found in a demented state in a large villa. They had been raped on average 60 to 70 times a day. In nearly every home, the bodies of women and children were found raped and murdered. The bodies of two young women were found, their legs had been tied one limb each between two trucks, and then torn apart when the trucks were driven away in opposite directions. At Metgethen railway station, a refugee train from Konigsberg, consisting of seven passenger coaches, was found and in each compartment seven to nine bestially mutilated bodies were discovered. To the Russians, refugee trains were ideal sources of women and booty. In the town of Niesse in Silesia, 182 Catholic nuns were raped and debauched daily by the Russians.

In a house in another town children were found sitting around a dinner table, plates of potato pancakes in front of them. All were dead, their tongues nailed to the table. Soviet officers reported back to Moscow that mass poisoning from captured alcohol, including dangerous chemicals found in laboratories, is damaging the fighting capacity of the Red Army. All too often, soldiers who had drunk too much and were unable to perform the sex act, used the bottle to mutilate their victims obscenely. Alexander Solzhenitsyn, an ex-captain in the Soviet Army, recalls, "All of us knew very well that if girls were German they could be raped and then shot. This was almost a combat distinction" (Details of these, and other atrocities, are contained in the Eastern Documentation Section of the German Federal Archives in Berlin)

The orgy of rape by Soviet troops was far greater than at first believed. Even Russian women and young girls, newly liberated from concentration camps in Poland and in Germany, were brutally violated. The thousands of Russian women taken to Germany for forced labour also fell victims to the rapists. 'I waited for the Red Army for days and nights. I waited for my liberation, but now our soldiers treat us far worse than the Germans did' said one Maria Shapoval,'They do terrible things to us'.
Corkyjr on country jumping:
In the end you should be thankful for those players like us who switch to try and help keep things even because our willingness to do so, helps a more selfish, I want it my way player, get to fly his latewar uber ride.

Offline Toad

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1222 on: August 16, 2008, 09:19:54 PM »
Oh please, Vietnam was a joke. You pulled out because you were getting whipped.
You bit off more than you could chew and took everyone else who was in it down with you.

That's the mass media BS. Read "A Better War: The Unexamined Victories and Final Tragedy of America's Last Years in Vietnam" by Lewis Sorely. Extremely well documented and footnoted. You can verify just about everything says.

Read that and get back to me. Right now, you just don't know what you are talking about.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1223 on: August 16, 2008, 09:32:51 PM »
Anyway it's better to live on your own then to be milked by "liberators" forever.

This milk is like a drug. Mr Saakashvili is starting to chew his tie without milk :)

Offline Motherland

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1224 on: August 16, 2008, 09:36:24 PM »
I told you Rich.

You can't handle the truth about your own country Boroda. I can handle the truth about mine and admit when mine has made mistakes.

Go to this link, you will see atrocities listed by both sides. I copy/pasted a couple from your country.

I was going to post Hartmann's experience on capture, but I got about a quarter of the way through typing it and decided it was way too much for these forums.
However, after the initial rape of young German girls in front of the restrained German men, and then the first night where several of the German families committed suicide, some Russian officers showed up and organized things... When a few Russian soldiers decided it would be a good idea to do this again, all three of them were hanged.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2008, 09:42:58 PM by Motherland »

Offline Yeager

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1225 on: August 16, 2008, 09:42:53 PM »
I told you Rich.

You can't handle the truth about your own country Boroda. I can handle the truth about mine and admit when mine has made mistakes.

About as a good a point has been made against comrade boroda.  I dont recall him <boroda> ever admiting to the error of his leaders.  he is a rubber stamp if ever there was one.
"If someone flips you the bird and you don't know it, does it still count?" - SLIMpkns

Offline Hangtime

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1226 on: August 16, 2008, 10:04:14 PM »
A superb speech... timeless, and deserves a play now.

"The greater risk lies in appeasement"

'You and I have a rendezvous with destiny..."

Sent a chill down my spine. This guy showed us how stop the bear once.. the forgotten lesson needs to be learned again.
The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.

Offline gwano

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1227 on: August 16, 2008, 10:16:08 PM »
comrade boroda. he is a rubber stamp if ever there was one.

  :O:lol :rofl
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Offline Elfie

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1228 on: August 16, 2008, 11:42:55 PM »
A superb speech... timeless, and deserves a play now.

"The greater risk lies in appeasement"

'You and I have a rendezvous with destiny..."

Sent a chill down my spine. This guy showed us how stop the bear once.. the forgotten lesson needs to be learned again.

Ronald Reagan, The Great Communicator and our last great president.  :salute
Corkyjr on country jumping:
In the end you should be thankful for those players like us who switch to try and help keep things even because our willingness to do so, helps a more selfish, I want it my way player, get to fly his latewar uber ride.

Offline Elfie

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1229 on: August 17, 2008, 12:00:15 AM »
When we fought Germany chewing up 80% of it's military machine (with at least 15% out of 20% left done by Wojsko Polsko) you kept playing around some forgotten islands for 3 years, until USSR interfered and cruched Japanese Continental Army in one decisive hit that took two weeks.

I wasn't going to dignify this statement with a rebuttal but I feel something needs to be said.

In 1939 Hitler's armies crossed into Poland and began the most devastating war our world has ever seen. Millions died on all sides, combatants and non-combatants alike.

Each Allied country put forth maximum effort to defeat the Nazi war machine. Great Britain and the Commonwealth Nations stood alone against Hitler's Third Reich for a time. The USSR suffered the heaviest casualties of all the Allied nations and paid the greatest price. America's great industrial power armed not only the American forces but also helped to arm many of the Allied nations as well.

Each Allied country, put forth effort according to it's strengths. Without that maximum effort from every Allied nation Hitler's Third Reich might not have been defeated. It took all of us to beat Hitler and his armies.

You will never see me belittle the USSR's efforts against Hitler, ever. Your attempt to belittle America's effort in World War II doesn't anger me. I simply find it disgusting.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2008, 12:37:11 AM by Elfie »
Corkyjr on country jumping:
In the end you should be thankful for those players like us who switch to try and help keep things even because our willingness to do so, helps a more selfish, I want it my way player, get to fly his latewar uber ride.