Author Topic: Ruined.  (Read 1748 times)

Offline Roundeye

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Re: Ruined.
« Reply #15 on: October 12, 2008, 01:40:54 PM »
It is a game.  Get over it.  I'm sorry if this is offensive, but my point still stands.

Awsome.  FYI, there is nothing to get over.  I posted to get an idea of what the general population feels about lame gameplay.  We have ones like Latrobe who dislikes the lameness and does something constructive like offer advice.  Then there is the "get over it" crowd.  There is certainly no doubt where you stand.  Have a lovely evening.

As far as me thinking of retiring, it means nothing.  There will be a new guy in my place as soon as I leave.  Just wanted to give a <S> to those who fought well...
« Last Edit: October 12, 2008, 01:44:29 PM by Roundeye »

Offline uptown

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Re: Ruined.
« Reply #16 on: October 12, 2008, 01:49:58 PM »
Roundeye, You must realize that there are people of all skill levels in this game and it's your job as a more skillful player to see this and adapt your tactics as needed.  :salute
« Last Edit: October 12, 2008, 03:33:10 PM by uptown »
Lighten up Francis

Offline Max

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Re: Ruined.
« Reply #17 on: October 12, 2008, 01:51:12 PM »
An anonymous lurker with multiple shades pitches a fit and threatens to quit.  :lol

My day's in ruins now  :cry

Offline kj714

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Re: Ruined.
« Reply #18 on: October 12, 2008, 03:20:24 PM »
Wow.  I've been playing this game for 3 to 4 years under various names and have for the most part had fun.  I've had to take a few breaks now and then and things seem to be better when I come back with a fresh start.  Not this time.  I took a break and came back only to get immediately reminded of why I left to begin with.

Lame actions that completely ruin the game such as:

*Team"mates" shooting a falling wreckage of a plane you just shot the wings off of.

*Team"mates" swooping in on a plane you manage to actually get in a good 1v1 fight.

*Team"mates" failing to give 'check 6' calls but falling in on the plane that is on you (using you for bait).

*HO shots by experienced players in uber rides on initial merge.  Example:  Just tonight I see a spixteen with alt heading toward me so I turn into him WITHOUT FIRING and he HOs me.  Whatever happened to the initial merge?  The guy was someone I HAD respect for (notice I said "HAD"). 

I think its time to retire for good.  It really is getting old (or maybe I am).

So I send a big <S> to all who have fought with honor and done your part to make this game fun over the years.  And to all of you who lack the stones and common respect to fight a good fight, kill steal, and abuse the game to boost your ego and compensate for certain know what you can do.

P.S.  Please note:  How you respond tells the world which category you fit in. :aok

<S>Over and out. 


Love it, whine-o-meter gives it an 8 for completeness, you cover a lot here.

Here's my thoughts, I do not claim to speak for the general population as you do, (which you don't, you speak for Roundeye)

I've been playing this game for 3 to 4 years under various names and have for the most part had fun.

Okay, so you are not new, just nobody's going to recognize your name. So what?, who cares? sounds like a newbie whine, but whatever, I guess you left out the "somebody shot my chute" part that would i.d. you as a new player. The whole point of this is to say "listen to me, I matter".

  have for the most part had fun.

 It's okay princess, let it out, we're right here for you.

 *Team"mates" shooting a falling wreckage of a plane you just shot the wings off of.

It's the 1% 'ers rule, usually happens in target rich battles, and how many kills do you really lose to this? not many I'm guessing . Yeah there's some kids and dolts that play this game but what do you expect anyone to about it? It's like the moron driving 55 in the fast lane, go around them, give them the finger and go on about your business.

*Team"mates" swooping in on a plane you manage to actually get in a good 1v1 fight.

Classic picktard, same guy that just shot the wings off your flaming wreckage, maybe he's following you. Still, if it happens all the time, maybe you should do a style check on your own play.

*Team"mates" failing to give 'check 6' calls but falling in on the plane that is on you (using you for bait).

OOOh, my favorite, check 6 is a gift not an obligation, be a manly man, check your own six and don't complain if your own target fixation or that bag of Cheetos is your downfall.

*HO shots by experienced players in uber rides on initial merge.  Example:  Just tonight I see a spixteen with alt heading toward me so I turn into him WITHOUT FIRING and he HOs me.  Whatever happened to the initial merge?  The guy was someone I HAD respect for (notice I said "HAD").

Seriously, this is where I lose all respect for your post. What you're telling me is that you accepted the HO instead of easily evading, and then were so surprised when he blew you out of the sky by of all the preposterous things  :mad: PULLING THE TRIGGER! MY GOD! BASTIGES! :mad: Here's a free clue, if you go nose to nose with someone you better fire, because they sure are. :aok

Either step on the gas or get out of the fast lane.

Whatever happened to the initial merge?

You blew it, that's what happened

experienced players in uber rides

Excellent sub-whine, the inexperienced would probably not catch this. However, anyone has the right to fly anything they want, do you also pass on blowing the new player numbers guy up that can barely get the wheels off the ground in his P-51d that he's flopping all over the sky in? Given that you set up your own internal parameters for skill level /ride acceptability, surely you only engage players at or above your own skill level flying the appropriate aircraft for that same skill level.

The question really becomes - Do you vulch?

I think its time to retire for good.  It really is getting old (or maybe I am). :furious

I heartily agree and support you in your quest for greater satisfaction. It sounds like you just can't make this all work out in a fulfilling manner and you could put the $14.95 to much better use. Maybe golf? Good luck to you sir! May you alway have clear skys and the wind at your back! :salute

« Last Edit: October 12, 2008, 03:44:39 PM by kj714 »

Offline Rich46yo

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Re: Ruined.
« Reply #19 on: October 12, 2008, 03:56:16 PM »
You've made it painfully obvious that you don't know me....and that you enjoyed snipping out parts of my post to suit your needs.  I love it.  Have a wonderful day.

No I dont know you. I dont think I mentioned in my post I did, and obviously you really aren't leaving.

If I were to give advice I'd say take the advice of others here and just chill out cause its only a game. But whatever you do, and I could personally care less, I hope you cease with the high drama. You could have posted about the lame gameplay without the , "naaa-naaa, I'm leaving".

My guess is you aren't going anywhere and are simply in need of attention.
"flying the aircraft of the Red Star"

Offline Tr1gg22

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Re: Ruined.
« Reply #20 on: October 12, 2008, 04:06:03 PM »
I think HTC should start a different forum for people who think they need to let everyone no there going to quit the game...What should we call it?????
"CO" of the Wobblin Gobblins...

Offline uptown

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Re: Ruined.
« Reply #21 on: October 12, 2008, 04:12:15 PM »
I think HTC should start a different forum for people who think they need to let everyone no there going to quit the game...What should we call it?????

The winery?
Lighten up Francis

Offline RTHolmes

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Re: Ruined.
« Reply #22 on: October 12, 2008, 04:37:12 PM »
71 (Eagle) Squadron

What most of us want to do is simply shoot stuff and look good doing it - Chilli

Offline kj714

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Re: Ruined.
« Reply #23 on: October 12, 2008, 04:40:04 PM »
I think HTC should start a different forum for people who think they need to let everyone no there going to quit the game...What should we call it?????

"Sayonara, I'll see you tomorrow"

Offline CAP1

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Re: Ruined.
« Reply #24 on: October 12, 2008, 04:41:06 PM »
Dammit!  I'm still having fun too.

The next thing you know, I'll be in line to not quit again!

you can't quit!!

the one time i met you in the arenas, you proved to be the most respectable enemy i have ever had the pleasure to be kilt by.


"edit" whoops.....i just re-read and saw the "not" in there. my original statement still stands though
ingame 1LTCAP
80th FS "Headhunters"
S.A.P.P.- Secret Association Of P-38 Pilots (Lightning in a Bottle)

Offline Anchor

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Re: Ruined.
« Reply #25 on: October 12, 2008, 05:07:30 PM »
If you had been here long enough, you would know that all the things you complain about ARE what this game is. You say it use to not be that way, but in fact it has not changed. Your experience in-game may have changed, but not the game itself. There are a gazillion people playing, why would you expect more than say 25% to play the way you think is the "ethical" way to play.

To be honest, I'm probably one of the people you complain about. I'm older, slower, don't play enough to get uber good at it, but I have a helluva a time doing it. Next time you get mad about something. Take off the headphones, turn off your screen and look around the room; everything is still OK. There are no recruiters there saying "If you had one more kill you'd never have to work again"....breath.

As for me, I'm still gonna HO cuz I get HO'd. I'm just gonna try to out HO. If I see a plane falling, I may shoot at it because I ain't seen a single sprite all night (because I suck), and it makes be feel like that $15 is worth it. I will take responsibility and apologize if I hear you complain about it.

Finally, I'm gonna give you a check six if I think about it, if not I'm going to assume you've got enough sense to look back (pull back on the HAT) once in a while. If you start whining about it, I'll probably say something smart just to make you madder, cuz that's part of the $15 worth of fun.

Now I'm guessing I'm there are some people out there thinking the same thing I am, but if not that's OK too. I don't expect anybody to play by any rules if they choose not to. If it ain't cheating, it ain't a problem for me.

I hope you figure out that this game is just a bunch of 0'z and 1'z flying through some silicon, and if you make the most of it you'll have a helluva lot of fun, meet a great deal of good people, and laugh your butt off for the evening. If you can't do that, your probably never going to be happy anyway.

"Check 6"

Offline meddog

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Re: Ruined.
« Reply #26 on: October 12, 2008, 05:57:51 PM »

Ooh, my favorite, check 6 is a gift not an obligation, be a manly man, check your own six and don't complain if your own target fixation or that bag of Cheetos is your downfall.

You obviously have never served in the military.  If you had, you wouldn't be saying this because the first thing they teach you about combat is that it is you obligation to watch your Buddie's back because by doing so, the person's life you save may really be your own.

However, with two schools of thought as to whether this is a game of air combat simulation or just a flying game will generally correspond to your views on whether 6 calls is a gift or obligation. Those that subscribe to the combat simulation (generally military or ex-military) will feel that 6 calls are an obligation those that subscribe to the other will feel that its a gift which leads me to my next point.

Although this is a game, ergo no one really gets hurt or killed, the "its a game get over it" at times has been used to a great extent as a crutch to justify behavior or actions that would otherwise not be tolerated or severely looked down upon in the real world.  This game offers us a high level of anonymity that tends to open doors for those that are so prone, to act out juvenile and almost anarchical behavior.  You have some that feel this is a game about team work, others feel it's all about them and this is nothing more that an X-Box game with real people instead of AI.  And how you play this game depends on which school of thought you belong to.
Yes I know I suck, other wise youuuuu would be dead so stop bragging.

Offline Roundeye

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Re: Ruined.
« Reply #27 on: October 12, 2008, 08:47:06 PM »
Love it, whine-o-meter gives it an 8 for completeness, you cover a lot here.

Here's my thoughts, I do not claim to speak for the general population as you do, (which you don't, you speak for Roundeye)

I've been playing this game for 3 to 4 years under various names and have for the most part had fun.

Okay, so you are not new, just nobody's going to recognize your name. So what?, who cares? sounds like a newbie whine, but whatever, I guess you left out the "somebody shot my chute" part that would i.d. you as a new player. The whole point of this is to say "listen to me, I matter".

  have for the most part had fun.

 It's okay princess, let it out, we're right here for you.

 *Team"mates" shooting a falling wreckage of a plane you just shot the wings off of.

It's the 1% 'ers rule, usually happens in target rich battles, and how many kills do you really lose to this? not many I'm guessing . Yeah there's some kids and dolts that play this game but what do you expect anyone to about it? It's like the moron driving 55 in the fast lane, go around them, give them the finger and go on about your business.

*Team"mates" swooping in on a plane you manage to actually get in a good 1v1 fight.

Classic picktard, same guy that just shot the wings off your flaming wreckage, maybe he's following you. Still, if it happens all the time, maybe you should do a style check on your own play.

*Team"mates" failing to give 'check 6' calls but falling in on the plane that is on you (using you for bait).

OOOh, my favorite, check 6 is a gift not an obligation, be a manly man, check your own six and don't complain if your own target fixation or that bag of Cheetos is your downfall.

*HO shots by experienced players in uber rides on initial merge.  Example:  Just tonight I see a spixteen with alt heading toward me so I turn into him WITHOUT FIRING and he HOs me.  Whatever happened to the initial merge?  The guy was someone I HAD respect for (notice I said "HAD").

Seriously, this is where I lose all respect for your post. What you're telling me is that you accepted the HO instead of easily evading, and then were so surprised when he blew you out of the sky by of all the preposterous things  :mad: PULLING THE TRIGGER! MY GOD! BASTIGES! :mad: Here's a free clue, if you go nose to nose with someone you better fire, because they sure are. :aok

Either step on the gas or get out of the fast lane.

Whatever happened to the initial merge?

You blew it, that's what happened

experienced players in uber rides

Excellent sub-whine, the inexperienced would probably not catch this. However, anyone has the right to fly anything they want, do you also pass on blowing the new player numbers guy up that can barely get the wheels off the ground in his P-51d that he's flopping all over the sky in? Given that you set up your own internal parameters for skill level /ride acceptability, surely you only engage players at or above your own skill level flying the appropriate aircraft for that same skill level.

The question really becomes - Do you vulch?

I think its time to retire for good.  It really is getting old (or maybe I am). :furious

I heartily agree and support you in your quest for greater satisfaction. It sounds like you just can't make this all work out in a fulfilling manner and you could put the $14.95 to much better use. Maybe golf? Good luck to you sir! May you alway have clear skys and the wind at your back! :salute

Wow......uh....WOW.  I've had some posts picked apart before by someone wanting to play AH shrink, but THIS one takes the cake.  You deserve a medal.  You even went so far as to make a change to suit your own need (whatever THAT is).  Now this is entertainment.....and it's right here on this free forum.  Thanks for the laugh :lol

Again, one reason for the post was to gauge AH player mindsets.  I know where you fit.....and it's NOT with Latrobe or uptown who understand and offer advice.  Wow, imagine that...doing something CONSTRUCTIVE.  Have a splended evening and may your skies always be clear, blue and 22. :salute
« Last Edit: October 12, 2008, 08:48:58 PM by Roundeye »

Offline Guppy35

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Re: Ruined.
« Reply #28 on: October 12, 2008, 08:48:14 PM »
You obviously have never served in the military.  If you had, you wouldn't be saying this because the first thing they teach you about combat is that it is you obligation to watch your Buddie's back because by doing so, the person's life you save may really be your own.

However, with two schools of thought as to whether this is a game of air combat simulation or just a flying game will generally correspond to your views on whether 6 calls is a gift or obligation. Those that subscribe to the combat simulation (generally military or ex-military) will feel that 6 calls are an obligation those that subscribe to the other will feel that its a gift which leads me to my next point.

Although this is a game, ergo no one really gets hurt or killed, the "its a game get over it" at times has been used to a great extent as a crutch to justify behavior or actions that would otherwise not be tolerated or severely looked down upon in the real world.  This game offers us a high level of anonymity that tends to open doors for those that are so prone, to act out juvenile and almost anarchical behavior.  You have some that feel this is a game about team work, others feel it's all about them and this is nothing more that an X-Box game with real people instead of AI.  And how you play this game depends on which school of thought you belong to.

Bottom line is your six is your own responsibility.  No one is obligated to cover you.  It's nice to fly with a wing, and if someone happens to clear your 6, that's nice, but to expect it, is above and beyond.

Most players I believe do their best to look out for friendly pilots, but it gets tough when you are mixed in with the baduns, to worry about some other guy.

Most times I hear the 'why no check 6 call' in the middle of a furball where everyone is busy.  The other time is when the guy is oblivious and 4 friendlies are chasing one badun who shoots the oblivious friendly before his 4 buddies get there.

But this isn't the military, and isn't ever gonna be the military.  And if it does become the military, a lot of us are gonna wash out due to age and being out of shape :)
8th FS "Headhunters

Offline opposum

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Re: Ruined.
« Reply #29 on: October 12, 2008, 09:10:29 PM »
Wow.  I've been playing this game for 3 to 4 years under various names and have for the most part had fun.  I've had to take a few breaks now and then and things seem to be better when I come back with a fresh start.  Not this time.  I took a break and came back only to get immediately reminded of why I left to begin with.

Lame actions that completely ruin the game such as:

*Team"mates" shooting a falling wreckage of a plane you just shot the wings off of.

*Team"mates" swooping in on a plane you manage to actually get in a good 1v1 fight.

*Team"mates" failing to give 'check 6' calls but falling in on the plane that is on you (using you for bait).

*HO shots by experienced players in uber rides on initial merge.  Example:  Just tonight I see a spixteen with alt heading toward me so I turn into him WITHOUT FIRING and he HOs me.  Whatever happened to the initial merge?  The guy was someone I HAD respect for (notice I said "HAD"). 

I think its time to retire for good.  It really is getting old (or maybe I am).

So I send a big <S> to all who have fought with honor and done your part to make this game fun over the years.  And to all of you who lack the stones and common respect to fight a good fight, kill steal, and abuse the game to boost your ego and compensate for certain know what you can do.

P.S.  Please note:  How you respond tells the world which category you fit in. :aok

<S>Over and out. 

are you rook too?  :lol
you explained it exactly the way i see it too..............