OK I'm back and i have a little bit more time.
now i know you all have been awaiting with baited breath for my response so i will try my best to appease your anticipation and leave you feeling satisfied and that the happy ending was worth the wait.
hey wait what are you guys doing here??

oops, sorry thought i was writing to my flock, wrong thread.....nevermind......not
hing to see hear......ummmmm forget it. lets just forget i mentioned it

OK so now onto the topic at hand.
when i am engaging a spit of any kind and i am in a German ride i have come up with a standard form of counter move that seams to hold alot of promise, well it will once i have learned to improve on my targeting skills that is.
when passing the spit on the merge i have found that most of them will break into a flat turn or a slightly climbing and banking style flat turn in an attempt to come directly back in on me. now if i mimic their turn or climbed then it normally ends with the spit pilot turning in and getting an easy canopy shot or falling onto my 6 and just really ruining my day.
so here is the tactic i have come up with to counter these maneuvers.
as i pass the spitty i try to be on the belly side of it, (looking at his undercarriage).
as he goes past i begin to nose up. not steeply, but only about 10%.
i keep watching the spit through my rear view trying to angle so that he is behind me on my rightside. (just my preference because i can hold the view better)
i watch to see which direction he will turn in or if he will climb.
as soon as he shows the direction he intends to take i flip over and drop into a steep dive (split S?) watching him through my top view.
i begin to leeson the angle of my dive but i continue to dive angling back towards the middle.
when he has reached either my 3 or 9 o'clock (depending which direction he turned) i use my roll to turn my plane so that he is directly in my up view and begin to climb quickly, (not a fast not a hard climb but quickly) keeping him centered in my forward up view by working the rudder.
as i near his alt i steepen my climb and roll so that he is aligned diagonally up from my wing (either 3 or 9 depending)
just below his alt using my rudder to torque my nose in his direction and Emilemann over tightly.
normally my climb will take me just over his alt and i will be sitting just behind him inverted, i usually miss this shot every time, but the quick roll of the 109 allows me to flip over nosing down to regain a little e but keeping me within 200 to 300 off his 6 without enough speed to accidentally overshoot him.
this is where my aim fails me, i am so close and right there but i just cant close the deal by putting the tatters on the spot.
i know my explanation must sound like two martians humping on a tin roof in the rain to you with all the technical lingo, but if you can suffer through reading it a couple of times to figure out what it is that I'm trying to say (sorry i don't supply the aspirin, your on your own for the pain killers) you'll see that i am just pulling a U beneath them and using the initially superior dive and climb of the 109 to pull a tighter turn across the bottom of the spit and coming up just behind him without giving him the snapshot that they tend to be so good at.
well that is what i have been practicing, hope it helps.