◊ Date: Tuesday, December 16, 2008
◊ Time: 8:30 PM EST (Assembly) → 9:30 PM EST (Launch)
◊ Arena: Titanic Tuesday
◊ Aircraft: N.A. P-51D
◊ Mission Text: Room (purple)
◊ Mission VOX: Local (restricted)
◊ Target: Bishland
◊ Mission: Air Superiority & Interdiction
Group CommandersIf any ROOK squadron commander whose group has expertise in
operating the venerable P-51D in both an interceptor role and
a ground attack role is interested in commanding one of
the 3 designated fighter groups, please let me know asap.
The best way to let me know you are interested in assuming
such a role is to go to the LCA's website at
www.lcasquad.organd use the V-Mail form to contact me. The last thing you will
need to do is register on our forums so you can be granted
access to the MoM planning area.
Table of Organization & Equipment