Sir, go find a boat or other 40 foot object on or above open water at twilight on a clear day. Go 200 yards from it. If it's outline melts to nothing against the water, then tell us. We'll pass the hat to buy your cane and dog.
And btw, it is not just "water colored" paint schemes that disappear against water. In fact, you'll notice that the F6F shows up BETTER than the green and brown default 109 skin and the
black 110 skin. (Those who are fishermen will know that black is a good choice for lures such as plastic worms, because it is highly visible in a wide variety of light/water conditions while simultaneously looking more naturalistic.
And the icon btw, is almost useless if you can't even see the planform. The icon is deliberately coy about distance (which is a good thing-brings more pilot judgment of closure rate and range into play-in short, it makes overshoots by deceleration much more possible than they would otherwise be) and tells you nothing about angles. You'd be better off able to see the plane and having no icons.
I have pointed out before, if you assert that what happens in the MA in twilight is an *accurate* representation of reality, then the water in several custom maps must be crapulent...
And remember, in AHII, it is a problem even in broad daylight.
I also see a misunderstanding of the uses and limits of camouflage. It works best when there are objects behind and/or in front of you to break up your outline. For an object thousands of feet away from any other objects, or with only the relative uniformity of the open sea for background, it might help conceal you from casual glances from a few thousand feet away, but would do nothing to a war-bird sized object "Predator"-like concealment against eyes only a few hundred yards away. Camouflage is something various air forces have from time to time actually dispensed with. While the pros and cons of this are debatable, it obviously does not make such a large difference than doing so is completely untenable. Like I say, more useful on the ground than anywhere else.
An airplane's visibility problems in AHII are not like the difficulties involved in spotting a guy in full camo back in the bush. Thinking that the plane *should* disappear against the open water like that is like presuming that a guy could dress himself head-to-toe in concrete gray cloth, lean against the nearest skyscraper, and be invisible for passers-by who know he is there and are staring directly at his position.

So what you are all saying is the water while the sun is going down or just up, is making a aircraft harder to see against the background. HOLY CRAP WHAT A CONCEPT!
"the problem is that he silhouette itself melts into the background."
You do understand this is why we started coloring our ground forces and aircraft ever sence the american cival war, something about shooting while walking around in red and blue uniforms, in a brown and green inviroment, doesnt take a rocket scientest to know its a bad idea.
If you are having a hard time seeing a aircraft, then the paintjob is DOING its job.
**Only real option is to make all the sea textures the same.** So we can make it easyer for you aparent ACE pilots to get your kills on the first pass. Obviously the big aircraft name and the range does nothing for you.
So fellas, can i get a amen when i have a hard time killing olav drab green planes against the green backgrounds of the land textures!?
oh wait, that only figures too, hmm. OH!..lets make it so they can have snow, then I can see everyone no matter what.
(Strong sarcasm)
Cause its all about me.