Author Topic: Respect - Honor - Fair Play  (Read 9188 times)

Offline LYNX

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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #105 on: January 02, 2009, 11:45:44 PM »

I think he really believes what they do matters somehow  :lol :rolleyes:

I bet it's on his resume`

Offline Masherbrum

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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #106 on: January 03, 2009, 01:15:47 AM »
To me some of these missions have meaning, not NOE per say... but I find pointless missions more fun than missions with a goal. Me and Karaya create "Candy Mountain Missions" where we do absurd things like fightersweeps in D3A's. They are a lot of fun because they spark a fight and surprise the enemy. Whats more fun than landing 6 air to air kills in a d3a?

Or watching many "dweeb rides" run from said D3A's?    :uhoh   

I believe I hold the Arena Record for Stukas in a single mission.   It is well above 50.   On the first one I did (49 of em) we knocked out two bases and didn't have a goon.   They were both "Candy Mountain Mishuns".   Use a POS aircraft and get the fun fire lit under some arses.   

Ask Meatwad about the "Candy Mountain Mishun Backfire".    I created an SBD with the sole object of being pointless.   The "Rookland Wor is t3h lost."   So what the hell, post a pointless mishun.    We took the first base and lost noone.   Took the next base and lost but a singe SBD.   They backfired because the defended bases (these weren't NOE or undefended) were met by superior sticks who lost their ack and VH instantly.    Without the "safety net", they were screwed.   

Bosco, you weren't here when I started the ball rolling on "The Truce" that got the Fighter Town back on the Donut Map.    Not one single Knight craft was shot down by a Rook and vice versa.   But you should've heard the whines when the Bish base in FT was getting vultched.   I had long logged off, but knew it was eminent.    They whined for hours.    But, they deserved it, as would any other country deliberately ruining fun for others.

Which brings me to my last point.    If folks don't want "spies to be a factor", then stop taking TT bases.   Kamori announced one such attempt on 200 today and if he didn't, I would've. 
« Last Edit: January 03, 2009, 01:26:09 AM by Masherbrum »
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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #107 on: January 03, 2009, 01:25:52 AM »
I was sitting and debating wheather I was going to respond to your post or not.  I then read your sig line.  Pretty much says it for me.

This will be my last post in this thread.  I will again thank everyone for their responses.




Well done. Some positives came out of the thread.  :salute

NoBaddy (NB)

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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #108 on: January 03, 2009, 01:27:48 AM »
Not the direction I intended or wanted this thread to go.  Skuzzy when you read this post, please lock the thread, its going nowhere now.

Thanks for all the sincere responses.  I at least felt I have learned a bit more.

 :salute to all


Well Beemer, It stayed civil much longer than I thought.

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Offline BaldEagl

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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #109 on: January 03, 2009, 01:45:22 AM »
Excuse me guys for the "horde mentality" You guys should post the same mission that we do then if you want to back your talk up, most of you guys are hypocrits talking about our missions, when you post you missions to do the same thing we do. We just do it a few more times that you do, and we are realy good at it, unlike the rest of the countrys.
Maybe the squad should swich sides for one month, and see how much praise we get from both countries.
Your talk is cheap, end of story.

Well, since I was the one to use that phrase I can only deduce this is directed at me.

1.  I have only ever posted two missions in my AH career.  One of those was aborted because not enough people joined (Stukas, 109E-4's and 109F-4's... too hard for most Bish I guess).

2.  My one mission was 10 B-17's at altitude with no fighter escorts and wasn't even close to an NOE hoard mission although it was successful to a degree.

So no, I don't post my missions and do the same things you guys do and you do it A LOT more than me... not a little.

I'm already a Bish and always have been.  I've never seen you guys praised beyond the standard WTG's from the Bish for a base take.  Those are meaningless as most players don't even know where that base is much less how it was taken.  They're just happy we took a base.

And no, I'm not going to "post the same missions you do".  Why would I puposefully add to the problems in the MAs?

I think before you call me a hipocrit again you'd better get your facts straight.
I edit a lot of my posts.  Get used to it.

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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #110 on: January 03, 2009, 02:10:45 AM »
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Offline DMBEAR

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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #111 on: January 03, 2009, 02:54:34 AM »
Respect & honor?....Go to a VFW/ local firehouse/ teachers lounge, etc some afternoon.  Take some food and sodas.  Tell them you thank them for what they've done, or what they do.  It feels good to do, and may even make them feel good which is the point.

As for fair play...I like the MA, and I like the DA.  I use them both.  I understand the joy of land grabbing, and I understand the thrill of a good 1on1. I almost always find what I'm looking for.   Often, I have situations that involve some of both.  All in all, it costs 15 Bucks, and that's a Fair price to Play. 

All you guys like me who fed quaters into Donkey Kong and Galaga, thats equivelent to two quarters a day in one of those machines for month.  Never in my dreams did I picture myself sitting at home in a chair playing against people all over the planet in a flight simulator for that price!

Offline Getback

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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #112 on: January 03, 2009, 02:57:43 AM »
Respect & honor?....Go to a VFW/ local firehouse/ teachers lounge, etc some afternoon.  Take some food and sodas.  Tell them you thank them for what they've done, or what they do.  It feels good to do, and may even make them feel good which is the point.

As for fair play...I like the MA, and I like the DA.  I use them both.  I understand the joy of land grabbing, and I understand the thrill of a good 1on1. I almost always find what I'm looking for.   Often, I have situations that involve some of both.  All in all, it costs 15 Bucks, and that's a Fair price to Play. 

All you guys like me who fed quaters into Donkey Kong and Galaga, thats equivelent to two quarters a day in one of those machines for month.  Never in my dreams did I picture myself sitting at home in a chair playing against people all over the planet in a flight simulator for that price!

Oh my gosh that is so well said. btw I fed and fed donkey Kong and space invaders.

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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #113 on: January 03, 2009, 03:17:56 AM »
<---like to have the money back I spent on Astroids  :mad:
Lighten up Francis

Offline RoGenT

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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #114 on: January 03, 2009, 04:14:25 AM »

Respect: Since my return to the game, I've let my frustrations get to the better of me, particular early yesterday morning. I pretty much have the ulmost respect for many, many players in the game, especially  guys who have been playing for long time, even before AH ever came out. This one particular player, who I have fought against several times in past, did nothing but try to pick during fights and then end up vulching me several times. I had bad day at work and again, i made mistake of letting my frustration get better of me. Anyway, I do respect this player's shooting and flying skills to the latter, but after i got few revenge killings on him, my respect for him on his mentally is no longer there when he sent me PM whinning. After few minutes of this, i just squelched him.

Fair Play: If I see one of my countymen having good 1vs1, I'll stay out of it until they are done, or he requests help from me. If the baddie wins, depending if he is damaged or not, then i'll engage him.  On some other notes, if someone is fighting in 1vs1, and one of the baddies friends come in, i'll engage them so the two in the original 1vs1 can continue without threat of being picked. If more friendlies come in, hopefully they have enough honor to let them fight it out since i can not do anything to stop them. If there is gangbang on one badguy, i won't engage.

Honor: Shooting landers, especially if they are evidently damaged, I won't do it. The other day, no clue who it  was but saw this player fight 4 vs 1 so I stayed out of it and watched. He managed to kill all three and collided with the fourth, whom went down but he (the baddie) lost half his wing and was struggling to return to base. I flew down and on the side about 400; I just wiggled my wings and turned away. I don't know if he made it back or not.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2009, 04:16:18 AM by RoGenT »
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Offline pluck

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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #115 on: January 03, 2009, 06:54:48 AM »
Well, first of all, this is a simple game sir, so mostly outside of the confines of "morality".....

By the way, I consider the opinion of the community worthless. Don't get me wrong...I can appreciate the opinion of Pluck, or Snaphook, or other individual. But a talking about the opinion of communities implies that an idea gains or looses value based upon the number of people who endorse it, a concept both alien and anathema to me.

With my post, just trying to point out that morality and "honor" to exist on real levels even in video games..though I'm not taking a game too seriously. These things effect gameplay, in that certain actions are deemed "shadey" "lame" "slimey" etc.  The reason that we don't see certain things in game more often is in fact due to morality and sense of fair play on behalf of others....not because of rules set in place by HT.  Of course the opposite is true as well....for better or worse.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2009, 06:56:40 AM by pluck »
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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #116 on: January 03, 2009, 07:09:28 AM »
I think this comment sums up everything wrong with the game in its current form. BTW I was there at the time and i'm guessing you were flying "RR" because I'd love to have seen you run +jase +dead or any of a host of other 38 drivers out of any arena. anytime anyone tells me they "perfected" any plane I know something smelly is being shoveled.

If putting time and effort into making a game more fun for you is "wrong"...then I'M wrong.  And  yes I did beat +dead and +vamp...didn't know +jase...sherry was a 38 stick in that squad back then as well.  I flew rre4 as ^falc...and in retrospect the game was never as fun as it is now.  Sometimes the arena was so unpopulated you had to "wait" to fight.  I guess this was "honorable" but isn't that exactly what the da is for???  Seems like Hitech has given us multiple arenas for multiple reasons...i dont want to base take in the da...why does the MA have to be a 1 v 1 fitertown to make some people happy?   The MA is best designed for folks in squads...time to take some prozac and adapt...

Offline Coogan

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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #117 on: January 03, 2009, 09:00:39 AM »
umm it's a game!

heh heh, I almost forgot. :aok


Offline LYNX

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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #118 on: January 03, 2009, 09:22:54 AM »
In a previous thread there was an issue how the distinction of fair play, honor, and a reasonable even playing field is understood by various players in Aces High.

As a "various player" the MA's in my opinion are Mela's.  Anything goes within reason.  If I fly into a full red dar bar expecting a courteous 1v1 I'm being unreasonable...if not deluded.

If I engage a guy it's unreasonable of me to run away when it seems he's getting an advantage.  If I and friends engage a guy it's unreasonable of me to bail out of fright when it's just me and him left standing.

If I want to capture your base it's unreasonable of me to do so in a manner of "what ever it takes" know..pork auger repeat...bomb n bail....lancstukering.

If I want to bust your NOE it's unreasonable of me to solicit spies or act upon unsolicited spies.

If I want to bust your GV mission it's unreasonable of me fire up heavy bombers in carpet mode.

If I've lost a Cv it's unreasonable of me to switch sides to see where it is.  It's unreasonable of me to fire up a shade account to see where it is.  It's unreasonable of me to Pm a friendly baddie.

If I want to sink a Cv it's unreasonable of me to deliberately suicide it.  <grrr...don't get me started here>

It's unreasonable of me to Pm everyone that shoots me down or go on 200 tirades.

It's unreasonable of me to kill a shade or friendly accomplice for the sake of score or perk points.

It's unreasonable to turn a blind eye on my squaddies if they do any of the above.

It's unreasonable of experienced players, long standing players and vet players to still be doing any of these things but alas ....they still do and that's a sad thing.  Remember HTC can't code out stupidity.

By not being unreasonable and maintaining a sense of fair play I have respect.  I can say I play with honour.

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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #119 on: January 03, 2009, 09:36:05 AM »
Oh my gosh that is so well said. btw I fed and fed donkey Kong and space invaders.

Galaga, bayeeee...   after who knows how many quarters, I finally busted 1M on one... best few hrs I ever had at that age.

How many remember "Red Baron" ?  I have to ask, cuz if you're old enough to remember, you're old enough to "forget."   :rofl

Oh, and back on topic.. the more things change....,114623.msg1196745/topicseen.html#msg1196745 <-- score-potatoes genesis.,550.msg7484.html#msg7484  <-- ooo lookit date, long before the mass migration of "other game dweebs.",749.msg10014.html#msg10014  <<--- lookit date & poster. :aok

I give up... I did a search on "honor" in only GD forum going way back.  40 *pages* of  individual replies in various threads, a lot being just one guy's sig, but gems like the above to be found as well.  Have at it!

« Last Edit: January 03, 2009, 09:55:46 AM by Shane »
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