Author Topic: Land Grabbing  (Read 5006 times)

Offline oTRALFZo

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Re: Land Grabbing
« Reply #30 on: January 26, 2009, 04:42:52 AM »
What I love about this game is its dynamics. I wouldnt call myself a furballer, landgrabber, GVer or WTW type guy because I like it all.
Base taking is just one aspect of the game that I enjoy also but I have to agree that lately, more and more people are focusing on real estate rather than fighting their opposer.

What seems to be the "Fad" now a days is that a mission is posted on country...JOIN MISSION..NEED 110s, NIKS and GOONS."  now depending on how "poplular" of a mission planner you are, lets say if your good, youll get 11-15 110s, 5-8 Niks and 2-C47s. Chances are, your flying off into some sector and feild that hasnt seen action, you are heading to a point that your enemy wouldnt commonly suspect a NOE to arrive and chances are...your "mission planner" has already taken the liberty of taking out the radar prior to the horde entering. If not, they offer a deak to fly high in the north if the attack is coming from the south. All this for one reason and one reason only...AVOID the enemy. A complete "weenie" tactic that I think is no fun to anyone but the desktop general who planned it in the first place.
When you are in a mission and the only fight you have is with 10 other green guys for 1 red guy..your in a horde. when you find yourself landing with all your ammo still available..your in a horde.
The so called whines you hear on 200 and bbs about hordes are not whines...but smacks in the heads to these guys that join these migrating wildabeast missions that when you get tied up in the hype of the only satisfaction you get is seeing "country X has captured feild 12", The day you actually get bored (and trust me, it will come soon) of landgrabbing or flying with outstanding #s on your become a noob all over agian when you want to learn your plane..learn ACM etc...

ABOLISH the mission planner on the clipboard IMO..if anything, its excessive and taking over the game especially to the noob. Have him learn his plane of choice and not be distracted by the huge #s of green guys there to protect him. Encourage the fact that in order to get good at this need to get shot down a million times before you finally get it right, but trust me, its all worth it.
****Let the beatings begin***

in game name: Tralfaz

Offline grizz441

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Re: Land Grabbing
« Reply #31 on: January 26, 2009, 05:03:53 AM »
My only motivation for busting up an NOE would be to spoil the people's mission who planned it.  Other than that, I don't give a hoot about the base, they can have it.

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Re: Land Grabbing
« Reply #32 on: January 26, 2009, 05:12:20 AM »
Here's an idea that I would definitely see a huge purpose in trying to win the war.  Imagine if your squad could 'team duel' another squad something like 30 on 30 on some sort of a mini map with a few bases, and a couple vehicle bases.  The goal would be to win the war against the other squad.  This is how I could become motivated to win the war, being able to solely rely on your squaddies and being able to accomplish it in one sitting.  Imagine how fun that would be.

Offline Overlag

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Re: Land Grabbing
« Reply #33 on: January 26, 2009, 06:54:28 AM »
can i ask you why you just furball then? surely that is the exact same question.

at least with land grabbing theres a goal.
Adam Webb - 71st (Eagle) Squadron RAF Wing B
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Offline Ghosth

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Re: Land Grabbing
« Reply #34 on: January 26, 2009, 07:14:45 AM »
What sloehand said!

Every AH pilot will go through at least some stages.
Which ones depends on what they enjoy, what they learn, and who they hang with.

The fact is that AH is a Multifaceted Game, there are many things to explore and do.
Just diving into a furball is only 1 side. There are several others just as complicated, just as intriguing, just as difficult to master, just as enjoyable.

The truly well rounded AH Pilot will do a bit of most of these. Which one he'll be doing at any given time depends on many variables. Some nights the flying just doesn't click, so you haul troops, or grab a wirble, etc.

Pure ACM furballer types actually tend to burn out and drop out of AH quicker than many.
At the point where others would start moving on to add other tactics, skills, WTW tactics, etc they just don't seem to make the jump.

AH has many facets to explore, but its up to you to do the exploring.

Offline thndregg

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Re: Land Grabbing
« Reply #35 on: January 26, 2009, 07:24:26 AM »
I did not bother to read each and every reply, but...
I run an occasional mission, NOE or otherwise, to capture a base. The result is that<<<<A FIGHT ENSUES>>>> to <<<GET IT BACK>>>. (Did I mention "fight"?)
Former C.O. 91st Bombardment Group (Heavy)
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Offline Shuffler

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Re: Land Grabbing
« Reply #36 on: January 26, 2009, 09:28:32 AM »
I never find furballs boring. Each one is different.

I can only laugh at the folks who get a thrill flying past the fight to kamikazee pork the base. Absolutely no skill required. Something anyone can do, so it must be one boring ride.

I read in this thread some folks claim taking a base creates a fight. Actually a fight can be created... just announce your inbound to a certain base. Some folks will up and you can have a nice fight. Slowly or eventually killing all the ack and vulching does not "create" a fight.

This has become an issue in MW too. Folks show up in mass at a base, couple of defenders up and boom...... the attackers die then go somewhere else where they can milk.. umm I mean create a fight.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2009, 09:30:32 AM by Shuffler »
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Offline Bruv119

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Re: Land Grabbing
« Reply #37 on: January 26, 2009, 09:35:07 AM »
what makes me chuckle is when a WTW moans about the lack of porking going on,  usually involves them calling out his fellow teammates moaning about why no-one porks and how good the other teams are at doing it.

encouraging mindless suicide jabos to drop dar/ord/troops is a griefer mentality when it isn't used tactically and a force of habit.

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Offline Getback

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Re: Land Grabbing
« Reply #38 on: January 26, 2009, 09:41:59 AM »
what makes me chuckle is when a WTW moans about the lack of porking going on,  usually involves them calling out his fellow teammates moaning about why no-one porks and how good the other teams are at doing it.

encouraging mindless suicide jabos to drop dar/ord/troops is a griefer mentality when it isn't used tactically and a force of habit.

Porking is a good way to stop (Slow) hording and protect your bases. If some one does an noe to an isolated base I'm taking down strats. Usually do it with bombers since I don't care for suicide runs.

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Offline bongaroo

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Re: Land Grabbing
« Reply #39 on: January 26, 2009, 09:42:41 AM »
Furballing is more or less mindless.

This comment will always make me laugh.  Those town buildings being so tough to hit with all their manuevers to avoid your guns and shoot you down and oh bad.  I forgot that landgrabbing to "win the war" is about as mindless as it gets.
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Offline Bruv119

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Re: Land Grabbing
« Reply #40 on: January 26, 2009, 09:46:47 AM »
Porking is a good way to stop (Slow) hording and protect your bases. If some one does an noe to an isolated base I'm taking down strats. Usually do it with bombers since I don't care for suicide runs.

By all means it can be used when done properly,  I could kill ord / dar in my pony then kill some guys at the base before RTB.  The ones that get chewwed up by ack and crash/burn/ auger  = lame.
The Few ***

Offline Delirium

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Re: Land Grabbing
« Reply #41 on: January 26, 2009, 10:09:29 AM »
The draw for me is playing with a bunch of friends with a view to achieving a goal. That's the fun part. It's more fun to achieve the goal but regardless of the outcome it's fun none the less.  As far as I'm concerned the differences between furballers and landgrabber/tool-shedders is entirely artificial and meaningless. Anyone who buys into either side of that particular argument is doing nothing but limiting their own ability to have fun in the game. They are just two different ways of playing the game - one is a solo gig, the other isn't.

Good post, and I agree with you to some degree. Like I've said before, land grabbing can encourage fights (that is one of the reasons I am opposed to NOE missions). The good missions don't have 30+ guys using numbers as a bridge to avoid showing any skill. Do whatever you want, just be good at what you do.

Take Dr7, for example, he is reported to be a great tanker. I've never seen him tank personally (since I rarely tank) but his ability makes his name known to me and many others within AH.

Imagine if your squad could 'team duel' another squad something like 30 on 30 on some sort of a mini map with a few bases, and a couple vehicle bases.  The goal would be to win the war against the other squad. 

We did squad duels this way in Airwarrior, the most notable event being the squad duel between the Dover Dawgs and the Nomads. My squad at the time, the Dover Dawgs, lost but the way the Nomads handled the win impressed me more than the win itself. They didn't beat their chests, but generally admired our (admittedly) newbie squad for giving them the best run they had in a long time. I later was invited to the Nomads when the Dawgs fell apart.

You have seen many Nomads around;  Silat, Guppy/Dan/Corky, Dead (Leviathn), Jaberwock, Moss, Honch, Seal (flies with the Specialists now), and me (+Dizy).

80th "Headhunters"
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Re: Land Grabbing
« Reply #42 on: January 26, 2009, 10:14:18 AM »
i think land grabbers are just like the furballers. that;s what they enjoy. they like to go capture bases. it may or may not matter to them if they win the war or not.

 for us furballers, landgrabbers are good. some of the absolute best white knuckle hair raising roller coaster ride adrennilan pumping fights happen when a base is just about dead. they come up in droves to defend, and the fight generally stays a few miles off the base...........

 for the guys that like to pick, landgrabbers are good, because they create the furballs that they can pick from.
 for the bnz'rs, same thing.

 it all ties in together, and makes this game what it is.
ingame 1LTCAP
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Offline gpwurzel

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Re: Land Grabbing
« Reply #43 on: January 26, 2009, 10:22:55 AM »
Personally, I like trying it all -I'll furball, bomb, gv, goon, whatever I feel like at the time.
Think the most fun I've had when taking a base, was me, bruv and connery (yep, all 3 of us) decided to try and take a base. I took a 110 over, bruv had a set of buff's (for town only) and connery had a goon. Most of town was down (3 buildings left) and I returned in another 110 -  took the remaining buildings out, Bruv was engaging the uppers (still a couple near town) so I ran out to sea (had to drag them away from the goon).

While they were engaging me (successfully I might add lol), troops were let go, and they had nowhere nearby to land. 3 of us took a base, had a lot of fun doing so, and had fun fighting the defenders to accomplish what we'd decided to try.
I'm the worst pilot ingame ya know!!!

It's all unrealistic crap requested by people who want pie in the sky actions performed without an understanding of how things work and who can't grasp reality.

Offline Getback

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Re: Land Grabbing
« Reply #44 on: January 26, 2009, 10:28:09 AM »
A couple of things about NOE's. NOE's counter balance 30k sputniks. I've seen NOE's go right under 30k cons and take successive bases. Another thing is after several NOE's folks want a little more action and ask for the In-your-Face missions. So they get old too. Then the opposite of that is when an noe fails you are dead meat being on the deck. So again they go for alt. on the next mission. In the end it all seems to balance. Many times it's not hard to determine where they are going next.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2009, 10:29:58 AM by Getback »

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