Typical "Quake" player mentality....lets line up 32 and shoot at each other til one is left..moronic. Hey goober...guess what...been there..done that...doesn't really work....noone ever fields even 10 guys and the arguments afterwards are nuts...
Also who are you???? If youare some sort of skill dude i have never run into you online unless you have some shade you fly under. There is no squad called DFC (sweetheart Flaming Club maybe???)
So try this...form a squad and THEN enter into a discussion involving guys who actually play the game as it is designed and not 1/16th of it and claim that makes them uber. Some of us "grew up" a decade ago and realized that ACM is a gamey concept at best and that what was best about this game was the comradery and fun to be had...
Good grief at least be in a squad before you decide to issue a squad challenge...what a tool...
It seems like the training corp should be called the whining corp lately...no wonder noone wants any part of the TA if tools like this are what are awaiting them.
Now one....more...time...really.. .slowly...for the training impaired...this discussion was about why not have the equivalent of a "friends" list to help folks find people they want to fly with.....
Come on Falconbluster, Take the challenge!
I promise you, there won't be just one left... The 32 thoroughly bored DFC members will start tearing each other up after the 3 minute gun-warming exercise called the BOPS.
Brother, are you full of baloney. We have lots of pilots, veterans and new players who come to the TA and discover that hiding in a crowd is okay for a wildebeest, but not for them.
The Trainers Corp and our friends in the DFC are dedicated to producing top tier pilots, consisting of anyone who desires to be a solid pilot and improve game play. We improve game play by teaching players that you don't have to hide in the mob. You can meet an enemy head to head and win. Even if you don't, you at least fought the good fight. All the while being a gentleman and someone who values sportsmanship and camaraderie among players above the silliness of the mob mentality; pushed by those prefer to win at any cost. At any cost to the community and game play in general.
If the truth causes you pain, just say ouch. You won't die.
Ragging on the Training Corps only reinforces the argument that your style of play is counter-productive to the community as a whole.
Shame on you. How much time have you dedicated to new player or vets looking to improve? You give nothing and expect people to embrace your nonsense... Volunteer for something. Be useful. You're a vet. You can be a positive influence. I'm sure there are players in the BOPs who look to you for leadership. Try offering something positive, rather than negative.
My regards,