Author Topic: DA; Furball Lake  (Read 2078 times)

Offline Agent360

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Re: DA; Furball Lake
« Reply #45 on: June 16, 2009, 11:26:36 PM »
Personally I don't see any point to landing in the DA at all... ever... and I had several opportunities to do so the other night but chose to remain testing my SA and ACM.  I guess if you need the WTG's then that's your personal preference but don't go calling someone who sees no point in landing DA kills for an ego boost a "puppy".

Well, not everyone has the same opinion about landing in the DA. Why land any kills in any areana? Why is the DA any different?

I may sound like I am somehow defending the "lemmings" of furball lake, but I am not.

I AM SAYING that landing kills there has NOTHING to do with anything. So what if they land. Who cares.

Personally, after I fly in low on the deck, out fly, out gun and dispense pure, outright ownage upon the masses of lemming retards, I in fact do go and land just so they know I owned them. That is "my" reward for landing. I could care less about DA points, wtg's or anything else.

Other times I don't give a crap about landing and fly until I am out of fuel or bullets...then just auger. After I kill them they know the got owned. So landing is a matter of adding some additional icing on the cake....a little more twisting of the knife.

You know, lemmings are good for a lot of things. Target practice with taters, practicing winging, experimenting with different tactics in different planes, practicing dead six reversals (my favorite).

My beef is with all the whining girls who can't hack in the lake.

Reminds me of a story my son told me about the playground. He got challenged to the monkey bars by a bunch of girls. He could't make it across and dropped off. They all made fun of him. Now everytime we drive by that particular playground he sais "i don't like that playground...thats were the girls beat me on the monkey bars".

Man you guys crack me up....whaaaa wahhhh...they land kills,,,whahhh wahhhhh they gang,....blah blah blah blah blah.

I suggest you guys go there and kick the crap out of them then dispense some smak on all channel. I think that might be better than all this DA whining threads.

Offline Lazerr

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Re: DA; Furball Lake
« Reply #46 on: June 16, 2009, 11:34:00 PM »
haha... yes, it gets better!

This thread DOES suck.  ;)

Offline Guppy35

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Re: DA; Furball Lake
« Reply #47 on: June 16, 2009, 11:35:57 PM »
Well, not everyone has the same opinion about landing in the DA. Why land any kills in any areana? Why is the DA any different?

I may sound like I am somehow defending the "lemmings" of furball lake, but I am not.

I AM SAYING that landing kills there has NOTHING to do with anything. So what if they land. Who cares.

Personally, after I fly in low on the deck, out fly, out gun and dispense pure, outright ownage upon the masses of lemming retards, I in fact do go and land just so they know I owned them. That is "my" reward for landing. I could care less about DA points, wtg's or anything else.

Other times I don't give a crap about landing and fly until I am out of fuel or bullets...then just auger. After I kill them they know the got owned. So landing is a matter of adding some additional icing on the cake....a little more twisting of the knife.

You know, lemmings are good for a lot of things. Target practice with taters, practicing winging, experimenting with different tactics in different planes, practicing dead six reversals (my favorite).

My beef is with all the whining girls who can't hack in the lake.

Reminds me of a story my son told me about the playground. He got challenged to the monkey bars by a bunch of girls. He could't make it across and dropped off. They all made fun of him. Now everytime we drive by that particular playground he sais "i don't like that playground...thats were the girls beat me on the monkey bars".

Man you guys crack me up....whaaaa wahhhh...they land kills,,,whahhh wahhhhh they gang,....blah blah blah blah blah.

I suggest you guys go there and kick the crap out of them then dispense some smak on all channel. I think that might be better than all this DA whining threads.

Who are you, and what have you done with Agent360?
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Offline Masherbrum

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Re: DA; Furball Lake
« Reply #48 on: June 16, 2009, 11:38:43 PM »
There's been an influx of unnecessary ego lately, but this thread takes the cake.
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Offline mensa180

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Re: DA; Furball Lake
« Reply #49 on: June 16, 2009, 11:56:16 PM »
I will now take this time to let everyone know that they can calm down, I am the best pilot in AH.  Thank you.
80th FS "Headhunters"
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Re: DA; Furball Lake
« Reply #50 on: June 17, 2009, 12:01:36 AM »
Man that is some sorry poop right there.
I am not saying Furball lake is either good or bad.
It sucks. Crappy sticks with crappy attitudes and crappy prospects thanks to a crappy status quo.  Whether you like that or not.  It's crap.
Judge the players as you like...lemmings... the saying goes "any squirrel can find a nut sometimes". So what. The fact is if you happen to be the nut the squirrel finds well I guess THATS YOUR FAULT!
Judge?  As if there's any doubt as to how crappy they are as sticks, regardless of what they are as people?  The "judgement" has nothing to do with what the guy behind the stick is like in reality, how good a cook or father or friend or anything else but what he flies and fights like in the game.  That ain't freakin rocket science.  They suck overall.  Exceptions don't make the rule.  And that's my fault?  That they're crap and refuse to make the minimum of effort to fly and fight at minimum standards?  In fact the DA lake is a perfect example of what happens when the players are free to follow the paths of least resistance.  Fudge that all you want with it being anything but their own volition and fault. "MY FAULT".  :lol  It's got nothing to do with who's to blame.
What I am saying is that regardless of how you judge the players at the lake the fact remains..."it is what it is". I wish I didn't have to wait in line at the store. I wish I didn't have to work. I wish I didn't have to deal with my crazy wife....etc. But like Furball lake it is always deal with it or just don't go there.
No kidding.  Go there or don't go there. Like it or not. Help it or not. Teach them or not. Call it like it is or not.  I did all that.  I'm not wishing anything, I'm not even complaining. I'm calling it like it is.  "Can you handle that"?
As for the truth. My statement stands. You either can handle the lake or not. The players that fly there frequently may be a bunch of ganging, hoing, alt monkey retards. But that is not an excuse for anyone who gets shot down there.
Redundant.  No one's finding any excuses.  The flying in there sucks.  The attitude sucks.  It's poop compared to what it was.  You don't need to be either Drex or Dlamb to experience it.  You don't need to be Mr Black or Einstein to understand it.  It's plain as day.
The term "Gladiator Areana" is right on. You either live or die there. PERIOD. You want to fly in there and own the do so. You want to land those kills to further rub it their face. Do So.
No comment.  I think the above speaks for itself. 
But whining like little girls because the players there didn't fight like you wanted them to ...well thats just as lame as they are.
Calling a cat a cat is whining.  Gotcha.
All this whining about furball lake is just a bunch of crap.
Saying it twice definitely makes it more credible.
I am gonna say it AGAIN....all you "aces" out there will be reduced to whimpering little girls 5 min at the lake unless you face the fact that flying there is not easy. You can fight one ace or 5 lemmings. The result will be the die....unless you learn to survive in the lake.
I sure wish I'd been there and done that so I could speak from experience. 
Surviving at the lake....well friends that is a matter of summoning all of your acquired ACM skill and applying in an environment of ruthless, back stabbing, low down, dirty, kill or be killed bad guys.
Ho hum.  No different from MA furballs except the MA has higher stakes and less margin for error.  Perk planes aren't free, flight times to reach the fight are longer, score and rank are enabled to pressure those who care.. all things considered the DA is the kiddie pool.  No amount of hyperbole and grandiose metaphors changes that.  Gladiators... What's next.. Heart of navy seals?
If one does not have the ability to hack it in a low down, back stabbing street fight, then I recommend you don't go out into the street.
Just another repeat of the above.
As the saying goes.."You can either run with the big dogs or sit on the porch with the puppies". Now, you can call them puppies "lemmings", monkeys", or what ever you want but until you can shoot them down and stay alive until you land you are just a puppie like the rest of them.
Oh yeah, I sure wish I had the testosterone, bad guy attitude, big dog cred or whatever it is that it takes to outfly the DA lake dweebs.  Man, if only.  :rolleyes:  Someone call Agent and let him know ROX found his password.
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Offline Lazerr

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Re: DA; Furball Lake
« Reply #51 on: June 17, 2009, 12:03:28 AM »
I will now take this time to let everyone know that they can calm down, Lazer is the best pilot in AH.  Thank you.

Get off my ankle!

Offline Guppy35

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Re: DA; Furball Lake
« Reply #52 on: June 17, 2009, 12:06:40 AM »
There's been an influx of unnecessary ego lately, but this thread takes the cake.

I wonder if it's the summer months and the schools out bit.  Lots of grumbling coming from vets who know better lately both here and 200.
8th FS "Headhunters

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Re: DA; Furball Lake
« Reply #53 on: June 17, 2009, 12:14:59 AM »
Curiosity and perspicaciousness (yes that's how bad it translates) are sure signs of egomaniacs.  Look them up in any psychiatry handbooks and you'll find they're guaranteed symptoms of raging psychos on a short fuse.  Yep, it's all about ego and whining.
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Offline moot

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Re: DA; Furball Lake
« Reply #54 on: June 17, 2009, 12:22:32 AM »
In another thread I posted I explained:  I went in the DA to warm up and asked if anyone would like to one  on one a P47.
Feel free to use any aircraft you wish.  (no takers)  At that time in the tower two tempests landed with 2 killz announced on
country channel....back slapping all around.  They were in a Squad.

I had trouble understanding this.  I guess I'm getting old.  I upped a D40 50 fuel and promptly I had my match...against 8-10
of them.  I got two of them....from the tower I read...   XXXX  landed with 3 killz member of &%$# q8729 squadron.

I left.
Man, that Hajo sounds like a real maniac!!  :rolleyes:
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Offline BaldEagl

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Re: DA; Furball Lake
« Reply #55 on: June 17, 2009, 12:58:19 AM »
I just need to be clear here.  Was I whining?  I didn't think so.  I said I had fun although I did strongly suggest getting rid of stats in the DA.

BTW, I think that HT should get rid of squads in the DA too.
I edit a lot of my posts.  Get used to it.

Offline BaldEagl

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Re: DA; Furball Lake
« Reply #56 on: June 17, 2009, 01:07:34 AM »
Well, not everyone has the same opinion about landing in the DA. Why land any kills in any areana? Why is the DA any different?

Because in every other arena there is a rank system.  Even though there are stats in the DA there is no ranking system as there shouldn't be.  Scoring in any manner in a dualing environment just shouldn't exist.

Personally, after I fly in low on the deck, out fly, out gun and dispense pure, outright ownage upon the masses of lemming retards, I in fact do go and land just so they know I owned them...

Other times I don't give a crap about landing and fly until I am out of fuel or bullets...then just auger. After I kill them they know the got owned.

So which is it?  They only know you killed them after you land or they know anyway without you landing?

I suggest you guys go there and kick the crap out of them then dispense some smak on all channel. I think that might be better than all this DA whining threads.

Again I have to ask... was this a "whining thread"?  I really didn't think it was.

I edit a lot of my posts.  Get used to it.

Offline mensa180

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Re: DA; Furball Lake
« Reply #57 on: June 17, 2009, 01:18:19 AM »
Get off my ankle!

My post had nothing to do with you. :huh
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Offline Cajunn

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Re: DA; Furball Lake
« Reply #58 on: June 17, 2009, 02:18:28 AM »
I go in the DA sometimes and I might be in there a half hour and not fire a shot, I just see how many time's I can avoid the Ho or how many I can make Auger and sometimes I see how many I can get on my six before one gets me :rofl

I don't call it the DA I call it the sqeeeeeeker room!! And you can almost tell the ones from the DA when they come to MA, they fly in groups of 4 or 5 and all in a neat little ball looking for someone to jump, its like a bad cloud and it never fails at least one or two lawn dart before they even get to fire a shot. And I dared mention to one to spend time in the TA instead of the DA, and OMG I killed his gold fish! I got back the :confused:  " I don't care if I suck I get kills in here". So I salute the DA it keeps them out the MA and anytime I run into the somewhat annoying one's in the MA I send them to the DA!!!!! :devil

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Re: DA; Furball Lake
« Reply #59 on: June 17, 2009, 02:31:08 AM »
Yep.  I'm pretty sure I ran into the Wobblins Goblins on one of the first times they flew in the MA.  It was really really obvious by the way they flew.  Not a dig at them, just saying it like it was.  I'm pretty sure I have the film.
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