Once upon a time in a place called AH1 there were maps pretty much on the scale we have to day.
In this place the arena ran with a FB of x 1.
Airfields had fuel stores that were rated 100%+ or via attrition could be reduced to 100%, 75%, 50% or 25%.
When this attrition occurred then the fuel capacity in each plane taking off from that base was also similarly limited to 100%+, 100%, 75%, 50%, 25%.
Then the lovers of long legged birds said.
"Hey where is the advantage of upping a long legged bird on these maps? surely if I up a P51 i should get some endurance benefit! yet with these fields so close together its no benefit at all

and the Cods

considered this and thought it to be true...........and the Cods

decreed that from hence forth the FB will be x 2.
However as with things of AH the drivers of short legged birds were miffed.
"Hey" They said "if the base is porked to 25% my short legged La7 cannot even reach the next base at FBx2. With FB x2 my short legged bird is over penalised by base porkage

and the Cods

considered this and thought this was also true......... and the Cods

decreed that no bird shall ever suffer a reduction in fuel below 75% whate ever the fuel attrition.
However Straffo (and Tilt) were still displeased for they flew birds of low fuel capacity and low fuel consumption
"Hey" They said "This fix is still not right! Birds should be limited by the fuel available not the % of their tank capacity. My Bird should NOT be rationed as a % of the size of its belly. It should be rationed by the size of its thirst! Why should a big bellied fuel guzzeling P47/P51 get more fuel (under rationing)than a small bellied fuel efficient La7

and the Cods

considered this and thought it was not true........ and the Cods decreed there was no longer any rationing for every one could have 75% fuel and fuel porkage was no more and so the issue was "moot"

and did Straffo (and Tilt) go to a dark place to mutter and mumble about the injustices of the world and drag this issue to the fore when given the opportunity............
and the Cods watched