One other point to consider, with over 90 aircraft from locations scattered around the world there really are only 2 pools left to model new Aircraft from.
You have the very late war, prototype, perk plane stuff that never really saw action at the squadron level.
And you have all the hanger queens, that may be slow, but still bring something unique to AH.
The main fighters are all in there, most with variants.
Granted the Japanese plane-set needs to be filled out a bit.
And several country's are lacking good bombers.
But the planes left to build are not uber, they are not likely to be competitive in the MA environment.
They are going to be so called "hanger queens" because something else is bigger, goes faster, carry's more, etc.
That does not mean they should not be modeled and included in the game!
Indeed the opposite is true.
After almost 10 years we have gotten to the point where we can afford to have a few hanger queens.
Just for sheer style, grace and immersion!