Agree. It's time for a cutoff HTC. Make it 500ms if you want, that's a lot, but still not as bad as some of these guys. I think the main offenders are guys on satellite internet, the lag time on that is horrible. Now someone will come in here with a bleeding heart about how some guys can't help it blah blah blah.... Quite frankly I don't give a rats ass. You're laggy because you have satellite? So what, get cable or DSL. Can't get cable or DSL because you live in the boonies? So what, it's not my fault you chose to live out there, get a netzero account and fly on dialup. Laggy because your computer is too full of spyware from downloading pr0n and you're not bright enough to fix it? Take it to geek squad or go buy another.
I'm typing this from a Dell Dimension 4550, it's older than some of the squeakers that play this game and you could prolly find a used one for $50 bucks, it runs the game just fine. I played for years on Dialup with no problems, a netzero account is $10 bucks a month. You will ping between 200 and 300 which is getting up there, but at least you'll be stable and in the same time zone as your enemy when you kill them. There is no excuse for these guys other than they are too lazy to make some changes.
The old it's broke, i'm broke, not my fault lines are getting tired, please HTC enter the 21st century and set up some sort of a ping cap at least.