no, because I can fly it with skill, like the jug, 38, and buffs
Oh really? As someone that has seen your flying first hand, I can clearly say with absolute certainty that skill is something you do not possess. When you are barely able to keep your plane flying and have absolutely zero knowledge of basic flight maneuvers (BFM), let alone air combat maneuvers (ACM), it's impossible to declare that you can fly any of the planes you've mentioned with any skill.
Instead of looking for other reasons why you got your bellybutton handed back to you on a silver platter or refusing to listen to advice because you think you can fly X plane with skill, swallow your ego and seek help of a trainer and listen to the advice being given. The advice being given for the most part are from other players with far more experience and skill than you possess. It's not smart to ignore what has been given to you if you wish to advance beyond the stage of baby harp seal.