I seldom do milk runs. The fact of the matter is, last night, we were rolling undefended bases with (0) Rooks on.
The "WTG" was for the effort given to take a town down with a set of B-25's and 1 M3. Now "41" was an Airfield that is the "Screenshot". Three to four lines of country before that was a comment that "WTG's" are not necessary on undefended bases. I simply replyed that I would say, "WTG to whomever I wanted to." When I announced on country channel the plan to take V61, the originator of this post changed countries to bust the simple (2) man mission to take it. He then brought out an M-8 to kill me in the M3. I bailed and gave him a proxy kill. Two minutes later, I reupped and took the base. Now this is aproximately 7:00Am eastern. Only me and another of my squadies was on when this took place. Don't critisize my Squad for being milkrunners....I was just doing like averybody else does if the opportunity is there. I like winning Wars and getting the 25 perks in each catagory. Who doesn't?
The "PM" was accidental I assure you. I was going to PM you calling you a "DWEEB" for changing countries to bust a mission that you read on country channel. I just let it go and did not call you a DWEEB. However; when we took 41, I didn't hold down the shift key and I accidentally "PM"d the originator of this thread. I did reply saying that I was sorry for "PMing". So, If you are going to "Whine", and "Make fun" of my Squad, make sure everyone knows all the story and not just your part. Seems one sided. Besides, I pay my money to play however I want to play..and I have fun playing the way I do....and actually your point is to "Put down" my Squad when my Squad had nothing to do with what went on. SO GROW UP!!!!!!