Being on a Team means something to most people, not so much to others........
Teamwork and the piss-off factors are what makes it for me.
If you don't want to be a team player, that is OK, but don't expect to have many close buddies or be included
in all the reindeer games.
I guess you could make thousands of post though.
Nope, actually came on as a Bish (if you took the time to read my post thoroughly)
Second, chess pieces really mean squat. The only important country is the one my squad is on when I am on.
Third, my bellybutton is beyond hurting. Uncle Sam opened a pretty wide gap there between Airborne school and R.I.P. There aren't too many others that can compare to the chafing that he provides.
Thanks for being so concerned about my bellybutton though .............
Carry On.