Author Topic: EVIL Minds only, Please.....  (Read 4761 times)

Offline ZetaNine

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EVIL Minds only, Please.....
« on: June 24, 2010, 06:29:44 PM »

I have a problem.

We'll it's not really a problem anymore, since I solved it.  It's more my appeal for you to come up with some evil ideas on how to "get even or get back" at my problem.

I, like many other men, enjoy a good cigar from time to time.  Alternately, I also enjoy a bad cigar, in the form of what they call "Black & Mild" cigars.  I usually smoke a nice quality cigar twice a week, but I always enjoy puffing on a Black & Mild cigar, on my front porch, right before I go to bed, when the world is quiet, and I can just sit there and contemplate life.

At this point I should tell you, I only take a few puffs of these.  They look more like cigarettes that cigars, and although I never inhale them, they do relax me.  Typically, I'll simply put out my cigar, place it in the ashtray, and re light it the next morning or afternoon, since there is almost always a full cigar there.

This is where things get interesting.

In the last four weeks, I've noticed birds must be stealing my cigars from the ashtray.  Both whole cigars, as well as ones that are quite literally "smoked down" to the plastic filter.  I figured the birds were building nests with them.  Then I got to thinking, "wow, those birds sure are stealing a a lot of cigars, and holy crap they sure take a long time to build a nest".

Then it hit me.

I have a pattern.  I usually always go out on the porch around midnight, have my cigar, then out of habit, turn off the porch light, and click the car remotes so the lights blink, so I know the cars are locked.

I started to think, this may be my "tell", and some neighbor kids are stealing my cigars.  Now, considering these are pre-smoked cigars, the idea of some dude putting his lips on a cigar that I already had in my mouth, made me want to puke, as I'm sure it makes you want to puke, just reading that.  Be that as it may, I decided to go through my normal nightly routine last night, and see if the culprit may show up after the light flick thing.

At this point, I should also tell you, my front porch is more like a walled off gated courtyard, but with a roof. The gate closes and opens with a pull down switch.  So technically, it's not just kids walking onto my porch.  They are opening a gate and walking into a walled-off court yard.

Last night the trap was set.  I did my thing, and feigned that I went to bed after all the clicks of car and porch lights.  There I sat a brand new cigar, in the ashtray, just waiting for whoever it was, to come and grab it.  I was behind the front door, looking out the peep hole, which offers me a most excellent arch view of gate, chair, table, and ashtray.  I had one hand on the porch light, and one hand on the front doorknob, ready to pounce on my young punk victims, and scare the bejeebers out of them.

And then it happened.  The unmistakable "click" of the gate unlocking.  There I saw a silhouette.  He came in, almost tip toeing.  He walked over to the ashtray, then looked around, then grabbed the cigar, looked around a again, and slowly walked to the open gate, and ever so slightly closed it.

I was in shock.  When I saw who it was, I immediately knew jumping out was not a good plan.  This deserved more thoughtfulness, and thus my appeal to you people.

The cigar thief is no child.  He's my next door neighbors son, who lives with his parents, and he's 22 years old. The kid is a bum who doesn't even work.  His parents are loaded and they pay all his bills, and he drives a very pricey car.  he's also about 250 lbs, and about 5'-5.  A punk in every sense of the word.

I want to do something really creative.  I've thought about everything from planting another cigar, but with a sparkler in it, to shooting him dead upon entry to my courtyard.  I think I'd like something in the middle of those two options.

Your help is appreciated, and your plan may be implemented.

Offline APDrone

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Re: EVIL Minds only, Please.....
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2010, 06:51:37 PM »
Lock the door.

If you shoot him, the fact you posted this changes the charge to premeditated something-or-other ( depending on if you kill him ).

Another option would be to tie the cigar to a pull-pin siren/alarm.  Would probably scare 170lbs worth of stuff out of him..   Have a hose handy to wash down the porch.


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Offline allaire

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Re: EVIL Minds only, Please.....
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2010, 06:54:26 PM »
Treat the drawing end of a new cigar with this and precut the smoking end so the idiot doesn't get confused.  Either that or install a maglock on you gate that you can power from inside that house and call the cops for a possible home invasion.
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Offline Lusche

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Re: EVIL Minds only, Please.....
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2010, 06:57:11 PM »
Hmm.. what do you think would his parents say if you would show them a vid of their boy entering your porch and stealing cigars late at night?
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Offline WMLute

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Re: EVIL Minds only, Please.....
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2010, 06:59:05 PM »
Leave a note that says "To the Cigar Thief" next to the Ashtray.  Possibly tie a string to it and the Cigar.

In the note, and word it so it "seems" you don't know who is stealing the cigar, say that you have known for a while now that they have been stealing your stogies and for the past week have been rubbing your dogs feces (or your own) on the cigar.  Make sure to add "have you not noticed it tasted different"? in the note.

This would be purely psychological as opposed to adding something to the cigar that he could possibly have a harmful reaction to.
(i.e. hot sauce, laxative, etc)
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Offline TinmanX

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Re: EVIL Minds only, Please.....
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2010, 06:59:15 PM »
Video tape it and show the cops. Trespassing and theft, a night in the cells is the best deterant.
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Offline mbailey

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Re: EVIL Minds only, Please.....
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2010, 07:03:37 PM »
Take out some of the tobacco, put in a couple grains of Blackpowder,then replace the tobacco  :D  (not enough to hurt him) I had a co worker at the gunshop i worked at do this to me, talk about a suprise!!! I darn near $&/@ my pants. THe video and the extremely hot, hot sauce are a great idea.   Oh how about putting a dog turd in it!!  he he he  I love this stuff!! :aok

Edit: Darn Lute beat me to the turd idea  LOL   Great minds sir, Great minds  :salute
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Offline AKH

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Re: EVIL Minds only, Please.....
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2010, 07:04:05 PM »
Since it doesn't concern him if the cigar has been in your mouth, try some other orifices.
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Offline Swoop

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Re: EVIL Minds only, Please.....
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2010, 07:10:00 PM »
Alright, what you need to do requires a bit of set up and preparation.

Firstly, start rolling your own.  You don't need to smoke the tiny short ones, you should be able to get cigarette papers (rizla's) which are longer than a king size cigarette.  Keep this up for about a week, allowing him to steal your now hand rolled smokes instead of the cigars. <EDIT: After reading Babalonian's reply and discovering you can easily re-pack a black&mild you don't need to roll your own afterall, just repack one as described below>

And then....roll yourself a 'special' cigarette with.....well mostly tobacco....but a few other things as well.  Like.....oh I dunno, a dead spider in there or some plastic shavings or something.  Something that you can put half way down so when he starts smoking it it'll taste absolutely fine.....until suddenly he hits the whatever and starts coughing his bollocks off.

Obviously, putting weed killer in there would be a bad idea, you just wanna make him cough for an hour and turn a funny shade of green, not visit the emergency room.

I do like mbailey's black powder idea but the trouble is, unless you're an expert, there's a danger of putting too much in and blowing the kids lips off. And the trouble with AKH's idea is that he won't know about it and therefore it won't be a deterrant.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2010, 07:38:15 PM by Swoop »

Offline Rattler

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Re: EVIL Minds only, Please.....
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2010, 07:10:56 PM »
Since it doesn't concern him if the cigar has been in your mouth, try some other orifices.
 ^.^^ :D :D :D :lol :lol :lol    If you make a video of what ever you do PLEASE show us...and the cops if ya wanna.The black powder idea sounds great too.

Offline mbailey

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Re: EVIL Minds only, Please.....
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2010, 07:12:55 PM »

I do like mbailey's black powder idea but the trouble is, unless you're an expert, there's a danger of putting too much in and blowing the kids lips off. 

AAWWW Man urr no fun. ( your dead right though  :D )

Im gonna be thinking of things all night, this thread is great. I picture myself waking up from a sound sleep at 3am and running out here with an evil idea  :rofl
80th FS "Headhunters"

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Offline Tac

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Re: EVIL Minds only, Please.....
« Reply #11 on: June 24, 2010, 07:14:48 PM »
set some speakers hidden somwhere in the porch. have the mp3 player or whatever that's hooked to them have a remote control.

tape some of those cop film ' FREEZE POLICE YOU'RE SURROUNDED!' things.. and edit in a 2nd voice yelling 'THIEF!' somewhere in there.

set speakers to max

set camera to film.

when the thief comes him... right when he grabs the cigar ... let the speakers blow and turn on the lights.

use it as evidence when you confront the parents....

...and submit it to americas funniest home videos and earn yerself a few grand to buy more cigars with.  :devil

Offline allaire

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Re: EVIL Minds only, Please.....
« Reply #12 on: June 24, 2010, 07:17:14 PM »
Here is another if you don't want to hurt the love muffin. Tie these to your gate and the fence or wall or whatever.  With luck he will piss himself thinking he is being shot at.
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Offline Babalonian

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Re: EVIL Minds only, Please.....
« Reply #13 on: June 24, 2010, 07:22:24 PM »
I'd video tape it once, good n' clean before setting any traps, if for nothing else than just insurance on your part.  Then hell ya I'd have fun with it.  Got a cat or dog?  It's not hard to re-pack a black-n-mild... with a healthy mixture of pet hair in it.  Black and milds with that plastic mouth piece can be exploitable too... forget what the term or name is for it, damned if you can find the stuff anymore, but back in the days of drafting before computers we used graphite and sharpened them with these special sharepeners, the result is the closest thing you can get to dryed/powdered ink with an increadibly fine black dust in the sharpenners that would stain any surface it happened to get into contact with almost as good as wet ink... maybe just take the graphite (fake-lead) out of a pencil (nowhere near as potent as the stuff I'm thinking of though) and run it through a really old coffee grinder or just mash it with a hammer on a rock in a bag until it becomes increadibley fine dust.  Stuff a good bit of that in the plastic mouthpiece of your black and milds.

I say tape the act before any shinanigans because my experiences with the rich and spoiled is that they tend to run to a lawyer for anything and everything, even a well deserved practical joke played on them at their expence.

My personal recomendation, especialy since he seems to be cautious about doing his clearly wrong deed, we have your girlfriend/wife/roomate play your role (maybe adjust the porch light and have them in your favorite jacket and hat to create a decent silouhete), smoke a little then the lock up routine.  We (you and me (6'-5" 290-pounds)) park down the street and wait for him to begin entering your yard, then we pull up like we just got home from the bar and pin him between a porch and a hard-place.  Just follow my lead and play along.  I don't know what type of neighborhood you live in, but an alternative is that you and a budy do the same thing except instead of pulling up "from the bar" as he walks into your yard you pull up disguesed with a plot to "rob your house" and he gets caught on the porch in the middle... would be KING if you had a buddy who's a police officer to pull up in a squad car with the sirens blazing during "the robbery" as the proverbial icing for your cake.

Too bad he's your neighbor, setting up an elaborate trap for your porch would be great but likely he would notice something up.
"Let's light 'em up and see how they smoke."
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Wow, you guys need help.

Offline Swoop

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Re: EVIL Minds only, Please.....
« Reply #14 on: June 24, 2010, 07:25:22 PM »
 It's not hard to re-pack a black-n-mild... with a healthy mixture of pet hair in it.  
