Found a lot of information on the BZA dive bombing computer & how it all works.
I think I have enough information to come up with that there was 3 types of periscopes over the life of the AR-234B.
First off this one the RF2B periscope.
This only had a rear view & most likely looked like the 2ND picture below when viewed.
Was only used on recon aircraft early on.
The second type was this one the RF2C periscope.
Notice the ball shaped protrusion on the top of the periscope? I have several photos of this type & could not figure it out until now.
This type was a transition periscope for a rear view as well as a forward view.
It would have had the same view forward & aft as the above 2ND picture.
I think this may have only been used on recon aircraft also?
The third type is what we have in the game now the RF2C periscope with the PV1B head. This was designed with the forward view & was working with the BZA dive bomb computer.
Then the aft view that was designed for rear guns & had all the inverted views as mentioned in this thread prior.
Here is a sketch from the pilots perspective on the forward view through the periscope as he is in a dive using the BZA computer.
Question is now what was the PVB1 rear view like since it was designed to shoot with?
Sadly none of the documents state that.
Few more documents as well.