Author Topic: Why i think this game is bad  (Read 3288 times)

Offline Dowding

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Why i think this game is bad
« Reply #30 on: July 15, 2001, 08:59:00 AM »
Ease off him guys - he's probably about 11.75 years old.

No one 'grown up' has such undeveloped literary skills.

Except maybe animal.  :p
War! Never been so much fun. War! Never been so much fun! Go to your brother, Kill him with your gun, Leave him lying in his uniform, Dying in the sun.

Offline Dago

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Why i think this game is bad
« Reply #31 on: July 15, 2001, 09:13:00 AM »
LOL, this had to be a troll, nobody could be such a jerk if they weren't trying.

Guncams didnt have sound that I have ever heard of. I watch alot of documentaries, and I have the video of gun cam footage.   What can be heard in some documentaries is sound added for effect when played on tv.  This isnt the real sound.  duh.

"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, martini in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!"

Offline lazs1

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Why i think this game is bad
« Reply #32 on: July 15, 2001, 09:31:00 AM »
Damn the realism!  make the 109 and 190 outturn a spit!   We can't afford to lose many more like him and hirsto.  

Offline pdog_109

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Why i think this game is bad
« Reply #33 on: July 15, 2001, 03:36:00 PM »
Some of you are amazinhunk's and some not.
Laz i never flew a tempest.
Most are vocal morons who know nothing of real flying but think your gods of aviation.
Undeveloped literary skills? From posting in a forum? I probably read more books than you can count.
I wrote this story and entered it in Luftwaffe Writers contest for Classic Publicataions. See if my literary skills are undeveloped now. What yall don't know is when IL-2 is succesfull Oleg might turn it into a MP sim. People close to Oleg have told me this, true or not if it does happen this game will realy do down in flames.   :)

Peter Di Maria
              The Coldest Winter

The story of a young pilot’s loyalty to his country and the love for his family

December 1944, Ardennes Region on French-German border

What a time to enter a war.  It feels like the coldest winter yet, ever since I could remember.  I’m about to throw myself at the huge might of the American.  I know the war will be over soon and I wonder if I will end it alive.  I just turned eighteen a few days ago on November twenty-fifth and had my choice of joining the infantry or the air force.  I remember my father telling me the horror and abomination he experienced when he fought in the army in the First World War.  I believed him because he was missing several fingers and half of his left leg. Berlin, my city has been bombed many times since 1943.  Several of my friends and relatives died from the bombing but still we pressed on.  I feel that with every American plane I shoot down I will save my city and my country from their destruction. I signed up with the German air force as soon as possible on December first.  I heard that Hitler has been planning a last great offensive for the sixteenth of December 1944.  I wonder if it can stop the allies from entering Germany.    New pilots like me are in a deplorable position.  There is not enough fuel for training and if I do go up to train, the ever present American lurking around the skies will kill me.  I was placed in the 1st Squadron, 2nd Group of Fighter Wing 26. There are nine pilots in a squadron and seven of us were new trainees.  
The other six trainees were products of the Hitler Youth Group and were quite mad.  The two leaders of the squadron were old experts at the trade and I listened to every word they told us.  I do not want to die young.  I want to see my family again; I plan to create my own family after the war.  That of course if I don’t get killed or my future bride does not also.  My first flights are going well. Our squadron moved to a remote sector of the front so we can train with less danger. I now have about forty hour’s flying time in an old Messerschmitt 109 fighter.  Some of the expert pilots were getting the brand new jets to fly!  I’m stuck with this old piece of crap.  Oh well it can still fly and the two experts were using them with deadly precision.  The December sixteenth deadline is quite near and I’m nervous.  Will I survive my first mission or sent on my final flight of oblivion?  The odds are against me but I still will fight for my country.  

The weather is worse today than usual so flying is even more difficult.  Our 109’s are loaded with 500kg bombs.  Our mission is to clear the opposition in front of the German army in order to allow a clean penetration of the allied lines.  We must locate the 99th Infantry Division and attempt to reduce their strength.
We must destroy at least sixty percent of the division in order for the penetration to proceed successfully. I climb in the cockpit and our flight is ready to go.  Take off is a bit scary, some ice formed up on the runway and light snowfall did not help at all.  I barely got off the ground and two of them crashed and exploded as they took off.  Now there are seven of us and I think I’m next.  We’re now over the front and I can barely see the American division below and to my left.    I put my plane in a dive and the seven of us start to descend.  The anti-aircraft-fire opens up and another one is down.  I’m thinking I’m next, I’m next, I’m going to die!  The ground is rushing towards me and I see the Americans running all over for cover.  I soon feel a warm sensation in my pants. I’m so nervous and I’m drenched in sweat. After I drop the bombs I feel relived.  I have done my job and survived.  I look behind me and see the bombs exploding on the Americans.  One of the fools, Alfred flies too low and gets caught in the bomb blast.  His wings fell apart and he didn’t have time to bail out.  Hans warned us about this and told us not to fly low when we bomb. Six left.  Two good things, there are no allied planes YET and the two aces are still alive.  Hans and Gunther are their names and I’m very fond of them.  Had it not been for their teachings and advice I might as well be dead.  We head back early and our job for the day is done.  I feel proud that I helped the army in beating back the Americans.  It’s about ten a.m. now and I’m very tired.  I decide that I can sleep a few hours and fly another mission in the afternoon.
The alarm signal goes off, “American fighters approaching in five minutes” blaring on the loud speaker as I scramble to my aircraft, which is being refueled at the time.  The fuel truck pulls away too fast, breaking the hose and leaving it stuck in my plane.  The driver of the truck goes mad and wheedles the machine, which is leaking, leaking gas all over the place, the runway, the tarmac and most everywhere over the air field!  The buzz of the American planes draws nearer and I have to make a quick decision.  Try to yank out the hose, jump in my plane and attempt to defend the field in vain, or run away and live another day.  I look up and see bombs falling towards my head.  I can see the American bomber formation way up there.  I decide its best to run and seek cover.  As I start to run away the fighters are shooting the field and at my machine.  The plane sets ablaze and a huge explosion is followed.  My plane and that of the American are engulfed in a whooping tower of flames and debris.  I instinctively dive for the ground and roll behind a staff car for cover.  I hear a great roar and I’m wondering what the hell it is.  I quickly poke my head above the trunk of the car and see a crashed American plane heading towards me.  What’s better is that its guns start to fire probably by accident because the pilot had to be dead.  I see the keys in the car and the instincts kick in.  I fling open the door, start the car and speed out of there before the flaming wreck heads to where I was just hiding.  I’m in a state of disbelief now and I continue to drive away as bombs reign down on the base.   I’m grateful to God that I’m alive and getting out of here.  I think I’m safe but I realize I’m causing myself even more danger.  The dark gray car in the clear white snow, leaving tracks behind me is a prime target for an American.  I quickly comprehend this but I’m too late. Bullets strike the back of the car and set it ablaze.  DAMN! I’m on fire!  I open the door, jump out without even thinking and roll over on the wet snow. A great explosion occurs as I lie face down in the snow.  I’m stunned and try to struggle to my feet but can’t.  I feel pressure on my back, like somebody has dropped a 100-ton weight on me.  I’m sure it’s a piece of metal either from aircraft or some other thing I do not know, but I do know I’m in excruciating pain.  I use all my strength to try to pull myself up and free my self from the crushing weight.  It’s finally off and I drop on my back exhausted and out of breath.   Thank God that my legs are not crushed.  I lay down on my back and the pain seems to go away.  I’m not on fire anymore and all my limbs are intact.  Good, I have heard that you don’t realize your missing limbs until shock diminishes.  My father didn’t realize he had lost half of his leg until he tried to get up and walk.  I lie down and I feel very cold.  I don’t know how, I was still hot from the fire and I had 2 layers of wool on.  I see a pool of blood saturating the snow that I’m lying down on and yet I’m not alarmed.  I can feel nothing expect the gusty wind biting at my face, which does not stay with me for long.  I suddenly feel warmth all over my body look up and see the bright sun above me.  The weather must have cleared for a few seconds.  I’m overcome with happiness for some reason I have no reason to understand why.  Everything seems to be moving so slowly.  The bombs that normally fall down very fast, I can almost count each one and see each bomb hit the ground.  I feel very strange like something is leaving me.
I’m I dying? I’m I ascending into heaven? I turn my head and see the base on fire, I see explosions and men dying all around me yet I hear nothing.  Did the war stop? I see men dying over and over, machines being mauled and I can’t weigh what’s happening.  I can’t hear anything.  Still men die but I cannot hear their pain.  I’m dying? I keep asking myself. I look back up at the great blue sky and see the gentle, beautiful snowflakes ascending down on me.  I try to catch them but I can’t seem to make my right arm move and my left arm is clutching something. What is this?  I move it towards my face, open my hand and see it’s a picture of my family.  I had put it in my pocket before the flight and must have grabbed in the haste to find safety.  I look at it and smile and start to think of my childhood and all the good memories of my life.  
Death and destruction seem so far away, but it’s all to close.  I’m not thinking about it tough, I’m looking at my family.  I can now hear the faint screams of men dying in the distance and it’s getting louder and louder.  I clutch the picture in my left hand and try not to hear the men dying.  I’m startled by the sound of a plane flying overhead.  I look back at the base and the screaming is louder still.  A gas truck explodes sending a jolt through the ground and into my body.  I see Han’s plane on fire as he slowly spirals towards the ground while being shot at.  I’m thrust back into reality and I start to panic.  My blood is all over the place but I can’t move.  There are at least four ambulances on the base but I cannot see them.  The few medics that we did have at the base are probably hiding.  Two of the trucks emerge from the shelter with the departing of the Americans.
I signal to the medics with my left arm by waving it in the air.  I’m so cold now I start to shiver.  I decide I want to die right now.  I have seen enough war in the short time that I have been in it.  I hear the approaching sirens and I must act now.  I reach for my sidearm in left pocket strap.  I hold the pistol to my head and pull the trigger.  Click - the gun does not fire.  It’s jammed or something is wrong with it.  I quickly try to fix it but this is hard with one hand.  I then feel a strong kick in my right hand and the gun goes flying into the air.  The medics have arrived and start to treat me.  I try to refuse by my chard cloths and bloody body makes their actions justifiable.  They inject a needle in my leg and I feel a warm calm sensation.  Something like a cigarette but stronger.  I suspect morphine.  I’m in the ambulance now and feeling calm.  I think what will happen to me in the next few days and years.  I will probably end the war alive or dead.  But not in a bloody fight to the end, not in triumph and tragedy but in a pathetic hospital bed.  The medic glances at at my left hand that is tightly holding something.  He takes the picture out of my hand and holds it up for me to see.  I start to cry and realize that I almost killed myself and they wouldn’t see me again.

[ 07-15-2001: Message edited by: pdog_109 ]

Offline AKSWulfe

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Why i think this game is bad
« Reply #34 on: July 15, 2001, 03:52:00 PM »
Originally posted by pdog_109:
What yall don't know is when IL-2 is succesfull Oleg might turn it into a MP sim. People close to Oleg have told me this, true or not if it does happen this game will realy do down in flames.    :)

We don't care. We are having fun here. If you are not, fine, but stop wasting your time trying to convince us that our game sucks and a game that you have neither played or is even on a store shelf will be better than Aces High.

We are here because we are having fun. We don't need to convince you this game is great, you know how to test the FM for accuracy. Hop right on it, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. We also don't need you to convince us our game sucks because of whatever scientific way you used to place this game on the bar of suckiness in relation to what you have or have not played.

In conclusion, why don't you just run along. This thread only did one thing and was it intended to do one thing: Get people riled up here so you can enjoy a flame war and finally get yourself that attention you have been searching for all your life.

Offline Dago

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Why i think this game is bad
« Reply #35 on: July 15, 2001, 03:55:00 PM »
Oh, wait, he wrote a story, that changes everything!!!    LOL

Oh yeah, he reads books, that qualifies him to comment on the quality of Aces High, and dont forget, he has played it for 5 whole days.  Count 'em, 5 whole days.   Expertise is now established.

Everyone is certainly entitled to an opinion, just never state one is such a way as to give people the idea that your opinion is the definitive truth.

Too funny.  Whoever is behind this comical thread needs to be congratulated for such a great scam.

"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, martini in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!"

Offline Hristo

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Why i think this game is bad
« Reply #36 on: July 15, 2001, 04:12:00 PM »
Oh boy, lazs can't even read. Why doi you hink I agree with thread starter ? Or are you being your demagogic self again ?

Let me help you.
Why do you think I stayed in AH ? Because I prefer it.

Why do you think I was out ? Real life and 30$ being quite a lot in my part of the world.

Why do you think I came back ? For the rumble and still best online sim.

Does 109 outturn a Spit ? Not really.

Does 190 outturn a Spit ? At high speeds. Do I have a problem with it ? No.

Do I think lazs is an amazinhunk ?
Absolutely  ;)

Originally posted by lazs1:
Damn the realism!  make the 109 and 190 outturn a spit!   We can't afford to lose many more like him and hirsto.  

Offline pdog_109

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Why i think this game is bad
« Reply #37 on: July 15, 2001, 04:42:00 PM »
Know i know why you suckers pay 30$ a month, thats what i was after because i can't see it.

Offline AKSWulfe

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Why i think this game is bad
« Reply #38 on: July 15, 2001, 04:47:00 PM »
First time I was nice about this.

Now piss off, we don't need jack tulips like you simply here to stir up trouble. Go through the door as quietly as you came in, you won't be missed.

Offline minus

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Why i think this game is bad
« Reply #39 on: July 15, 2001, 04:56:00 PM »
pdog relax  , i whine a lot and the quakers whine about my whine   and dont forget  they who dont  like u are just some quakers  and they hapy with they frags << i thing they begin call kills  in AH like this >>

 alias  score potato niki spit la company P

PS: hey dont take  it to seriosly  < quakers i just try to joke   ;)

Offline BenDover

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Why i think this game is bad
« Reply #40 on: July 15, 2001, 04:58:00 PM »
pdog,if u don't want to pay $30 a month,play h2h,it's free,or are you afraid that u will get your arse kicked by all the good pilots in h2h

Offline Westy MOL

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Why i think this game is bad
« Reply #41 on: July 15, 2001, 06:23:00 PM »
Pdog, I am certain now you are a, well, what is called a simple person. Insecure, paranoid, delusional and misguided? Oh, for sure. But simple is at the top.


Offline Hangtime

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Why i think this game is bad
« Reply #42 on: July 15, 2001, 06:34:00 PM »
I'm reminded of the movie Airplane.. the scene where everbody's in line to squeak-slap the hysterical blonde.

The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.

Offline SirLoin

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Why i think this game is bad
« Reply #43 on: July 15, 2001, 06:55:00 PM »
<<<GONG!!!!!!!>>>..And now,for your entertainment pleasure..The UNKNOWN COMIC!!!...<Enter Giant Gorilla Arm>...<SCOOP!!>  :D   :D   :D

Offline ispar

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Why i think this game is bad
« Reply #44 on: July 15, 2001, 07:18:00 PM »
I read the story, and I can tell you that you won't come within a thousand miles of placing. It's boring. It's stylistically crappy and dull, grammatically barely sufficient, and generally not in the least bit entertaining to read. I get the impression that it was edited but not polished, based on your simplistic and in many places incorrect sentence structure. The subject wanders all over the place from sentence to sentence, and could you at least have taken the time to break paragraphs, for crying out loud?

Troll. Moron. 12 year old. Arrogant.

Did I mention annoying?


[ 07-15-2001: Message edited by: ispar ]