spending a half hour taking the town down? That's your idea of promoting combat?

One day, while I was logged in as Rook, I tried EXACTLY what has been suggested in order to "promote" a fight. I upped a fighter, buzzed around a base... nothing. All the red darbar stayed up at one single knit/bish base where they was at MOST one defender as no one else was online (I think two rooks were on). "Ok... I'll try bombing them". Upped a set of lancasters, not on the deck mind you. I climbed high enough to be on radar. A 4k egg and all of the 500lbers later over a town, nothing... they just stayed up there killing the other guys buildings. "Hmmmm, wonder if I can white flag this base by myself?" Went down to the deck, shot up a few remaining buildings. No defense force shows. Killed a few auto acks with the guns, no defense shows. Ack over base finally finishes me. At this point, I wanted to see if it could in fact be accomplished, so I upped a 110, killed a building, remaining ack in town, deacked much of the base before losing crucial parts. Upped a goon, and ended up with the capture, all well within your "half an hour" while I was TRYING to "make a fight", so don't wave the worked hard at getting town down banner, it doesn't fly.
Remember, we are talking about when one team is basically the only team in the arena. Anyway, yes, I ended up saying screw it and logged for the LW arena.
I guess that's YOUR idea of promoting combat. Maybe I missed the memo... does MW now stand for Milk-War Arena?
The fact is when the sides even up as they usually do evenings and weekends, MW has some of the best fights to be found.

WOW... you do have a clue. Now I think all that some of us would like is the opportunity to GET to some of those glorious fights without being penalized for an hour after one switch. As for the "oh so precious hidden CVs", who gives a rats butt? Sure, some kids will be kids and will abuse it by running bombers five sectors, directly to it in order to sink it.
Cool... gives me a chance to defend it.
Now... the real question, why are those protesting this arena setting change REALLY protesting it?