Author Topic: Request for MidWar time change  (Read 4279 times)

Offline Alpo

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Re: Request for MidWar time change
« Reply #45 on: March 29, 2011, 03:52:27 AM »

 spending a half hour taking the town down? That's your idea of promoting combat?

 :rofl   One day, while I was logged in as Rook, I tried EXACTLY what has been suggested in order to "promote" a fight.  I upped a fighter, buzzed around a base... nothing.  All the red darbar stayed up at one single knit/bish base where they was at MOST one defender as no one else was online (I think two rooks were on).  "Ok... I'll try bombing them".  Upped a set of lancasters, not on the deck mind you.  I climbed high enough to be on radar.  A 4k egg and all of the 500lbers later over a town, nothing... they just stayed up there killing the other guys buildings.  "Hmmmm, wonder if I can white flag this base by myself?"  Went down to the deck, shot up a few remaining buildings.  No defense force shows.  Killed a few auto acks with the guns, no defense shows.  Ack over base finally finishes me.  At this point, I wanted to see if it could in fact be accomplished, so I upped a 110, killed a building, remaining ack in town, deacked much of the base before losing crucial parts.  Upped a goon, and ended up with the capture, all well within your "half an hour" while I was TRYING to "make a fight", so don't wave the worked hard at getting town down banner, it doesn't fly. 

Remember, we are talking about when one team is basically the only team in the arena.  Anyway, yes, I ended up saying screw it and logged for the LW arena.

I guess that's YOUR idea of promoting combat.  Maybe I missed the memo... does MW now stand for Milk-War Arena?

The fact is when the sides even up as they usually do evenings and weekends, MW has some of the best fights to be found.

 :O  WOW... you do have a clue.  Now I think all that some of us would like is the opportunity to GET to some of those glorious fights without being penalized for an hour after one switch.  As for the "oh so precious hidden CVs", who gives a rats butt?  Sure, some kids will be kids and will abuse it by running bombers five sectors, directly to it in order to sink it. 

Cool... gives me a chance to defend it.

Now... the real question, why are those protesting this arena setting change REALLY protesting it?  :noid
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Offline Seadog36

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Re: Request for MidWar time change
« Reply #46 on: March 29, 2011, 04:48:52 AM »
Com'on Alpo,

So you bailed your lancs after bombing a town, flew a 110 in deacked the town and field without challange. (Did you accidentaly knock out the dar too?) Then you happend to stumble back w a goon to what? Vulch the deacked field but were forced to capture the undefended base when nobody upped. Outrageous! I'm outta here!

Basically you milked a base while claiming to look for a fight...then went to LW instead of going to where you knew the dar bar indicated the fight was all along...and you are complaining about milkers in MW and not being able to find a fight.  :headscratch:

Why didn't you go Knight or Bish to find some action, or type out "airfield__ white flagged" if you really wanted to rumble? Knight and Bish were obviously having so much fun sparring they couldn't be bothered with a lone milker:rofl But even if thats how you got your kicks, so what! I love finding scoundrels like you in my back yard. Let me know next time you try that, I'll be right over to enrich your MW experience. How would being able to switch sides every 5 mins help in that scenario? 

Offline Alpo

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Re: Request for MidWar time change
« Reply #47 on: March 29, 2011, 05:58:32 AM »
Com'on Alpo,

So you bailed your lancs after bombing a town, flew a 110 in deacked the town and field without challange. (Did you accidentaly knock out the dar too?) Then you happend to stumble back w a goon to what? Vulch the deacked field but were forced to capture the undefended base when nobody upped. Outrageous! I'm outta here!

Basically you milked a base while claiming to look for a fight...then went to LW instead of going to where you knew the dar bar indicated the fight was all along...and you are complaining about milkers in MW and not being able to find a fight.  :headscratch:

Why didn't you go Knight or Bish to find some action, or type out "airfield__ white flagged" if you really wanted to rumble? Knight and Bish were obviously having so much fun sparring they couldn't be bothered with a lone milker:rofl But even if thats how you got your kicks, so what! I love finding scoundrels like you in my back yard. Let me know next time you try that, I'll be right over to enrich your MW experience. How would being able to switch sides every 5 mins help in that scenario? 

Seadog, I hope this clears things up a little. 

1) Yes, I did leave up dar... intentionally. 

2) No, I didn't bail from anything.  Enough passes over the evil auto-ack will force that on anyone

3) Yes, I could have easily switched sides but at the time I was hoping some of my squad would join me but no one showed so I moved on.

4) Good grief... is it now standard practice to announce "Hey lookit me, I'm a scoundrel in your back yard trying to find a fight"? 

5) You are probably right on one count, the 7-8 bish/knits fighting the single knit/bish was probably just too much fun for them to notice.  Which is why I thought the system capture message would work.  Wrong again.

Ok... now I really think several of us have expressed our desires to be able to switch sides every 10 - 15 minutes (I'm not asking for five).  Whether you agree or not with that request, what exactly is the reason to NOT change to this setting in a very sparsely populated arena???  If this is still about CVs and sPiEz, I'm really gonna puke.

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Offline WWhiskey

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Re: Request for MidWar time change
« Reply #48 on: March 29, 2011, 06:47:11 AM »
Negative.  Even 15 minutes is probably too long.

The need is to be able to change sides in time to fight against the group trying to take bases unopposed.

This is a PvP game and rules and conditions that favor PvE over PvP should be changed so that they favor PvP over PvE.
Why is there three sides then?
 makes no sense to have three sides if you can change at will from one to any of the two other,
no need for sides at all  everyone on the same  side and kill shooter off!   if your gonna change the rules anyway  go all out!
 I know   set up the DA  but rename it MIDWAR  wow problem solved!
 if   someone or some group didn't want to fight you as a bish, why   would they want to fight you as a rook?
same result, you saved the arena you now set in alone!  Woo Who!!!! :x
There is the AvA there is the DA  both of which you  can change sides anytime you want
Flying since tour 71.

Offline WWhiskey

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Re: Request for MidWar time change
« Reply #49 on: March 29, 2011, 07:11:46 AM »
would be interesting to see a population trend graph for MidWar.  Far fewer people in there today than a year ago.  Far fewer people in there a year ago than three years ago.  In another year you should be down to WW1 levels.

I doubt if HTC would change the timer.  I hope they do though.  We need more F L E X I B I L I T Y to combat the weak sisters.
  around 400 use mid war arena  give or take 50 as of last month
the second month it was open more than 750 used it  since then it stays between 350 and 500 
Flying since tour 71.

Offline Alpo

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Re: Request for MidWar time change
« Reply #50 on: March 29, 2011, 07:23:25 AM »
you saved the arena you now set in alone!  Woo Who!!!! :x

Conversely... you reset the arena with little or no opposition  Woo Who!!!!  :x

SkyKnights Fighter Group -CO-
R.I.P.  SKDenny 02/03/1940 - 02/19/2012


Offline EskimoJoe

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Re: Request for MidWar time change
« Reply #51 on: March 29, 2011, 07:23:52 AM »
Can I have the time back I wasted reading the first, second, and fourth
pages of this thread?

Put a +1 on your geekness atribute  :aok

Offline WWhiskey

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Re: Request for MidWar time change
« Reply #52 on: March 29, 2011, 07:25:08 AM »
Conversely... you reset the arena with little or no opposition  Woo Who!!!!  :x

I haven't reset the arena in a long time  I don't think i have seen you in there at all tho!  guess i will go see if you are there!
Flying since tour 71.

Offline Saxman

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Re: Request for MidWar time change
« Reply #53 on: March 29, 2011, 07:39:23 AM »
Here's another idea: Bring back the side numbers caps in Mid War. If any one side has X number more players than the next smaller country, they can't take off at all until the sides are closer in balance. If possible set it as a % so it adjusts with the population size (IE, 50%). That will enforce balanced numbers. And if balanced numbers bring back actual fights as Seadog claims (personally, my experience has been otherwise. You just get balanced numbers milkrunning a different undefended base) that will force the balance necessary to generate fights.
Ron White says you can't fix stupid. I beg to differ. Stupid will usually sort itself out, it's just a matter of making sure you're not close enough to become collateral damage.

Offline Yeager

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Re: Request for MidWar time change
« Reply #54 on: March 29, 2011, 09:37:20 AM »
 around 400 use mid war arena  give or take 50 as of last month
the second month it was open more than 750 used it  since then it stays between 350 and 500  
I would be more interested to see the daily trend not the number of people who score over a month.  From my perspective 35-40 people prime time eve pacific (minus Tuesdays) used to be about average.  The past year that average is down to around 15-20.  The past few months we are lucky to log into MW eve pacific time to find anymore than 10-12 people and most of those are bish rolling the awesome undefended bases (edited for niceness).  The past few weeks there have been 0-1 rooks on, 2-3 nits and 7-8 bish.  MW is going through another death cycle.  Each rebound is weaker and weaker.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2011, 09:48:35 AM by Yeager »
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Offline flatiron1

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Re: Request for MidWar time change
« Reply #55 on: March 29, 2011, 11:15:04 AM »
bring back the playmates

Offline WWhiskey

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Re: Request for MidWar time change
« Reply #56 on: March 29, 2011, 11:50:58 AM »
bring back the playmates
there are still a few in there. 
Flying since tour 71.

Offline Yeager

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Re: Request for MidWar time change
« Reply #57 on: March 29, 2011, 12:07:37 PM »
there are still a few in there. 
ya what the hell happened to you guys? wheres rodent and alpha/w crew?
"If someone flips you the bird and you don't know it, does it still count?" - SLIMpkns

Offline grizz441

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Re: Request for MidWar time change
« Reply #58 on: March 29, 2011, 12:09:30 PM »
What's the current wait time in mid war?  An hour?

Offline Seadog36

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Re: Request for MidWar time change
« Reply #59 on: March 29, 2011, 12:36:51 PM »
What's the current wait time in mid war?  An hour?

Yup, just an hr.