Author Topic: wat ever happended to pilots with honor  (Read 20029 times)

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: wat ever happended to pilots with honor
« Reply #390 on: March 29, 2012, 04:46:51 PM »
Except it's ultimately subjective.  Based on what I've seen from you, your idea of an honorable fight is probably along the lines of you up your plane of choice, your opponent ups his plane of choice, and it's 1v1 to the death, no HO on first merge.

Why is that more correct than if my plane of choice happens to be a Hurri 1 and I don't believe it's honorable for my opponent to fly his LA7 because he's got such a clear equipment advantage?


You might be able to call the first fight an "honorable" fight, but it has nothing to do with whether the people involved in the fight are honorable.

The honorable thing to do in the Hurri 1 fight verses the LA is to give your best fight using the best attributes of your plane. Winning or losing isn't that important, but giving it your best is. An honorable person would give his best even if out matched, which I'm sure INK would have done facing the LA.

Honor isn't something you assign to a fight, plane, or battle, its a personal thing assigned to people. Some people think a HO is a good shot, if it's there they take it, thinking you gave it to them they "earned" it.

Firefighters rescuing people, dads going into a burning house to save their kids, strangers helping car accident victims, soldiers protecting our country, medics responding quickly as possible to a situation, mangers hiring vets, kids volunteering in the community, etc, etc, etc.  

People hitting dogs and driving away, people finding money on the floor at a store by the cash register just pocket it in stead of asking around. People parking in handicap spots, people who have handicap cards who don't need them for themselves, but are for other family members but park in the handicap spots anyway. Insurance companies and many lawyers. People killing mothers who help others with car problems ( see the case in Maine this week). Managers refusing to hire someone due to race, creed, color, or having a record. Kids bullying other kids, breaking windows and other vandalism because its "cool" or "fun"  etc, etc, etc.

I can list far more people with little or no honor than you could that have good honor. The world is a much sadder place these days, ask someone from Pakistan.

Offline Wiley

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Re: wat ever happended to pilots with honor
« Reply #391 on: March 29, 2012, 05:08:59 PM »
You might be able to call the first fight an "honorable" fight, but it has nothing to do with whether the people involved in the fight are honorable.

The honorable thing to do in the Hurri 1 fight verses the LA is to give your best fight using the best attributes of your plane. Winning or losing isn't that important, but giving it your best is. An honorable person would give his best even if out matched, which I'm sure INK would have done facing the LA.

I agree.  There are those who wouldn't though.

I personally believe you're responsible for the choices you make in the game.  If you're in a lower end plane, you don't get to whine about somebody in a better plane beating you.  You chose to fly it, you live with the consequences.  If you wind up surrounded by bandits and get ganged, my viewpoint is you put yourself in that situation.  You flew into a cloud of bandits, or stayed too long after your buddies were killed, you live with the outcome.  Nobody forced you to up into the ongoing vulch at your deacked airfield.

I don't vulch unless my side is actively trying to take the base and I'm trying to protect a friendly bomber/goon.  I'm not particularly fond of vulching purely for score, but that's just me.  Bomb and bail or porking a field and suiciding in the ack/augering are bad form as well to me.  There are many people who don't see anything wrong with those tactics.

Honor isn't something you assign to a fight, plane, or battle, its a personal thing assigned to people. Some people think a HO is a good shot, if it's there they take it, thinking you gave it to them they "earned" it.

And there are a LOT more people who claim people have 'no honor' because they got HOed, even though both sides were maneuvering and they were only 'almost close to getting guns on'.  It's a word that's used as a club by whiners in a most cases.

If you think you are having a 1v1 in the Main Arena, your SA has failed you.


Offline ink

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Re: wat ever happended to pilots with honor
« Reply #392 on: March 29, 2012, 05:09:37 PM »
That's not the point.  My plane of choice is the hurri 1.  I don't want to fly a IIc.  A case can be made it's not honorable of him to fly his LA7 against me.

If you're in your IIC and you see a Hurri 1 bandit, will you attack it?  What if the bandit feels that's not honorable?  Now you're the bad guy in his eyes.

Your arbitrary line isn't the same as everybody else's.

In the real world, we're on the same page.  When it comes to something like a game where nothing is actually lost and anything goes, no matter how strict of a code you follow unless you're acting like some kind of Taoist monk/lawyer hybrid, somebody's going to feel you're acting with 'no honor' and treating them unfairly even if you're giving them every conceivable advantage.


you said it....anything goes....that is the yes he can fly whatever he wants, anything goes, years ago I would get so pissed if say I was already fighting a couple cons and someone else came in and picked......I figured out that anything goes in the MA,  now it don't bother me at all, I can say the only thing that really bugs me is the guy you just easily got behind, for him to run away and come back when you are engaged, and vulchers. even then it does not bother me all that much, for I know that in the MA "anything goes"

I don't believe that those are examples of honor.  Those things are noble.

Honor is, you just broke something in a shop.  Nobody saw you.  You could walk away from it with no ramifications.  Instead, you pick up the pieces and take them to the cash register and offer to pay for the item you broke.

Honor is doing the right thing even when nobody else will ever know or doing the right thing when the other option would be easier and nobody else would ever know..

 I would say Honor more importantly is standing up for your beliefs(if they are noble) even in the face of adversity...Honor is to Die for what you believe in, as long as your beliefs are noble, in other words if you are a rapist/murderer  and the cops/anyone kills you for your deeds you did not die an Honorable death, you died a cur dogs death.

Honor is standing tall in your convictions, especially when you are ridiculed, or speaking the truth even if leads to your death.

midway has no clue what Honor is.

I have put my life on the line for pigeons.....believe it or not, I would have died for those silly birds.

long story short, some convicts were killing pigeons when I was locked up,  I found out and freaked, I made them stop killing those birds, I stood before 5 guys and would have died..except they where not willing to die for it......

how many people do you know, would do what I did in that situation??????

 dont get me wrong I am far from perfect...I have done wrong, sadly mostly against me wife, I know I acted unhonorable in that situation, and regret every moment of it.

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Re: wat ever happended to pilots with honor
« Reply #393 on: March 29, 2012, 05:14:57 PM »
You might be able to call the first fight an "honorable" fight, but it has nothing to do with whether the people involved in the fight are honorable.

The honorable thing to do in the Hurri 1 fight verses the LA is to give your best fight using the best attributes of your plane. Winning or losing isn't that important, but giving it your best is. An honorable person would give his best even if out matched, which I'm sure INK would have done facing the LA.

Honor isn't something you assign to a fight, plane, or battle, its a personal thing assigned to people. Some people think a HO is a good shot, if it's there they take it, thinking you gave it to them they "earned" it.

People hitting dogs and driving away, people finding money on the floor at a store by the cash register just pocket it in stead of asking around. People parking in handicap spots, people who have handicap cards who don't need them for themselves, but are for other family members but park in the handicap spots anyway. Insurance companies and many lawyers. People killing mothers who help others with car problems ( see the case in Maine this week). Managers refusing to hire someone due to race, creed, color, or having a record. Kids bullying other kids, breaking windows and other vandalism because its "cool" or "fun"  etc, etc, etc.

I can list far more people with little or no honor than you could that have good honor. The world is a much sadder place these days, ask someone from Pakistan.

spot on :aok

Offline 321BAR

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Re: wat ever happended to pilots with honor
« Reply #394 on: March 29, 2012, 05:47:17 PM »
no matter how hard you/people try to change the meanings behind these words they transcend us humans, they are unchangeable.

seeing as how we are the ones responsible for all of these i dont see the transcending that you do. especially if honor could have meant a totally different thing if humanity developed thinking bad=good and good=bad. but thats a discussion that can get very philosophical VERY fast... so im gonna stop it here
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Offline ink

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Re: wat ever happended to pilots with honor
« Reply #395 on: March 29, 2012, 05:56:43 PM »
seeing as how we are the ones responsible for all of these i dont see the transcending that you do. especially if honor could have meant a totally different thing if humanity developed thinking bad=good and good=bad. but thats a discussion that can get very philosophical VERY fast... so im gonna stop it here

we(humans) did not come up with those words/ideals......

like you said though, that can lead to a major convo that is not allowed.

Offline 321BAR

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Re: wat ever happended to pilots with honor
« Reply #396 on: March 29, 2012, 05:57:54 PM »
we(humans) did not come up with those words/ideals......

like you said though, that can lead to a major convo that is not allowed.
well iirc philosophy is allowed as long as its not political or religious :aok but i kid :lol
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Offline Oldman731

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Re: wat ever happended to pilots with honor
« Reply #397 on: March 29, 2012, 09:24:00 PM »
If you're in your IIC and you see a Hurri 1 bandit, will you attack it?  

If you do, you're making a big mistake.

- oldman (IIC is a pig) (but this metaphysical discussion on the AH BBS is pretty kewl)

Offline Helm

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Re: wat ever happended to pilots with honor
« Reply #398 on: March 30, 2012, 10:54:34 AM »
Holy necro-bump Batman!! ...this topic is from july  2011? ......why dredge this thing up?

Helm ...out
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Offline LilMak

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Re: wat ever happended to pilots with honor
« Reply #399 on: March 30, 2012, 12:20:09 PM »
I have my own personal honor code.

I won't HO you on the first pass if I'm not already engaged. If you come screaming into my face when I'm already in a fight, I'll let my .50s fly.

If there is more than one guy attacking you, I won't engage unless you try to attack me. I'll usually let 1 on 1s go unless my teammate asks for help. About the only time you'll find me in a gang is when I get "help" I didn't ask for.

I will NEVER kill you when your planes wheels are on concrete.
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P-47 pilot 56th Fighter Group.

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Re: wat ever happended to pilots with honor
« Reply #400 on: March 30, 2012, 12:22:59 PM »
I have my own personal honor code.

I won't HO you on the first pass if I'm not already engaged. If you come screaming into my face when I'm already in a fight, I'll let my .50s fly.

If there is more than one guy attacking you, I won't engage unless you try to attack me. I'll usually let 1 on 1s go unless my teammate asks for help. About the only time you'll find me in a gang is when I get "help" I didn't ask for.

I will NEVER kill you when your planes wheels are on concrete.

+1 as a witness to his flying, as both a victim and a teammate.  One guy I'd fly with anytime.
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Offline Midway

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Re: wat ever happended to pilots with honor
« Reply #401 on: March 30, 2012, 12:28:05 PM »
I have my own personal honor code.Me too

I won't HO you on the first pass if I'm not already engaged. If you come screaming into my face when I'm already in a fight, I'll let my .50s fly.I won't HO you as Midway, but it is an occasional possibility as Kojami.

If there is more than one guy attacking you, I won't engage unless you try to attack me. I'll usually let 1 on 1s go unless my teammate asks for help. About the only time you'll find me in a gang is when I get "help" I didn't ask for.If they're red they're dead.  If 1 on 1 and con looks like he's gonna die, I won't engage.

I will NEVER kill you when your planes wheels are on concrete. I will.  See previous rule.  :devil

Mine. :D

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Offline Wiley

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Re: wat ever happended to pilots with honor
« Reply #402 on: March 30, 2012, 12:33:21 PM »
I would say Honor more importantly is standing up for your beliefs(if they are noble) even in the face of adversity...Honor is to Die for what you believe in, as long as your beliefs are noble,

Ok...  I believe I understand what you're saying, and I agree.  You're looking at 'honor' as being a part of your beliefs, but not completely connected to them.  In other words, it's possible for 2 people to have differing beliefs in what's right and wrong (to a certain degree, as long as those beliefs are noble) but they both have the same amount of honor if they stand up for them with the same conviction.

That's something I can agree with.  In a nutshell, you're basically saying honor is the opposite of hypocrisy if I'm reading you right.

If you think you are having a 1v1 in the Main Arena, your SA has failed you.


Offline Nathan60

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Re: wat ever happended to pilots with honor
« Reply #403 on: March 30, 2012, 12:52:39 PM »
Holy necro-bump Batman!! ...this topic is from july  2011? ......why dredge this thing up?

Helm ...out

It was explained in the 3rd post after the  bump.
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Offline ink

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Re: wat ever happended to pilots with honor
« Reply #404 on: March 30, 2012, 04:54:38 PM »
I have my own personal honor code.

I won't HO you on the first pass if I'm not already engaged. If you come screaming into my face when I'm already in a fight, I'll let my .50s fly.

If there is more than one guy attacking you, I won't engage unless you try to attack me. I'll usually let 1 on 1s go unless my teammate asks for help. About the only time you'll find me in a gang is when I get "help" I didn't ask for.

I will NEVER kill you when your planes wheels are on concrete.


Ok...  I believe I understand what you're saying, and I agree.  You're looking at 'honor' as being a part of your beliefs, but not completely connected to them.  In other words, it's possible for 2 people to have differing beliefs in what's right and wrong (to a certain degree, as long as those beliefs are noble) but they both have the same amount of honor if they stand up for them with the same conviction.

That's something I can agree with.  In a nutshell, you're basically saying honor is the opposite of hypocrisy if I'm reading you right.


never looked at it like that, but ya hypocrisy is not something a man of honor would do,  to the point he would not associate with someone who practiced it....... or should I say, lived by it.