Lusche, show me where to find statistics on the use of 110's for attack purposes.
OK wrongway.
110: The P-47's have equivelant or higher ENY values combined with much improved survivability. The 110 is also hard to fly in a furball, due to the "moin, moin... moin" effect it causes among the enemy. I enjoy taking the 110 out to a fight every now and then (as do some of my friends). I'd like to see more of a reward for flying a 110 into the middle of a furball, and making kills before I'm dragged down. But now its: What, I only got .8 perks for those 2 kills? Damn fights not that good, why the hell am I flying this crate?
Other aircraft that can do what the 110 does and do it better have higher ENY (20 for the P-47D40, 15 for the 38L)
Brewster: The brewster took away the advantage that carrier aircraft had: manuverability. Before, a CV could launch the most manuverable plane in the game (A6M). Now the brewster not only out turns the zeke, but out dives, out zooms, and out climbs it. Its also less prone to the fuel fires that A6M's are.
P-38J: When ENY climbs, people just go from the 38L to the 38J, and suffer no adverse affects besides the loss of 4 rockets. The D40 at least is slower than the P-47N, but the 38J is identicle in preformance to the L model.
Ta-152: Its quite average down low where most of the fights are. And the 109K4 or 190A8 are superior interceptors below 15K. The result is a relative lack of use for one of the better planes in the set, and a former perk aircraft.