Did you convert that? all I saw was 590km at 5500m. I didnt convert it but I think it's close to what you posted.
I take it thats at Mil and not a wep rating? my german is next to none. Did you see an ATA rating anywheres,it escaped me.
Heya Morph,
Yes, I did convert that. 590 km/h = 366 mph exactly, according to the web converter I used, I think I took the altitude to be 6,350m = 20,833 feet.
On page 9 of the docco, below the table which gives speed at alt and time to alt, there's the sentence "Die angegebenen Leistungen sind mit Kampfleistung (1,3 Ladedruck und 2,500 U/min) geflogen." Translates as: "The performance figures listed were flown with Military Power (1.3 [ata] boost and 2,500 rpm)."
On page 10, where the graphs are, there is a handwritten title on the right-hand side, running top to bottom. It reads "Flugleistungen mit Steig- u. Kampfleistung (n = 2500 U/min, 1,3 ata) bei verschied. Startgewicht". Translates as "Flight Performance at Climb and Combat Power (2,500 rpm, 1.3 ata) at various weights."
As described at the bottom of page 9, the weights are 11.3 tonnes (ie. 11,300 kg) and 9.5 tonnes. The former is the maximum permissible takeoff weight, and the latter is an average return-flight weight. That paragraph goes on to say that extermal bombs (4x50kg) knock around 10 km/h off the speeds, and that the figures were flown with the Me 410 A-1 and are valid for the A-1/U-2 U/4, A-2 and A-3, so long as they are not equipped with external tanks or air-to-air mortars.