Author Topic: Components of fighter score...  (Read 8761 times)

Offline Kovel

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Re: Components of fighter score...
« Reply #135 on: November 29, 2011, 10:44:20 AM »
I think all the Kovel is saying (and I've thought the same thing myself) is that hitting with 5% of your bullets, isn't statistically different than hitting with 7% of you bullets. IT's difficult to make an argument that if player B had landed an extra 2 out of 100 bullets, his other stats would improve.

So one could argue that a statistically irrelevant change in hit percentage, can make the difference between being 114th and 50th.  While it is a side effect of flying K4  (or other 30mm planes) that your hit percentage goes up (because those pilots learn to fire from very close range) it can't be said that every 2% difference in hit% was created by employing better ACM to get in close.

I think he makes an effective point that hit% could be over rated as a "who's the best pilot" indicator.  But even acknowleging that, I'd leave it the way it is.  :salute

VINKMAN thax for explaining that much better than me  :aok

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Re: Components of fighter score...
« Reply #136 on: November 29, 2011, 10:56:06 AM »
I think all the Kovel is saying (and I've thought the same thing myself) is that hitting with 5% of your bullets, isn't statistically different than hitting with 7% of you bullets. IT's difficult to make an argument that if player B had landed an extra 2 out of 100 bullets, his other stats would improve.

So one could argue that a statistically irrelevant change in hit percentage, can make the difference between being 114th and 50th.  While it is a side effect of flying K4  (or other 30mm planes) that your hit percentage goes up (because those pilots learn to fire from very close range) it can't be said that every 2% difference in hit% was created by employing better ACM to get in close.

I think he makes an effective point that hit% could be over rated as a "who's the best pilot" indicator.  But even acknowleging that, I'd leave it the way it is.  :salute

And your looking it as that 2 percent is an over all marker. It isn't, it is "as compared to". If you have 20 people tied for the same spot ANY change "as compared to" the other 20 is going to cause a jump.

You have to remember that a 2 percent increase doesn't mean YOU are that much better, but you might be a lot better than the other players and that is where the change is.

Offline Vinkman

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Re: Components of fighter score...
« Reply #137 on: November 29, 2011, 01:02:56 PM »
And your looking it as that 2 percent is an over all marker. It isn't, it is "as compared to". If you have 20 people tied for the same spot ANY change "as compared to" the other 20 is going to cause a jump.

You have to remember that a 2 percent increase doesn't mean YOU are that much better, but you might be a lot better than the other players and that is where the change is.

I get that Fugitive. The numbers are the numbers. Kovel is making the point that if a stat becomes a disproportionate discriminator in rank, compared to its required difference in skill or how well you played, then perhaps it should be 'weighted' to bring those in proportion.    

To further that point when you look at all the stats, hit percentage is the easiest to get a big movement in rank on. It's hard to kill more Bandits, or to not get killed. But most pilots only think of how they are using their ammo in terms of running out. To ensure a kill, you may choose to shoot early and often (skip the discussion about allerting enemies to your presence, not talking about that trade off here.), or hold down the trigger a little extra just to be sure. You'll shoot at guys just to turn them for someone else, etc. You'll spray some troops, or shoot at a gv for the hell of it. If your in Fighter mode, these are hit% killers.

But if you  are a little more careful about tossing bullets around, you can move your number a couple of percentage points. As Lusche has shown, a couple of points can move your number up a lot [until you reach the knee of the curve]. And that number can move your rank quite a bit. You won't find an easier way to improve your rank than getting carefull with a few percentage of your bullets.  Try it.  :salute
« Last Edit: November 29, 2011, 03:03:09 PM by Vinkman »
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Re: Components of fighter score...
« Reply #138 on: November 29, 2011, 01:37:00 PM »
The problem , Lusche is that you fighter score will take a big hit with much different guns on your plane , I do not have the time to do the math , but the K/D should have much more impact than the hit%.

You can always map which guns to have on your trigger. When I fly a tater plane I shoot only taters, when taters are gone it's time to go.

Tater tossers will always have better hit%, take the k4 it has 65 rounds of taters IF you land with 6 kill and say you hit each kill with just 1 tater (which is probably not the case) and you expended all your taters in this sortie then you'll have 10% hit% This skews hit% cause it's not that difficult to become good at tossing taters. I too think hit% weighs to heavily with score.

Get rid of hit% as one of the "score measurements" and add ENY as one  :aok :aok

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Re: Components of fighter score...
« Reply #139 on: November 29, 2011, 06:14:20 PM »
I think all the Kovel is saying (and I've thought the same thing myself) is that hitting with 5% of your bullets, isn't statistically different than hitting with 7% of you bullets. IT's difficult to make an argument that if player B had landed an extra 2 out of 100 bullets, his other stats would improve.

So one could argue that a statistically irrelevant change in hit percentage, can make the difference between being 114th and 50th.  While it is a side effect of flying K4  (or other 30mm planes) that your hit percentage goes up (because those pilots learn to fire from very close range) it can't be said that every 2% difference in hit% was created by employing better ACM to get in close.

I think he makes an effective point that hit% could be over rated as a "who's the best pilot" indicator.  But even acknowleging that, I'd leave it the way it is.  :salute

Actually, that 2% increase is significant, because it means player B is showing a 40% improvement in accuracy over player A...

Even a 20% Hit% is just plain gawdawful, terrible statistically, lol!  Then again, it's 4x better than the guy with only 5%. 

In the end though, any of the components that go into any of the ranks could be seen as over-rated when it comes to weighting.  I've essentially said the same thing when it comes to K/D, K/S, and K/T.  IMO, it's far too easy to raise those with help from other players, so they certainly aren't necessarily an accurate measure of INDIVIDUAL skill when it comes to INDIVIDUAL rank.

Sorry, my router died, so I've been without internet the last few days.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2011, 06:19:47 PM by mtnman »

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Re: Components of fighter score...
« Reply #140 on: November 29, 2011, 06:55:56 PM »
I personally feel the most important aspect of being a good fighter pilot in AH is The ability to hit.

absolutely more important then anything else :aok

now If  I could just learn to hit :bhead

Offline TeeArr

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Re: Components of fighter score...
« Reply #141 on: November 29, 2011, 09:06:11 PM »
So basically what it boils down to is Rank doesn't matter?

Offline mtnman

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Re: Components of fighter score...
« Reply #142 on: November 29, 2011, 10:09:39 PM »
So basically what it boils down to is Rank doesn't matter?

I don't think that was ever in question  :D

"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not". Thomas Jefferson

Offline mtnman

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Re: Components of fighter score...
« Reply #143 on: November 29, 2011, 10:10:46 PM »
I personally feel the most important aspect of being a good fighter pilot in AH is The ability to hit.

Without that, it's just flying around, right?

"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not". Thomas Jefferson

Offline Vinkman

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Re: Components of fighter score...
« Reply #144 on: November 30, 2011, 06:46:01 AM »
Actually, that 2% increase is significant, because it means player B is showing a 40% improvement in accuracy over player A...

Only a guy selling something looks to the rate of change of blips in the noise floor and discribes them as 'significant changes'.  ;)  :salute

I will only buy that if he's killing 40% more planes with the 40% greater hit percentage. If he's not killing anymore planes, than it's proof that the 2% difference in actual percent, and hence the 40% relative comparison, are irrelevant. 
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Re: Components of fighter score...
« Reply #145 on: November 30, 2011, 08:03:49 AM »
Without that, it's just flying around, right?

or like i allways say, good flying doesen't kill the con! You have to hit him. For squadrons like us LDs based on Wing tactics, a good hit ratio is the base of the trust to each other!
So beside going RTB represented by a good K/D the hit% is the most important score too me

« Last Edit: November 30, 2011, 10:19:03 AM by dhyran »

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Re: Components of fighter score...
« Reply #146 on: November 30, 2011, 09:52:21 AM »
is the commercial break over? :)
now posting as SirNuke

Offline Vinkman

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Re: Components of fighter score...
« Reply #147 on: November 30, 2011, 10:59:37 AM »
So to test the theories, and see if hit percent can be gamed I'm going to try an experiment.

I've done a rough calculation of my bullet count based on ammo loads fromthe various planes I've flown this tour and a swag at the number of sorties in each plane.

I figure I've fired ~97,000 rounds and landed ~5700 of them. Assuming ground targets count has hits in Fighter Mode, I'm going to take up a P-51 0r P-47 and fly to a remote base with a shore battery. I will pump all my ammo into the shore battery. Assuming I can land 50% of the rounds, a single sortie should raise my hit percentage from 5.94 to 7.66%

Susequent runs will generate the following changes.

second sortie  7.66% to 8.49%
third sortie      8.49% to 9.31%
Fourth sortie   9.31%  to  10.11%

Then we'll see how much my hit% rank changes, and fighter rank changes.

My current scores:

                                 Score                          Rank   
Kills per Death + 1         1.37                            660
Kills per Sortie               0.93                           555
Kills per Hour of Flight     5.40                           441
Kills Hit Percentage        5.94                            688
Kill Points                     21937.67                     136

Ok let's see what happens.
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Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Components of fighter score...
« Reply #148 on: November 30, 2011, 11:06:49 AM »
Ground targets supply count as misses while in fighter mode. That why some people won't straf buildings

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Re: Components of fighter score...
« Reply #149 on: November 30, 2011, 11:53:36 AM »
easiest way to game hit% is attack bombers

Without that, it's just flying around, right?

