What distance do you normally cross/break off at? I am usually around 100-150yds. If the gunner can get himself in the correct gun slot before my slash my plane is pretty large regardless of my angle. Lots of oil and radiator leaks.
I don't normally break off? I slash right through the formation, and I'm often extremely close to colliding (although I cannot recall ever actually hitting?).
I fire as I hit 400 yards or so, and continue until I'd start missing if I continued to hold the trigger, aiming for the rear of the cockpit. Once I see hits there I generally switch to the right wing root to set it afire. If my hands and feet are discombobulated I might shoot for the left wing root instead though. I'd bet 70% or better of the bombers I hit start burning on the right wing root though.
In my mind, my perfect attack starts above and slightly in front. I dive at a point slightly in the lead of the right drone, and begin leveling my dive at about 600yds out. I fire as I pass through or
very slightly behind the formation, and generally will be level at a point about 600 in front of the lead bomber, and around 1000ft (but not more) underneath him, flying to the same rough heading he is. I'll maintain that level attitude until I'm 600-800yds from him (slightly out of guns range, for the most part), at which time I'll begin my zoom, gaining alt and getting out in front again. At the top of my zoom, I will either roll or loop back down on him, whichever method sets me up for a near-vertical dive at his cockpit again.
I never settle for a six attack, but will stay level at the top if I need to to get back out in front again.
What I'm hoping for is to only really offer my target a shot as I approach with his top turret (I'm too far forward for his tail gun, and too centered to present much of a shot from the waist guns). I'm only going to be within firing range of that turret for a second or so, before I pass beneath him. Beneath him, I'm only in view of his bottom turret, but by the time he gets to it I'm too far forward and/or beginning to go up. He'll have to switch to his nose turret for that, but I'm out of range now...
In my mind, I'm making him switch between guns to track me, but giving him little time to acquire me in those positions before I move out of range. I don't know if they really do that though

I do know they fire at me as I dive, and spray at me as I zoom back up in front, but that they seldom hit me

This is another film that shows basically the same thing. Two groups of buffs, Saber takes the easy ones I take the hard ones

I edited the voice out, but the jist of it was "you take those ones, and leave mine alone!".
6 buffs with Saber!.ahfIt really is a "cookie-cutter" technique, with some slight alterations depending upon how much height and speed I have, etc. I have the patience of a rock though, so I don't mind climbing into position if I need to. After all, I'd like them to get the idea that going high won't keep them safe

Once you have this down bombers are just bonus kills for the most part.
I'm sure you don't really need any guidance though Grizz! You do just fine already!