Author Topic: I must think diferently than all of you  (Read 2126 times)

Offline sax

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« Reply #15 on: April 06, 2001, 12:15:00 AM »
Squelch is all the power I need to tune somebody out.

I flew once with Nath, and my only experiance with him was ok.

Yea he could run off verbally,,I just squelch him if it bothered me.

I hope he and HT work it out and Nath comes back.


A fool is the man who trys for the better before securing the best.

Offline Thirdup

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« Reply #16 on: April 06, 2001, 12:46:00 AM »
I seem to recall Hitec asking Nath to cool it the night before.  Pity to see anyone banned, but only fool will tease a dog until it bites him.

Offline LePaul

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« Reply #17 on: April 06, 2001, 12:49:00 AM »

So we are supposed to feel bad that Nath got himself banned?  Oh please, he did this to himself.

Let me guess, OJ is innoncent too?  

I was there, perhaps that's why my feelings in this matter are what they are.  Sorry man, the guy got what he deserved.  I'm not out to change anyones mind on the matter but just state the guy went above and beyond reasonable behavior and was busted.  If you got a problem with that, well, too bad    Re-read the user agreement, call Johnny Cochran and go find a loophole  

Paul J. Busiere

Aces High Arena handle:  BD5Pilot
BD-5 "T" (TurboProp) 90% complete, first flight in 2001 (We hope!)

Offline paintmaw

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« Reply #18 on: April 06, 2001, 01:19:00 AM »
Didn't know nath was 86'ed too , I think this is a new HT syndrome " I am god , this is my game " Syndrome . Watch your 6 guys , you may be next. Didn't this happen to the jews once ?

Offline Zigrat

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« Reply #19 on: April 06, 2001, 01:50:00 AM »
jesus paintmaw that was bellybutton stupid a comment as any nath ever said

comparing the holocaust to people getting booted from a game? sick  

Offline StSanta

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« Reply #20 on: April 06, 2001, 01:56:00 AM »

From your post, I get the distinct feeling of schadefrau - being happy about the mishaps of others.

Whatever rocks your boat, I guess.

Baron Claus "StSanta" Von Ribbentroppen
Staffelkapitän 9./JG 54 "Grünherz"
"If you return from a mission with a victory, but without your Rottenflieger, you have lost your battle."
- D. Hrabak, JG 54 "Grünherz"


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« Reply #21 on: April 06, 2001, 04:28:00 AM »
What Zigrat said, and a bit more.
We are serious customers paying monthly a considerable amount of money (even for months we dont play a single hour). LePaul, in your example, was that marksman stone-firing child paying for the entire house (not only the windows) each month?

We are not a bunch of drunk friends messing up somebody else house. And we, in general, are not inmature childs.

I think the process to ban customers should be considerabily more serious than just some warning messages in the ch 1 and then executing the ban. I think that because I'm also used to deal with customer (automation software provider) and just cant imagine myself acting that way with them, and believe ne, I've been "internally" wanting to nuke them more than twice.

And a second point. HT, wisely, has given us a weapon to fight people flooding ch 1 with no desirable messages: squelch command.

And my last point. If some customer is caught attacking furiously another one. He should be adviced, emailed, notified and then, if that kind of conduct persists, banned. But if a customer is just protesting for some game feature in the general ch, that is, IMO,  perfectly legal. I cant talk for the rest of you, but I'll never be offended is someone keep sending messages about the BS that the roll rate of 109 is compared to 190 over'n over (for example).

All the previous comments apply only to customers, not to free trial period players.

Well as all of you can see, my english capabilities are getting degraded at an alarming rate  

Offline paintmaw

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« Reply #22 on: April 06, 2001, 04:42:00 AM »
Zigshit , what is your problem ?? what I ment was a few guys do things or say things someone doesn't like so they are disposed of . Some people in here just look for a reason to jump down a guys throat . YES YOU ZIGRAT


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« Reply #23 on: April 06, 2001, 04:53:00 AM »
I think it's taken HTC too long to crack down.  There used to be a much more pleasant atmosphere on the boards, and in the arena, with some give and take from HTC.  Why?  Because players showed common courtesy and respect that are expected when you are interacting with real people.  For the last nine months or so I have seen a great increase in vulgar and angry complaining about things, with personal references to the programmers, and a general lack of respect for others.  

It's pretty hard for HTC to have a dialogue with us when people don't show them the common respect you would show a complete stranger on the street.  Some of the stuff I have read directed at them, if somebody said it to me to my face, I'd probably slug them.  That's just no way to run a business, to let that kind of crap go on in your shop.  People, if a computer game is driving you to behave in that manner, you need to find another hobby.  PERIOD.

Now I don't know what Nath said to get ejected.  So I am no way endorsing this particular ejection.  I was not there and I have absolutely no idea what transpired.  And since Nath is probably not able to defend himself on this board, I don't think any criticism of his character is fair play.

However I do support HTC in attempting to remove people from the community who detract from it.  It is a real problem and I know for a fact that it has cost them customers, and hampered their relationship with those customers who treat other players like human beings.

[This message has been edited by funked (edited 04-06-2001).]

Offline Hokum79

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« Reply #24 on: April 06, 2001, 05:34:00 AM »
Paintmaw did you actually READ Zigrat's post (only comment, not been there, not knowing anything)


Offline R4M

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« Reply #25 on: April 06, 2001, 05:36:00 AM »
One thing is to say that AH has lots of problems,bugs or whatever. Fleet acks, Buffs megaflux-nonblockedbyairframe-autoaiming guns and laser-guided bombs, UFO niks, Lazer CHogs, etc. All that is in Aces high and detracts from realism and joy for some (most) of us. Other thing is to call HTC names. The first is (IMO) perfectly allowable, the second is not.

WHile I say that AH is way way under what it could be, and sometimes I may seem slamming the game (while I'm not), I've always kept both the respect and the courtesy with HTC. I'm sure you will never ever see me BSing HT in the Main arena or Pyro in the forums, or the inverse. And of course Yankee, Ronni, Superfly and NAtedog either.

I've been one of the most, if not the most, vocal member of Aces High regarding what I think are the "black spots" of the game. I've insisted a lot on many things one and twice and thousand times. I know I got a bit too insistent, but I always kept two things on mind

1-My love for AH
2-My full respect for the crew who created it.

I had a time where I reacted very violently online to anything I didnt like. I've been the protagonist of one of the biggest personal BSing in aces high (Renfield-vs-RAM). I'm not proud of either two, but everything serves to learn. And I bet that since back in november you haven't seen me squeaking (too much   ) online. As much as some people can laugh, the handle change was very very good for me, because it teached me to keep the mouth shut online. Not on the forums, though.

Many of you have noticed I've been quite silent in the forums lately. I have my reasons (wich Pyro knows aswell   ). But bassically it turns down into two reasons

1-It simply is not worth for me to try to get AH better when so much people want it to stay as it is right now

2-I'm bored of being flamed   .

Maybe someday I'll stop being tired of the flames and I think its worth that I try to fight for what I think would be better.

Whatever the course of action is, I will always keep a respectful attitude towards HTC.

MANDOBLE, regarding your example of the kid who pays the cristal and the house, if the house owner reserves the right to stop the service AT ANY MOMENT and without FURTHER NOTIFICATION, then the kid should better stop throwing stones at the first warning. Because he can be booted at any moment.

If you dont know what am I referring to, re-read the contract you agree with as you sign up.

I liked Towd. I didnt like NathBDP. I am sorry to see both banned, as it means less quality in the MA. But they both pushed the limits too much, and HTC did exerted the right they had reserved to exert (Spelling) on the contract they include on the signup.

THat doesnt mean I share what HTC has done. I simply say that they had the right to do it, and so noone of us,including the banned people, can complain.

Nath and towd, if you are reading this, do this. Email HTC and get the situation sorted out. Then come with different handles, keep #1 squelched, or in a box wich you can't select (I personally set it up into the #5 box as I dont use in-built RW  ). Fly on your own for a while, fly EVERYTHING you feel like flying and get fun.

DOnt fly for a record not for points. DOnt restrain your flying to a plane type (when I was flying as Ametz I flew everything but the Chog). Switch sides as will. Get fun. If you have something to say, say it so on the forums. But not online.

Took me almost 10 months to realize that as RAM I was not going to learn to behave online. Now, with the casual annoyement and #1 message, I have learnt it more or less and I am trying to get my handle back (hehe hey Ronni, Yankee I've sent 3 emails asking if it can be done for no answer  ).

Both of you can do it too. Just try.

[This message has been edited by R4M (edited 04-06-2001).]

Offline Nash

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« Reply #26 on: April 06, 2001, 05:36:00 AM »

You make this sound like an accident... a slip.

Uhn-uh. Their behavior was not only hostile, juvenile and tedious... It was *embarrassing*. Mishap it most definitely was not. And it was *consistently* embarrassing. To us *all* as AH flyers. To attempt to downplay this on account of their "skill" is to completely miss the boat.

Seeing these new folks come in and just wondering what goes through their minds upon witnessing on a nightly basis the utter crap being spewed forth in the arena...

In the back of my mind I was screaming "No no no -  our community is not really like this(!) - there are alot of fantastic guys here - what you are seeing is an aberration!!". But no. The sad thing is, it aint...

Our community really *IS* like this. It aint an aberration... It is there, constantly, every single time you log in, and it drowns out the decency of the majority of flyers. They are, as is to be expected, a hell of a lot louder than the good that happens in the MA.

And so it goes. And the stupid thing is, as is human nature, that it seems to be so much more easy to jump on that sort of lame bellybutton hostile bandwagon than it is to give a simple <S>.

Not unlike this BBS. For some reason, when ya read a post, it's just... I dunno... it's almost instinctual (because it's so damn easy) to attack someone else's idea than it is to support it. "Aha! He's wrong and I'm gonna show him how wrong he is... and best of all I'm gonna come off like the brilliant Pulitzer Prize winning wannabe stud I am in doing it".

Make no mistake - it's a cop out. The path of least resistance. "I disagree" is so much easier to say. So don't think you are being clever or playing the Devil's advocate.... Not even close. Saying, in essence, "that sucks" is a no brainer. Child's play.

So what happened in the MA was... You'd get these (yes...) punks... You get these punks fillin' every third line of yer buffer fulla ludicrous bile... and the result? You'd have guys (and I *know* you've experienced this)... You get guys on only their 2nd day of flying, *miming* these trash talking dipshits. And they'd make absolutely no sense! You shoot their tail section clean off, for example... unmistakable rear aspect... and they accuse you of being a no skilled dweeb HO'er.

Now... Where could they have possibly gotten that idea from? Worse even - why, with only a day or two under their belts here, would they feel comfortable in saying something like this to us?

You needn't have to look far. It's the norm. It is merely "what is done" here. The way of the MA.


It is total poison. And with every new person who comes into the MA, and who gets a face full of this, we allow this to basically breed. Passed down from a few loud mouthed amazinhunks to a few more individuals receptive enough to think this is acceptable.

And on it goes.

Until, as is so evident, that our sim is so thoroughly overrun by people bent on making our hobby a something that we no longer look forward to as much.

It's a complete joke.

Because... It's unnecessary.

And because... why?! Why do we let this happen? Why is it ok to report someone doing an off-map raid, while we keep our mouths shut when someone is being a total diddlying idiot and wrecking our experience? In a very real sense, it is US who are allowing this to happen.

Squelch? Squelch channel one? What an absolutley rediculous proposition! Why should we cut ourselves off from 2/3 of eachother, 99% of us decent folks,  onnacounta some pimply faced whiny little punk who's taken the radio hostage with his imbecile remarks? diddly that. No way.

Most of you reading this... right now... are old sticks. You know what's up. You know better. Now sure, we can relegate this job to an over-worked 6 person company and have this total toejam storm when they finally *do* act... or we can do it for ourselves. We can establish and maintain the type of environment that we choose to fly in.

*WE* are the community and it is up to *US* to set the standards by which we would like to have people treated here. Simply saying "hey man that aint cool" goes a long way. It just does.

With towd... and with Nath... it really didn't need to come to this. Honestly... It was *us* who allowed this to happen.

So come on... don't be such pushovers. Don't accept this stuff as an unavoidable fact of life. If we want a better environment, it is up to us to speak up and set an example in this community by which we can feel both comfortable in and proud of belonging to.

It is our silent acceptance that allows this BS to fester.

Offline Dawvgrid

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« Reply #27 on: April 06, 2001, 05:45:00 AM »
I´ll back zigrat up all the way,,,PAINtMAW!!!
THAT!! was a sick comparison

Offline R4M

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« Reply #28 on: April 06, 2001, 05:49:00 AM »
Originally posted by Nash:

With towd... and with Nath... it really didn't need to come to this. Honestly... It was *us* who allowed this to happen.

Nash, from personal experience I can tell you. Some VERY RESPECTED members of this community like to MAKE IT HAPPEN by starting the fires they know that will burn well.

Sorry but while most of you here, guys, are real nice people, there is a quite vast percentage who are simply lame m*********rs who have fun with passionate people who can't avoid to bite their baits. And when they do it, then they come with the flametrhower to toast them.

to each one his responsability.

[This message has been edited by R4M (edited 04-06-2001).]

Offline Wardog

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« Reply #29 on: April 06, 2001, 06:00:00 AM »
What a load of BS.......

Nothin wrong with fleet ack, f4us, N1K2 or any other part of AH that i have seen. Most whine because something killed them that wasnt in there control.

Ive flow and fought in fleet ack, i kill f4us, N1K2s and any other damn plane in the arena. The only whiners are the large egos that cant stand dying. Get a grip, please.

if 300 of us have no problems with ack and plane, i wonder why 4 or 5 of you do? Deflate your ego and fly the damn plane.