I request that the perks are split between the arenas, just like score is.
The lower populated minor arenas, particularly the EW, are being heavily abused as 'perk generators' by shade or alternating squaddie killing in high vs low ENY planes.
Even for EW standards, the P-40B (later C) is a very substandard performer. Yet it has been the dominating plane of that arena in 2011, with an overall K/D of 4.32.
But this not because of "better piloting", but because of shade killing abd (more frequently), squaddies taking turn killing each other. Almost all kills by this ENY 40 plane are on the ENY 5 Hurricane, against which the P-40B/C enjoyed an overall K/D of 11.48
A current (Tour 148) example, with he pilot names anonymized
Alpha 18-0 kills in the P40C on Hurri IIC - 10 Beta, 9 Gamma
Beta 10-0 kills in the P40C on Hurri IIC -6 Alpha, 6 Gamma
Delta 18-0 kills in the P40C on B-26C Epsilon
Alpha, Beta, Delta are in the same squad, and obviously taking turns killing each other, generating lot's of perks that can be freely used for 262's and Tempests in the LW, while 'dumber' pilots have to work a lot for that.
Note that this is not an exceptional or isolated example, but one of many similar ones. It goes on like this for tour after tour with many participants. If more detailed information is needed by HTC, I can provide it.
And what above seems to be rather small numbers, it adds up to quite a significant number for the lower populated EW arena.
So for sake of fairness, balance, integrity and a 'healthy gameplay' and this in the minor arenas too, I hereby request to drop the perk connection between the arenas.
Thank you.