Jesus, I saw someone say 36 pages, I have more posts per page set and here on page 11 I can say I stopped reading after page 6...
Holy diddly this went to hell in a handbasket.
I can say this about Skyrock with all honesty, and no reservations, and in public:
I do not defend the drugs, and somewhat suspected other influences on many of our phone conversations. He did what he did, and he alone has to pay the penalty. That penalty involves more than himself. It involves his career, children, family, and some friends.
Some of you may be closer to him, but there have been countless nights either he called me, or I called him just to chat, and 2-3 hours later we said "oops, gotta go to bed". He is the only liberal that will actually intelligently debate with me, sometimes conceding a point I made.
He is a loving father, and cares more about his children than ever shown or explained on any of the open forums. I spoke with him before, near during, and after the incident. He is genuine, and in-person (via phone) truly responsible for his own actions.
When this all went down it was rather fast, and almost everyone jumped on the "bash Skyrock" bandwagon. You only have to search around that time to see the comments by many here, and other forums.
I never said, or will say he is a saint, and I don't condone what he did. I will say I stand by a friend I have. I will trust him as much as I can, support him, and hope for a better future. I know he loves his children, and I know they love him. I know he is a passionate person, and he will move forward in life.
That forward movement will only be decided by his own decisions, and influences from his friends and family. I for one am going to do my best to influence him to live a stable, sober life. I am also going to remind him of things that only the 2 of us know about, and how influential they can be.
Skyrock (I don't like publicly saying your name without permission), I posted privately on the squad forum, but I'll do again openly; need anything, even just to chat the door is open. I hope the best, and keep clean bro. See you in those virtual skies some time. <S>