It doesn't sound like it here, but I could be wrong....
Nothing good is free, and you get what you pay for. I think it's time for the OP to get a job and start paying his bills.
There is nothing in that post that has to do with a first person shooter. Or with the broader future of the game, he only states that the achievement system has no broader implications on gameplay or payment model than what's going on at face value.
HTC has offered a limited version of the game before for free play, and it took a lot of breaches of the security of the game for them to finally decide it wasn't worth the risk. I don't think there's any reason to believe they're categorically against bringing something new to the table which offers free players a taste beyond their two weeks (though I may very well be wrong and I won't say that I definitely believe they're searching for one, whether or not I have a twinkle of memory of HT mentioning something about it).
Hitech has pretty strongly hinted over the past couple of years that they're developing (or at least interested in developing) a first-person-shooter aspect of this game, and as of late the hints suggest have begun to suggest that they've made some actual progress and are drawing nearer to implementation or maybe at least some sort of beta or alpha. I think it's worthless to discuss the merits of this game having an FPS infantry aspect, because I'm fairly certain that it's already in the works.
A first person shooter, combined arms type of war would likely require a much larger player base of grunts and machine gun fodder to offer any kind of decent experience. Offering the first person shooter section of the game, or maybe the whole ground section, for free could practically offer a non-static ground war that could be implemented without the need for developing an AI for it as has been asked for on several occasions in the past. When people are with a certain regularity getting their days ruined by planes and tanks they have an incentive to pay up and get full access. This is hardly the same as offering base models of aircraft and tanks and paying for the better ones, as the ground war and the air war are to a decent extent separate by nature.
Let's dig up some posts...