There you go, someone has done all the work for the buff pilots. Now all you have to do is either make your approaches "upwind" or "downwind", or do a little math using the tables below. Bombing will be a piece of cake again!
Thus, the model is
d = v_c * sqrt(2 * h / 32) * 5280 / 3600,
where d is the distance in feet to the side of the crosshairs the bombs will hit, h is altitude above target in feet, and v_c is the mph of the crosswind component. h is your bomber altitude minus the target altitude. v_c can be obtained from the E6B under "Wind" as the "right cross" or "left cross" crosswind readings.
As an example, here is a table of d at various altitudes assuming a 5 mph crosswind. For a crosswind of v_c (i.e., other than 5 mph), you can calculate d_new as d_table * v_c / 5. Thus, if the crosswind were 10 mph, the d values would be double.
Altitude from target (feet) Time to impact (sec) d (feet)
5000 17.7 130
10000 25.0 183
15000 30.6 224
20000 35.4 259