Must you disparage me in this thread too, Nrshida? 
This thread is about the Bf110c and it's seemingly unreal turning / fighting / maneuvering abilities. 
By chance did you look at any of the stats on the 110C? I think not because if you had you would find your answer.
The 110c with full flaps turns right inbetween the G2 and F4 109's,thats not too far off what the spits can do. I'm not surprized that Juggler can hand you yours in it because it has nothing to do with the plane but the tactics,and no I'm not talking a bout Jugglers tactics I'm talking about yours!
I've never had the privilege to fly with Juggler,well maybe I did as another name but that's another subject.However I have flown with you and tried to show you where you were making poor choices with your BFM. You, like a lot of newer players tend to turn nose down,I guess the speed makes you feel secure but if you understand the energy egg the best turns are done nose up,well the tightest turns.
The 110C is not to be taken lightly, when flown to it's strengths it can give almost any plane a run for the money. Now is this how a real 110C flies,I have no idea as I've never flown 1 and in RL you wouldn't risk doing many of the things we do daily in AH because we dont "DIE".